Read onlyBizarrely I struggled to find a category to link this post to and yet I find it highly relevant.
I see posts from moderators all of the time wanting sellers to be engaged with each other and yet the forum policies and rules were changed to suppress dialogue rather than encourage it.
I genuinely want to help on this forum whilst at the same time I want to see posts that could help me further my knowledge on Amazon. Sadly I now see it is a one way street and purely an extension to seller support.
Don't get me wrong, I think the forum is the best place to find answers to those problems that seller support come to help with but all I see now is tag a moderator. Moderators then go away and come back often sorting out the issue but at the same time just drawing a rod for their own backs.
If there is a problem that is affecting all sellers, ie A-Z claims, VTR, things not processing when they should or just a general whinge on price hikes then this is absolutely the place to go. Perhaps trying to get Amazon to change their ways, then absolutely tag a moderator and hopefully a moderator will get involved.
I see moderators now saying, send me your case number, I will look into it and come back with a solution or will chase it up etc. Now it seems like a nice thing to do but what I don't see is a moderator coming back and saying yes we see that the policy point you are highlighting is a complete nonsense, what we will do is contact management and discuss this issue and get back with a proper explanation to why the policy exists or a review of the policy change. That would be nice and perhaps the forum would be more useful and powerful.
Someone posting to the board saying they have a deactivation notice or not getting the buy box and seller support is not listening then tagging a moderator is not a forum at all, it is just another way to divert questions to seller support.
There are now just countless posts with moderator tags of posters that never actually have any intention of engaging with the forum just want another avenue for escalating a support case.
The more forum moderators take on an issue, the more requests they get, the time when they don't do it, you then get the poster saying, why are you not answering me but everyone else. What do you have to do to prompt a moderator response.
Wonder what your thought are on this @Julia_Amzn, @Spencer_Amazon.
My thoughts are that they should be training up forum mods/support people who can actually help with the dozens of new posts every day, many of which NEVER get a response from anyone, even if mods are tagged, so that the forum becomes more of seller support than the ACTUAL proper SS is (!), because of their useless responses, much of the time !! - and that those trained people can actually DO something, not just pass on to another team.
I would like to seem them collating the responses and feeding back to someone who cares/can do something.
We all see when something big is happening eg: VAT reports, GPRS etc.
Not only would this be beneficial for us, but it’s also incredibly valuable information for Amazon. If Amazon leveraged it effectively, they would have a great opportunity to stay ahead of the curve.
While Amazon can currently afford to be complacent, that won’t always be the case. As a seller, I can’t speak on Amazon’s internal culture, but from my perspective, I see that the customer-centric approach is being weakened by inaccurate and misleading listings, and the fact that we’re all subsidising scammers means honest customers are losing out. Just to mention a few things.
I wish I could feel so positive as you about mods 'often sorting out the issue'. Moderators have jumped on threads about an ongoing problem I have whereby I cannot list products because Amazon lists them under a totally incorrect brand which I am "not authorised" to sell; having promised to help and asked me multiple times for case IDs etc. which I have duly provided, they then just melt away, leaving the issue unresolved (as it still is). As far as I am concerned there is no support whatsoever from Amazon themselves and any issue that arises you just have to tolerate. @Julia_Amzn @Spencer_Amazon
I do agree that the forum is becoming another avenue to get through to Seller Support and that’s probably not what it is there for but I think the reason for this is that Seller Support, the A-Z team, Feedback Manager, Account Health Support and other such departments are not fit for purpose.
Many sellers are small businesses and when there’s an issue that is effecting their accounts what may seem trivial to us may be having a major impact to that seller. If the seller then contacts Seller Support and the response they receive is an automated message or a copy and paste of a help page that doesn’t in anyway address their problems then they are put in a desperate position and the natural reaction to this is to try and get help from anywhere they possibly can. Of course this is not ideal but then it is up to Amazon to improve their support.
I remember a few months ago we were asked on the forum to give input on how to improve the feedback manager. I provided an answer which was praised by a mod but several months down the line now I have seen absolutely no change in feedback manager. You would assume that having asked for sellers feedback on the policy that you would be able to see some improvements.
I am constantly requesting that DD+7 is scrapped as it is counterproductive and causing cash flow problems which inevitably lead to customer dissatisfaction and complaints, this is the experience of many sellers not just myself but it never gets addressed. I’m not saying they should just scrap it on my say so but there can be a response that gives some explanation as to why this draconian policy is in place other than it is to cover claims. The thing is if the policy didn’t exist I literally wouldn’t have any claims, so basically they’re holding my funds to cover claims that wouldn’t exist if the policy was not there. When you see that you have nearly £5000 held in your balance and you know that with even a quarter of that money you can fulfill all your orders easily and then Amazon releases £100 and you can hardly send any orders, can’t pay for new stock, can’t even pay yourself a wage then of course you’re going to want to know why. I want to provide a good service to my customers but instead I’m forced to send orders late leaving me at risk of claims and feedback issues because I’m being treated like I’m going to runaway with my customers money. I sell on eBay as well, they release all funds daily and it doesn’t take 3-5 working days to hit the account it’s instant. If there’s an issue they just charge your account, why can’t Amazon do the same?
From my experience I found that in many cases the mods have helped to fix issues for me while Seller Support has just dragged their heels so of course I find it better to reach out to them to help. I would rather just contact the correct support avenue and get a resolution but of course that rarely happens. I will say that I don’t post or tag mods for things like losing a buy box or something like that but then I can understand if you have invested time and money into developing a product or listing and then an unscrupulous seller comes along and hijacks the listing it can be extremely frustrating and damaging to a seller.
So where you are correct in what you are saying if the actual seller experience was improved by Amazon then sellers would not find it necessary to use the forum in the manner you described.
Neither. It's just a PR exercise for Amazon to appear as though they're listening to sellers and proactively looking for feedback.
The forum basically is seller support. Seller support is a fictional service. But my experience is (even on here) when a mod 'helps' they just reiterate some garbage from a policy somewhere which is not relevant to the issue.
Bit like A-Z claims and appeals it is la la land. You know you will lose the only question is will they hold a negative metric on your account. Even when they say they will not they do.
Try not to get A-Z'd if you do fight it as the only hope is no negative - the funds however will be gone. Amazon will keep the fees though!! Win win win.
This side of our business is not really a business. We are transient sellers to Amazon customers. Eventually you will be deactivated or your listings destroyed by bots etc. Its just a matter of which. So keep selling and do not rely wholesale on this process. It can be good for sales but its not something to build solid foundations on.
It is generally a very stressful unrewarding process its just about selling. Best to not to regard it as anything other than this. Cannot say seller support has got any better since 2019 - its got worse. Basically they always answer with a 'no' in some sort of format. Catalogue issue can only be resolved by removing and relisting even then you may lose the listing and reviews completely for some strange reason.
Totally agree with you. I'm not even sure that the mods are real. SS is none existent, it is more "partners" these days. Every thing on this platforms screams AI. I'm sure Amazon use logarithms to manipulate the best situation for themselves.
Negative I know, I'm a realist & been on here for over 20 years. We have learned to deal with things ourselves. A lot of the policies are nonsense & only geared to suit the customers/ thieves. Amazon don't realise without sellers this platform they would have a massive problem.
there is no seller support...but there is a seller faze out