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Reminder on VTR requirements for using Royal Mail delivery services

We identified that the VTR calculation was not correctly recognising that Royal Mail 1st class and Royal Mail 2nd class ship methods require a barcode ID. We made these updates on 20th July, so if you were selecting these ship methods and not providing the barcode IDs as outlined in all policy communications, you may have seen your VTR decrease. We apologise for the confusion.

1. Which Royal Mail Ship Methods are included in VTR calculations?

We require parcel IDs or tracking IDs for all Royal Mail ship methods, including delivery confirmation ship methods, such as Royal Mail 24®/48® and Royal Mail 1st and 2nd class small and medium parcel. If you are using a Royal Mail product that does not have a 2D barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services before August 8, 2021. It may take up to 10 days to have these services set up. If you are not eligible for Royal Mail 24®/48 and ship only ship letter sized products (100 g, 24 x 16.5 x 0.5 cm), please select Stamps/Franking from the dropdown.

2. How do I obtain parcel ID if I use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class?

If you use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class small or medium parcel to deliver your packages, then you must provide the unique parcel ID, located above the 2D barcode on the label. This will allow us to provide customers with a delivery scan event. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class product that does not have a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services. You will not be able to dispatch confirm an order using a Royal Mail 24®/48® delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

3. Are scan events provided for Royal Mail 24®, Royal 48®, Royal Mail 1st Class, and Royal Mail 2nd Class?

Yes. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class product that offers a delivery confirmation, Amazon will receive this once the product is scanned on delivery. This will provide visibility to sellers, customers and Amazon of delivery. If you are using one of these products without a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail directly, to set up these services. You will not be able to confirm delivery of an order using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

4. What happens if my delivery service provider fails to scan my packages?

  • Speak to your Delivery Service Provider: Try and find a resolution with them. You should also review your labels to ensure you are using the right delivery method and that labels are being printed correctly.
  • Check your tracking/parcel ID: Always make sure you or your integrator provides the correct name of your delivery service provider, the delivery service used, and the tracking or parcel ID. You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier. This includes delivery confirmation only delivery methods (e.g. RM 24 / 48 or 1st Class 2nd Class).
  • Buy Shipping: Consider using Buy Shipping, which allows you to buy shipping labels through the Seller Central interface. With Buy Shipping, the delivery service provider, delivery method and tracking ID are automatically provided by the delivery services provider to Amazon, and all tracking IDs received by Amazon through Buy Shipping are considered valid. In the UK, DPD, Hermes, Amazon Shipping and Royal Mail delivery methods are available through Buy Shipping. You can access Amazon-negotiated rate cards or, for Royal Mail, you can link your accounts to benefit from your own rates. For more details on how to use Buy Shipping, see the Use Buy Shipping services Help page.
375 replies
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Reminder on VTR requirements for using Royal Mail delivery services

We identified that the VTR calculation was not correctly recognising that Royal Mail 1st class and Royal Mail 2nd class ship methods require a barcode ID. We made these updates on 20th July, so if you were selecting these ship methods and not providing the barcode IDs as outlined in all policy communications, you may have seen your VTR decrease. We apologise for the confusion.

1. Which Royal Mail Ship Methods are included in VTR calculations?

We require parcel IDs or tracking IDs for all Royal Mail ship methods, including delivery confirmation ship methods, such as Royal Mail 24®/48® and Royal Mail 1st and 2nd class small and medium parcel. If you are using a Royal Mail product that does not have a 2D barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services before August 8, 2021. It may take up to 10 days to have these services set up. If you are not eligible for Royal Mail 24®/48 and ship only ship letter sized products (100 g, 24 x 16.5 x 0.5 cm), please select Stamps/Franking from the dropdown.

