Hello Sellers,
The Shipping Queue page provides details on all the shipments that you are working on and those you have sent to Amazon, also provides details on a specific shipment sent to Amazon. Receiving times can depend on a number of factors, including time of the year. In addition to that, you can only request an investigation once the shipment is closed. In some cases, the reconciliation date may be extended.
The final receiving process itself has three steps:
• Delivered: Amazon has received information from the carrier that your shipment is ready for delivery, or that it was delivered to the fulfilment centre facility yard but that the fulfilment centre has not yet checked it in.
• Checked in: The trailer your shipment is on has been moved from the facility yard to the dock door and is ready to be unloaded. Checked-in inventory has not yet been through the receiving process.
• Receiving: Amazon has started scanning your shipment ID labels. Units are available for sale as soon as they are received. However, because units may be sent to other fulfilment centres closer to customers, it can take up to 18 days for received units to be available for immediate shipping.
This help page, track your shipments: Shipping queue and shipment summary, has a thorough amount of detail on this topic.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
JiAlex :)