Submission of GPSR safety information documents


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Submission of GPSR safety information documents

Nice to meet you.

I am a Japanese seller listing my products on Amazon Germany.

With the launch of the GPSR, the selection of the responsible person and the transmission of manufacturer information went well, but only the submission of safety information documents has not progressed well due to situations such as ‘under review’ or ‘rejected’.

There are no more days left, but is anyone else in the same situation?

I have contacted Amazon and received an answer such as ‘Items whose documents have been rejected after the 13th, or that are still under review, will not be available for sale’.

However, I think that those that were rejected yesterday or today will inevitably be submitted after the 13th, as it takes some time to prepare the documents.

I am very troubled.

How are you all dealing with this?

Thank you very much in advance.

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Tags:Product compliance, Regulations and standards
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It's still the same with us. We have been collecting and uploading data for months, unfortunately there are always system errors at Amazon.

User guides from reputable manufacturers are rejected for no reason. Food products continue to be added to the list. Products have had the status 'under review' for weeks.

It remains "exciting", but I expect that some listings will simply be blocked by the system tomorrow. And this in the busy Christmas period. Well done Amazon!

And at the moment there is nothing to do but to re-upload the requested data and to open cases of system errors in the hope that they will be resolved in the near future.

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I think many other sellers will have the same problems. At the same time, I don't think amazon will deactivate the offers directly. After all, they would experience a massive drop in sales themselves.

For my part, I don't know why I even bothered to work through the GPRS requirements. Instead of our documents and pictures (we are the manufacturer), they take unattractive pictures that look like they were taken and cut out by a 7-year-old. At least we are no longer shown any open cases.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

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Some of us here in Germany are currently even being called by Amazon support just to say that the products that are supposedly being checked now will NOT be blocked or removed.

This means: Amazon understands very well that their systems work incorrectly and that support is overwhelmed. However, Amazon presumably does not want to communicate this clearly to the public and is reassuring us in semi-secrecy.

You can never be sure, but I assume that nothing will happen tomorrow and at least the items that have the status ‘under review’ today (2024-12-12 CET) or for which documents have been submitted but not yet accepted will remain online.

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I'm in a similar boat.

I've got about 50 items left that are requesting more information.

But when I click on half of them, it says the info has been accepted. And the other half have been under review for weeks now.

Its extremely unfair. This was done so heavy handedly by Amazon, AND they seem to be extremely slow dealing with things on their end.

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Wir befinden uns in einer ähnlichen Situation und arbeiten bereits seit Monaten daran.

Die Fehlerraten in neun Ländern schwanken täglich, und die Informationsanzeigen entsprechen nur selten dem tatsächlichen Problemstatus.

Seit zwei Monaten habe ich einen Mitarbeiter ausschließlich für die Bearbeitung von Compliance-Anforderungen abgestellt, unterstützt von unserem Team, soweit die Kapazitäten es zulassen.

Es wäre schön, wenn wir uns wieder auf die Umsatzgenerierung konzentrieren könnten.

Bisher wurde bei uns nichts gesperrt, und wir hoffen, dass es so bleibt.

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I admire your Japanese patience!

Here is my comment, published elsewhere and translated for you:


Many months have passed in which Amazon has had time to prepare properly for the introduction of the new European Product Safety Regulation. Introducing logical processes, providing functioning software. So that the sellers, who Amazon likes to call ‘partners’, can enter all of this without stress and continue to take care of their actual business in peace. It's not rocket science! Competitors like eBay show how to do it properly.

But no!

The large corporation barely manages to put together a shabbily amateurish website that neither works properly nor provides an overview of what has been successful and what has not. The so-called ‘support’ remains untrained and can't even answer the simplest questions, let alone resolve the errors that occur.

For months, it's been chaos, lots of bugs, a lack of expertise and no support at all at Amazon, as well as stress and a waste of time for us ‘partners’.

And what happens now in the last remaining days and hours?

In the background, Amazon support staff are calling individual retailers in semi-secrecy and assuring them that the listings that have not yet been checked or are stuck due to the software bugs will not be deactivated - as has always been publicly communicated.

And a new ‘Product Safety & Compliance’ category is opened in the selers' self-service forums 14 hours before closing time.

Is that all, Amazon?

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