Read onlyI want to close my Handmade account and leave Amazon. I am finding the rules and regulations around VAT confusing and detrimental to my pricing, making my goods unreasonable when the extra VAT cost is added. I only sell to the UK.
I have just shipped 1 order and understand I must allow 90 days after the order in case of any issues arising.
Do I close the account now or wait until after the 90 days has passed? In the meantime do I put my UK listings on holiday or delete?
Do I close my 'seller account' or 'Handmade' account first if indeed they are separate entities?
Cannot find the answers any where.
I would be grateful for your advice please?
I doubt you have two seller accounts - just the one which is Handmade.
I would put your account on holiday mode and disburse any remaining funds as soon as they become available to disburse.
You will still need to log in every day to check for buyer messages.
Do you pay the monthly professional selling plan fee? If so, downgrade to an individual selling plan so you do not pay that any more.
In theory you can leave your account on holiday mode ad infinitum. If you close your account you cannot open it again or open another one if you change your mind in years to come.
So if you really do want to close it, I would wait 90 days after the latest estimated delivery date of this order and ensure all funds have been disbursed to you before closing the account.
Are you charging VAT on your products and are exempt? If so go to account info. Tax Information. Vat calculation settings. Mid screen on the right (in bold) - Not required to register for VAT? Declare exemption. This also ensures business customer's receipts showing no VAT are available without manually having to produce them as Amazon does it for you.
You have to pay VAT on their fees, but that's negligible TBH.
If you want to close Handmade, although we're on professional selling plan, there's no need to downgrade as you we don't currently get charged the £25 per month (+VAT) fee. If you did downgrade to an individual selling plan, you automatically become ineligible for Handmade.