Read onlyHi there,
I listed some products which I have also sent to FBA and I have no add to cart button therefore people can only buy my product if the click my listing and after "view more buying option". My products are part of a registered brand so it's onle me selling these products. I know other people who listed products and got the add to cart button instanly. I tried lowering the price but nothing happened.
Any suggestions?
New sellers don't normally automatically get the Featured Offer/Buy Box.
It used to be that if you did FBA, you did, however amazon have recently changed policy, and having the Prime badge no longer plays into the Buy Box algorithm.
As such, new sellers, even those doing FBA don't get the featured offer until a sales history has been built up.
What you can do is click on your Seller name on one of your listings, then you'll find your Seller Profile. There should be a products tab. If you click on one of these products, it'll generate a URL that does show you as having the Featured Offer. You can use this link to promote on Facebook etc to try to get some initial sales history.