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Having multiple Amazon accounts?

SO i am aware that amazon frowns upon one seller having multiple accounts however i am hearing they also don't mind if you sell in a different category for one of the accounts meaning in that sense they are ok with it. SO my question is if any of yall have multiple accounts an if so how would i go about it? Also if it is truelly allowed or not.

6 replies
Tags:Account Health
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Having multiple Amazon accounts?

SO i am aware that amazon frowns upon one seller having multiple accounts however i am hearing they also don't mind if you sell in a different category for one of the accounts meaning in that sense they are ok with it. SO my question is if any of yall have multiple accounts an if so how would i go about it? Also if it is truelly allowed or not.

Tags:Account Health
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It must be a COMPLETELY separate account with no overlaps. Separate bank, separate address, separate inventory....

Multiple accounts

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Hello @Seller_AjX3FPntr1lf5,

Desi from Amazon here to assist.

From your post I understand you have questions regarding our multiple accounts policy.

Our multiple accounts policy states that sellers can have one account per seller, per region unless you have a legitimate business need for the second account (ex: if you have more than one brand with different storefront names or manufacture products for two distinct and separate companies). All accounts would need to be kept in good standing as well.

If any of your accounts become deactivated for any reason, any other accounts will be deactivated as well until whatever outstanding issues are addressed.

Please let us know if you have any other questions. We are looking forward to assisting you.



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Having multiple Amazon accounts?

SO i am aware that amazon frowns upon one seller having multiple accounts however i am hearing they also don't mind if you sell in a different category for one of the accounts meaning in that sense they are ok with it. SO my question is if any of yall have multiple accounts an if so how would i go about it? Also if it is truelly allowed or not.

6 replies
Tags:Account Health
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Having multiple Amazon accounts?

SO i am aware that amazon frowns upon one seller having multiple accounts however i am hearing they also don't mind if you sell in a different category for one of the accounts meaning in that sense they are ok with it. SO my question is if any of yall have multiple accounts an if so how would i go about it? Also if it is truelly allowed or not.

Tags:Account Health
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Having multiple Amazon accounts?

by Seller_AjX3FPntr1lf5

SO i am aware that amazon frowns upon one seller having multiple accounts however i am hearing they also don't mind if you sell in a different category for one of the accounts meaning in that sense they are ok with it. SO my question is if any of yall have multiple accounts an if so how would i go about it? Also if it is truelly allowed or not.

Tags:Account Health
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It must be a COMPLETELY separate account with no overlaps. Separate bank, separate address, separate inventory....

Multiple accounts

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Hello @Seller_AjX3FPntr1lf5,

Desi from Amazon here to assist.

From your post I understand you have questions regarding our multiple accounts policy.

Our multiple accounts policy states that sellers can have one account per seller, per region unless you have a legitimate business need for the second account (ex: if you have more than one brand with different storefront names or manufacture products for two distinct and separate companies). All accounts would need to be kept in good standing as well.

If any of your accounts become deactivated for any reason, any other accounts will be deactivated as well until whatever outstanding issues are addressed.

Please let us know if you have any other questions. We are looking forward to assisting you.



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It must be a COMPLETELY separate account with no overlaps. Separate bank, separate address, separate inventory....

Multiple accounts

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It must be a COMPLETELY separate account with no overlaps. Separate bank, separate address, separate inventory....

Multiple accounts

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Hello @Seller_AjX3FPntr1lf5,

Desi from Amazon here to assist.

From your post I understand you have questions regarding our multiple accounts policy.

Our multiple accounts policy states that sellers can have one account per seller, per region unless you have a legitimate business need for the second account (ex: if you have more than one brand with different storefront names or manufacture products for two distinct and separate companies). All accounts would need to be kept in good standing as well.

If any of your accounts become deactivated for any reason, any other accounts will be deactivated as well until whatever outstanding issues are addressed.

Please let us know if you have any other questions. We are looking forward to assisting you.



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Hello @Seller_AjX3FPntr1lf5,

Desi from Amazon here to assist.

From your post I understand you have questions regarding our multiple accounts policy.

Our multiple accounts policy states that sellers can have one account per seller, per region unless you have a legitimate business need for the second account (ex: if you have more than one brand with different storefront names or manufacture products for two distinct and separate companies). All accounts would need to be kept in good standing as well.

If any of your accounts become deactivated for any reason, any other accounts will be deactivated as well until whatever outstanding issues are addressed.

Please let us know if you have any other questions. We are looking forward to assisting you.



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