Read onlyHi everyone,
We are facing an issue with the A+ premium content availability.
We meet all of the requirments presented by Amazon, and we have re-checked it.
We have also contacted Seller Support, but we keep getting the same automated answer without any further explanation (Case ID: 15281611971).
We match absolutely all of Amazon's requirements, yet we are not able to access it.
Any help is appreciated here!
Thanks in advance!
@Winston_Amazon @Spencer_Amazon@Julia_Amzn
Looking for help as well @Julia_Amzn@Winston_Amazon
We really need your help. This problem has been bothering us for a very long time and has disrupted our new product plans. All our images are made according to Premium A+ Content size requirements. Now all of a sudden we can't use this feature and we are helpless!
We joined the Amazon Launchpad programme a year ago and Premium A+ Content was automatically enabled at that time. We have uploaded 3 Brand Stories and 28 A+ Content in the past year and last week our contract with Amazon Launchpad was terminated. And we found that we had lost the access to create Premium A+ Content.
Please let us know what is going on now? We have opened cases and have been talking with amazon team repeatedly for a week and still nothing.
Now we can be sure that we meet all the requirements.
1. We have created 28 A+ Content in the past year,
2. We have added all ASINs in the catalog to Brand Stor
Case ID is 10053444222
Have you applied the Brand Story to every ASIN, including Parent ASINs of variations? That was the step we missed, a couple of parents were missed.
Best of luck
Hello @Seller_AaTLvPlgc4CD3,
Thank you for reaching out.
I will review your case and get back with more details. 😃