Read onlyhello,
I am brand owner, I report fake ASIN trying sell my product providing fake EAN, brand (misspelling brand name) and other information, or selling product with pencil to have different brand. Amazon deactivate my ASIN in error and keep fake ASINS active. When I asked to contact Catalog team and explain that other ASINS are fake, they... told me that understand that "you want to update information on ASINs: B094HG6R7D, B0D8Z46P1R"
NO, I don't want to update this fake scamers ASINS, I want to reinsted listing of my product and I preent you how scamers create fake listings of my product.
more details in my case ID 10073884202
What exactly is the scam on that ASINs?
Well, seems like the polish "Venalex" brand registration has been withdrawn in 2016 - but you did not register it by yourself for EU. That certainly is a mistake.
However, the product being offered on Amazon is quite shady - unregistered brand using (R) and an unknown seller - I think a moderator @Rachelle_Amazon should mark this product for internal investigation.