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Don't know how to get product id

by Seller_OZjTj0iKbo2c7


I’m a new seller, i’ve just imported some products to sell on amazon, when filling my listing details, i couldn’t put a product id because i dont know what it is. I’ve taken my time to go through seller university, watched some youtube videos, but i’m still really confused. The product i want to sell is not a branded product. I’ve even sent a mail to amazon support team explaining my frustration, but no reply

I’m really really trapped. Please if anybody will be kind enough to guide me on how to get product id for my products, i will honestly appreciate it.

Thank you

Tags: ASIN, Add a product, Listings, SKU
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In reply to: Seller_OZjTj0iKbo2c7’s post

if the products don’t have barcodes then you buy/rent them from GS1 - nowhere else as Amazon won’t accept them.

All in Amazon University.

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In reply to: Seller_OZjTj0iKbo2c7’s post

As mentioned above you will need your own barcodes from a company called GS1. Once you have those you will need to print them and put them on the items, You really need to read through seller university and ensure that you understand all the elements of selling on Amazon.

Its not a simple get rich quick import sell it make profit that many people make it out to be there are numerous pitfalls that you will encounter if you have not read the various sections in the seller university.

Hopefully you will have allowed for all this when considering which products to import also if your going white label and its a common product it might be very difficult to get views on amazon without spending out on advertising.

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In reply to: Seller_OZjTj0iKbo2c7’s post

hiya, if you are selling your own products lookup gtin exemption, that way you can list as many as you want under yur own branding, without applying for brand registry, without buying barcodes, im at 32000 listings, so glad somebody told me when i started i would've spent a fortune:)

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