Read onlyHello Sellers 🖐️
⚠️ Have you ever been incorrectly charged a Professional selling plan subscription fee by Amazon?
If so, you may be eligible for a refund.
When are you eligible for a refund?
How to request a refund
1. Open a case with Get Help
2. Select "My issue is not listed"
3. Write "Selling plan refund"
Please note that if your account is blocked or suspended, you can still switch from the Professional selling plan to the Individual selling plan and stop paying the subscription fee.
Need more info? Check out the this help page.
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Have a great weekend!
Glad to see this issue addressed - cannot think how often I have explained the difference between accounts and selling plans over the years, BUT the point is that the page where new sellers sign up automatically signs them up for the Pro Plan, because the alternative is not there on that first page, and obviously new sellers in their eagerness just click on the orange button that says 'Sign Up'.
That first page needs much more actual information about the 2 account types and the 2 selling plans - so many new sellers are not even aware that they need to be registered with HMRC if they are buying to sell for profit.
Can I get a refund if loads of my products are invisible owing to (a) totally illogical "potential high pricing error", (b) cannot be listed because Amazon catalogue is recognising Deutsche Grammophon record label as Dolce and Gabbana and asking me for invoices, (c) is suddenly asking me for invoice/authenticity proofs dated within the last three months from companies that no longer exist?