Read onlyI sell handmade jewellery and since yesterday evening I have been unable to create a new listing.
As there are lots of details with jewellery, I usually copy an existing listing that's similar, change photos and edit all the details to fit the new product. Last night I had to abandon the first listing as it was asking for some kind of certificate which I said I didn't have, it granted exemption I then had to create a new one from scratch from that page and got an error message, so I gave up and saved it to drafts.
Today it was not in drafts so I started again by copying an existing listing and editing . I noticed that the main photo space had something already in it so it couldn't be used, I had to move that along to the last space so I fit my images in space 1-8.
Many of the attributes I usually use such as style tags, type of closure, colour and other descriptive ones were gone completely and replaced with multiple ones repeatedly asking for dimensions and sizes, and loads of irrelevant safety stuff that doesn't apply to my business.
When I go to submit the completed form I get this...
An error occurred when we tried to process your request. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Rest assured that we are working to resolve the problem as soon as possible. Please try again at a later time.2024-08-06T13:56:39.346Z G59GK35Z9DK5SY7H2ZJE
-The attributes are invalid.
-The attributes are invalid.
-The attributes are invalid.
-The attributes are invalid.
-The attributes are invalid.
-The attributes are invalid.
-The attributes are invalid.
-The attributes are invalid.
Do we have any idea what's happening here? It's not self explanatory at all and I need to be able to work from existing listings, and the relevant attributes need to be there. I'd like to get my new listings added ASAP, it was working fine on Sunday evening because I added 2 new products. Please help!
@Sakura_Amazon_ I have tagged you in here as I've had no replies to my question, any information on this ?
I'm getting the same. Basically can't upload any new listings, this is pretty poor.
I have the same issue for my handmade store. I can't add any new products.
I also have to keep trying again from scratch as any listings I've started working on aren't saved to drafts (despite appearing to be saved).
I've submitted a help request and will update if I get any responses. Would love to hear if anyone has had this issue resolved.
Same problem here, been happening for a week now.
First I couldn't list because it was looking for a GTIN which handmade products don't require, so I eventually got 1 product listed using a flat file but now we're getting "-The attributes are invalid." error when we try to add images.
24 hours of nonsence replys from seller support didn't help, with the case eventully closed saying "the issue you have been experiencing should be temporary" and "please try clearing the browser cache and also try using a different browser to add the product"
An extremely frustrating experience both with seller support and the totally unintuitive flat file upload system.
Iv'e had this and basically been told buy Amazon that I can only use barcodes bought from GS1 as this is the only company they approve.
Just to let anyone know who has replied or been following this post .. I managed to renew a couple of listings and also today have managed to create some brand new ones by sopying existing listings as usual, no error message or problems with photos and all the weird attributes have now gone.