Read onlyHello,
We had access to Premium A+ Content for over a year. We submitted numerous successfully approved Premium A+ designs.
As of last week, we lost access to Premium A+ modules. We can still view our designs in the A+ Content Manager and attempt to edit them. However, when submitting, we receive an error:
Requested from: [/aplus/api/SaveContent]. Recieved status: [400] with message: [APLUS_VALOO_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE_ACCESS_ERROR]. The A+ content contains modules to which you do not have access: [Premium Full Image, Premium Background Image with Text, Premium Comparison Table 1, Premium Full Video].
We are also unable to create new Premium A+ designs, as the option is simply no longer available.
Have any of you encountered Premium A+ access being revoked? If so, how can we obtain it back, as we have already met all the requirements?
Support is ineffective and provides outdated requirements (which we comply with anyway).
Case ID: 10672009642
Please help. @Roberto_Amazon @Winston_Amazon @Spencer_Amazon @Julia_Amazon @Simon_Amazon @Sarah_Amzn
Hello @Seller_g5sGu1QVOejoR, thank you for reaching out. I will address your case. 😊
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Hello @Seller_g5sGu1QVOejoR, I hope you are doing well. Could you please verify if you have access to Premium A+ content?