A-Z Claim Fraud


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A-Z Claim Fraud

Hoping someone else is in the same boat to shed some light here..

We started using a courier called ArrowXL (2-Man logistic company in the UK) under their 'Diary' and '48hr' services, as we sell large appliances that require a 2 man lift. Ironically, this is a courier Amazon uses for Seller Flex, and they still can't sort the tracking system out!!!

We have had a major issue with our VTR % as Amazon are not 'recognising' the tracking number as valid, despite entering all the correct details, We opened a case in February 2024 stating the issues we are having and after getting through the generic 'Are you sure you're entering the correct details' 'No special characters' etc.. We got through to an 'escalated' team, who have sent us the standard template message for the last 5 months stating 'We are looking into your issue, we will provide an update shortly. Thankyou for your continued patience'

The VTR% we can live with, as we send some items with UPS that track properly so despite our VTR being below the threshold (Around 70%), we still get the buy box as it is our own brand, and we still get sales as usual, however, our issue stands with Amazon notifying customers that the item is delayed, providing incorrect information, random delivery dates (despite the customers being required to book the delivery in and choosing their own delivery date with the courier prior to the delivery taking place) followed by the message, if you do not receive your item, come back here the next day for a refund. The customers then come through to us with a template message, 'Order x Not received, please provide a full refund for my order'

Most of the time if we get this through we can reply to the customer with the proof of delivery photos from the courier and this is enough to encourage the customer to not defraud us and proceed with an A-Z claim, but some despite seeing the fireplace inside their own home, their signature and a GPS co-ordinate pin dropped on their house from where the photo was taken, all provided by the courier, they still proceed with an A-Z claim.

Unfortunately, as the tracking info is not recognised by Amazon the A-Z claims instantly get approved, and we are debited the full amount plus shipping if applicable. Meaning to date we are in excess of £2,000 down plus the item values because of amazons issue with sorting a carriers tracking details, a carrier that is registered on the confirm shipping tab and is used by their internal Seller Flex program. Not only this, our account health takes an unnecessary hit due to the A-Z claims..

We have appealed every A-Z claim to no avail, sent numerous emails to the MD email requesting an update after the 2 day period no response as advised on the automated reply. Tired of chasing my tail for fraudsters on Amazon where we as sellers don't seem to get any support, or pathway to fight online fraud due to Amazons policies. We provide amazon in excess of £10k per fortnight through sales referral fees incurred through Amazon UK, and they treat us like this?

Order ID's in question:



Any assistance would be appreciated. Anyone have any support ideas? Amazon support mods?






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Tags:A to Z Claims
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Hello @Seller_s9KNnxjDTYNS4

I wanted to follow up on your post. In order for me to have a look, could you please provide me the case ID related to this matter?



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This is the downside of using a carrier whos tracking is not integrated into Amazon. Amazon will tell the customer the item is lost and actively encourage them for a refund.

You will never win an A-Z for this as Amazon support teams just can't see that the item is marked as delivered on Amazon. They are unlikely to look at any tracking information you have.

I doubt very much you will be able to change this behaviour. Many of us have been asking for a long time for Amazon not to do this. On a much smaller financial scale I have issues with some Royal Mail items which Amazon tell the customer they are lost.

I wouldn't hold out any hope that Amazon will integrate Arrow XL tracking into Amazon anytime soon. Is there an alternative integrated courier you can use instead of Arrow XL?

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Im getting 3 a week £175 this week alone. You can tell by tge emails sent they are scammers

Amazon don't help at all even though proof of delivery with the person holding the item or on their door step

Ebay says if delivered with proof its a done deal but scammers have now moved from ebay to Amazon

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