2. How do I obtain parcel ID if I use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class?

If you use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class small or medium parcel to deliver your packages, then you must provide the unique parcel ID, located above the 2D barcode on the label. This will allow us to provide customers with a delivery scan event. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class product that does not have a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services. You will not be able to dispatch confirm an order using a Royal Mail 24®/48® delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

3. Are scan events provided for Royal Mail 24®, Royal 48®, Royal Mail 1st Class, and Royal Mail 2nd Class?

Yes. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class product that offers a delivery confirmation, Amazon will receive this once the product is scanned on delivery. This will provide visibility to sellers, customers and Amazon of delivery. If you are using one of these products without a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail directly, to set up these services. You will not be able to confirm delivery of an order using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

4. What happens if my delivery service provider fails to scan my packages?

  • Speak to your Delivery Service Provider: Try and find a resolution with them. You should also review your labels to ensure you are using the right delivery method and that labels are being printed correctly.
  • Check your tracking/parcel ID: Always make sure you or your integrator provides the correct name of your delivery service provider, the delivery service used, and the tracking or parcel ID. You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier. This includes delivery confirmation only delivery methods (e.g. RM 24 / 48 or 1st Class 2nd Class).
  • Buy Shipping: Consider using Buy Shipping, which allows you to buy shipping labels through the Seller Central interface. With Buy Shipping, the delivery service provider, delivery method and tracking ID are automatically provided by the delivery services provider to Amazon, and all tracking IDs received by Amazon through Buy Shipping are considered valid. In the UK, DPD, Hermes, Amazon Shipping and Royal Mail delivery methods are available through Buy Shipping. You can access Amazon-negotiated rate cards or, for Royal Mail, you can link your accounts to benefit from your own rates. For more details on how to use Buy Shipping, see the Use Buy Shipping services Help page.
Tags:News and announcements
375 replies
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I am not confident that Amazon will not take action against accounts, where RM have not scanned the parcels. But we will wait and see.

user profile

There isn’t a barcode for Royal Mail 1st class and Royal Mail 2nd class large letters and nothing is forwarded from click and drop so I don’t understand this.

user profile

Personal Click and Drop does not pass through any 2D Barcode information so how are we supposed to confirm parcels from a personal click and drop account? The above has added to my confusion as to why my VTR is at 0% even though everything I send is untracked

I think it is time to reluctantly switch to Amazon Buy Shipping. Not a move I wanted to do but can’t see any other way of protecting my account.

user profile

I would type up a thoughtful and constructive reply if I had any hope that anyone from Amazon would actually read it

user profile

What about this?

You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier. This includes delivery confirmation only delivery methods (e.g. RM 24 / 48 or 1st Class 2nd Class)

user profile

Anyone else still without a Royal Mail Business Account Manager since the switch up back in April? How do I get one to try and request a 2d barcoded letter size product (I know there isn’t one but want to get this in writing to then go back to Amazon).

user profile

So, if I purchase RM labels online (with NO linked account) and manually confirm shipment, do I need to input the code above the 2D matrix and will it be recognised ?

user profile

So,If I am buying postage over the counter at the post office,I need to select 2nd class stamps franking and if it is signed for still choose 2nd class signed for with the tracking number?

user profile

So what does this mean for untracked large letters and parcels ( only a few months ago we we told to select ‘stamps/franking’ - now this only valid for letters ? )

user profile

So Amazon retrospectively decide 2nd class isn’t valid and back date their metrics on providing us with incorrect information?

And 1st/2nd class done with BPL codes has a 2D barcode, yes, but RM DO NOT provide delivery confirmation for this service except for parcels, they don’t offer confirmation for Large Letters.

Amazon, you’re just wrong.

user profile

Reminder on VTR requirements for using Royal Mail delivery services

We identified that the VTR calculation was not correctly recognising that Royal Mail 1st class and Royal Mail 2nd class ship methods require a barcode ID. We made these updates on 20th July, so if you were selecting these ship methods and not providing the barcode IDs as outlined in all policy communications, you may have seen your VTR decrease. We apologise for the confusion.

