Read onlyHi Everyone please see below
Never used nike logo in my listitng received below voilation
Trademark Logo Misuse NIKE(NIKE) B085CFWQ3M
Your listing is identified as a suspected violation of Amazon’s Intellectual Property Policy. Sellers are responsible to ensure the products they offer for sale comply with all applicable laws, regulations and Amazon policies. Deleting the listing from your inventory will not resolve the violation notice or improve your Account Health.
Why is this happening?
We have taken this measure because we suspect that your listing for this product infringes on the intellectual property of others. The product detail page for this product uses the trademarked logo of another rights owner. We have not been able to confirm that you are authorised to use this trademark on the product detail page. Unauthorised or incorrect use of this trademarked logo is likely to cause confusion as to the source, endorsement or affiliation of the goods. Infringement of a trademark is a violation of Amazon Intellectual Property Policy.
How to address the listing violation?
Products should be listed under the correct brand name intended by the owner of the trademark or the registered brand name. If the brand name for this listing is currently blank or has an invalid name, update the correct or complete brand name.
If you acknowledge the image(s) on the product detail page that contains a trademarked logo belonging to another rights owner, edit the ASIN’s detail page in one of the following ways before appealing:
1. Remove the trademarked logo from all images entirely for example, upload new images to the listing without any trademarked logos (or)
2. Change the brand name to accurately reflect the product and match trademarked logo used on the product detail page (or)
3. Update the detail page to add compatibility terms before the trademarked term, if the product is using the trademarked term to refer to another product, for example, “charger for Kindle E-Reader”, “charger compatible with Kindle E-Reader” or “charger made for Kindle E-Reader”.
Select the below option to resolve the Potential Trademark Logo Misuse Notice
I have updated the listing in compliance with Amazon’s Intellectual Property Policy. The listing no longer misuses a trademarked logo and can now be reviewed for activation.
Can you help please,
Thanks in advance
Hello @Seller_O1oafCl8YUmqh,
Thank you for reaching out.
Did you submit an appeal to this case?
Kind regards,
Hi Julia,
Hope you are well.
i reached out to seller support and account health team and they gave me mixed information. They said you have not used the nike logo so you click the option of my listing is unrelated to the violation reason so i clicked that option instead of appeal as i couldnot figure out what was the exact issue.
please see case id ID 9671560662
and this as well ID 9671496462
my other asin have the similar issue.
Please advise where i have used the nike logo and what are the next steps.