Where can I contact someone who will actually help me
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Where can I contact someone who will actually help me

i need help, urgently.

I’ve been drowning in the stress of my Amazon Account deactivation. I’ve sent dozens and dozens of appeals but none of the appeals have had a normal human reply, they’re all copy-pasted, as id they didn’t even read the appeals.

They used to take 4-5 days to reply to the appeals, now they take less than 5 hours. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Please, Anazon Mods, forward my appeal which I’ve sent today to someone who can actually help. Not a department, not a group - an individual who can review my case and directly help me as I am starting to think that the appeal being sent to the Verification Team or Escalations Team isn’t being reviewed correctly. If it was, the account would have been reactivated ages ago.

@ literally anyone who can help - I can’t live like this anymore.

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Hello @Seller_PPflXhMgQFr7K,

This is Sarah with Amazon.

I see that you have already created a thread regarding this topic.

Please create only one thread per question. Creating duplicate threads can create confusion and disruption in the Forums and is against the Forums Guidelines.

I will be closing this thread as a duplicate of What are all useful Amazon Emails? (no auto responses) - struggling to stay afloat and need reactivation! :(

Kind regards,


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