Read onlyI have a professional seller account which I have been requesting to close for at least 8 months, I have no active listings or inventory, everything has been returned to me and all listings deleted, I have a current disposal order for the remaining stock. I’ve not had a sale for months the account was made inactive by Amazon as it was not generating any sales and had virtually no stock. I have tried to downgrade the selling plan but it appears this is no longer an option for me, I have requested many times today and spoken to 3 people, each offering different advice, I have no money owed to me and all account details are current e.g charge info. I want this account closed as it’s costing me nearly 100£ a month, any suggestions will be appreciated, I am trying to downgrade the account but the your services section only shows me what I am registered for with no option to downgrade and in the close my account tab to close the account or downgrade I am taken to a help page.
I am not sure why you cannot downgrade your selling plan. Go to settings (cog wheel) - Account Info - Manage your services - sell on Amazon - sell on Amazon again- then click on the individual button. You should not be charged the professional fee again.
You will not be able to close a deactivated account - you need to get it reactivated, or you could just leave it to go dormant if you have no more stock or items listed for sale.
Hello @Seller_EGU7kSpUFkPWt,
Were you able to downgrade your selling plan?
This is happening to me as well now, I've been trying to close my account for 11 months but I can't do it no matter how hard I try or who I speak to, and I am still being charged by Amazon dispite downgrading my account, removing all listings and clearing my inventory. This is such a shocking platform for small businesses, can someone please help me to close my account down for good.