Read onlyI seem to have a recurring problem that happens every few months, I notice some of my orders coming through with a 1 day handling time even though my default handling time is set and always has been to 2 days..
i had 3 dvds sold on the same day and 1 of them had a 1 day handling time , a DVD sold the previous day came through as a Normal 2 day suggesting I had to ship the one sold last before the one from the day before !!..
I've looked at my sales for the last 90 days and all are on 2 day but from the 16/03/25 random ones are coming through as 1 day. Same type of product and all listed using the App and no handling time set at that point .
the lastest reply from seller support was:
"Please be informed that the two-day default handling time was deprecated on October 24, 2023. However, you can set two-day handling time for specific SKUs.
Kindly note that established sellers who had a two-day default handling time will be automatically switched to a one-day default handling time".
Well if thats the case why is 2 day handling time still a selectable option and if all items had been switched to 1 day why are 99% of my orders coming through as 2 day...
Anybody any ideas cos I'm not expecting seller support to come back with any
thanks a lot
Do you have premium delivery available in your shipping settings? if so, premium delivery will overwrite your handling times.
Have you checked the handling time against the individual SKU's. With the ones you sold with 1 day handling time check to make sure you haven't set the handling time to be 1 on those SKU's.
If there is a handling time on the SKU it will override your default 2 day handling time.
I had the same problem and was told the following which resolved the problem.
because of the Automated handling time in your shipping settings, the handling time its calculated on a average, for that reason some orders may get same day shipping.
To avoid that you must update the Handling Time and deactivate the Handling Time.
You can use the link bellow and deactivate it, this way all orders will get 24h handling time