1. Which Royal Mail Ship Methods are included in VTR calculations?

We require parcel IDs or tracking IDs for all Royal Mail ship methods, including delivery confirmation ship methods, such as Royal Mail 24®/48® and Royal Mail 1st and 2nd class small and medium parcel. If you are using a Royal Mail product that does not have a 2D barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services before August 8, 2021. It may take up to 10 days to have these services set up. If you are not eligible for Royal Mail 24®/48 and ship only ship letter sized products (100 g, 24 x 16.5 x 0.5 cm), please select Stamps/Franking from the dropdown.

2. How do I obtain parcel ID if I use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class?

If you use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class small or medium parcel to deliver your packages, then you must provide the unique parcel ID, located above the 2D barcode on the label. This will allow us to provide customers with a delivery scan event. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class product that does not have a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services. You will not be able to dispatch confirm an order using a Royal Mail 24®/48® delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

3. Are scan events provided for Royal Mail 24®, Royal 48®, Royal Mail 1st Class, and Royal Mail 2nd Class?

Yes. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class product that offers a delivery confirmation, Amazon will receive this once the product is scanned on delivery. This will provide visibility to sellers, customers and Amazon of delivery. If you are using one of these products without a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail directly, to set up these services. You will not be able to confirm delivery of an order using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

4. What happens if my delivery service provider fails to scan my packages?

  • Speak to your Delivery Service Provider: Try and find a resolution with them. You should also review your labels to ensure you are using the right delivery method and that labels are being printed correctly.
  • Check your tracking/parcel ID: Always make sure you or your integrator provides the correct name of your delivery service provider, the delivery service used, and the tracking or parcel ID. You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier. This includes delivery confirmation only delivery methods (e.g. RM 24 / 48 or 1st Class 2nd Class).
  • Buy Shipping: Consider using Buy Shipping, which allows you to buy shipping labels through the Seller Central interface. With Buy Shipping, the delivery service provider, delivery method and tracking ID are automatically provided by the delivery services provider to Amazon, and all tracking IDs received by Amazon through Buy Shipping are considered valid. In the UK, DPD, Hermes, Amazon Shipping and Royal Mail delivery methods are available through Buy Shipping. You can access Amazon-negotiated rate cards or, for Royal Mail, you can link your accounts to benefit from your own rates. For more details on how to use Buy Shipping, see the Use Buy Shipping services Help page.
375 replies
Tags:News and announcements
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Reminder on VTR requirements for using Royal Mail delivery services

We identified that the VTR calculation was not correctly recognising that Royal Mail 1st class and Royal Mail 2nd class ship methods require a barcode ID. We made these updates on 20th July, so if you were selecting these ship methods and not providing the barcode IDs as outlined in all policy communications, you may have seen your VTR decrease. We apologise for the confusion.

1. Which Royal Mail Ship Methods are included in VTR calculations?

We require parcel IDs or tracking IDs for all Royal Mail ship methods, including delivery confirmation ship methods, such as Royal Mail 24®/48® and Royal Mail 1st and 2nd class small and medium parcel. If you are using a Royal Mail product that does not have a 2D barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services before August 8, 2021. It may take up to 10 days to have these services set up. If you are not eligible for Royal Mail 24®/48 and ship only ship letter sized products (100 g, 24 x 16.5 x 0.5 cm), please select Stamps/Franking from the dropdown.

2. How do I obtain parcel ID if I use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class?

If you use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class small or medium parcel to deliver your packages, then you must provide the unique parcel ID, located above the 2D barcode on the label. This will allow us to provide customers with a delivery scan event. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class product that does not have a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services. You will not be able to dispatch confirm an order using a Royal Mail 24®/48® delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

3. Are scan events provided for Royal Mail 24®, Royal 48®, Royal Mail 1st Class, and Royal Mail 2nd Class?

Yes. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class product that offers a delivery confirmation, Amazon will receive this once the product is scanned on delivery. This will provide visibility to sellers, customers and Amazon of delivery. If you are using one of these products without a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail directly, to set up these services. You will not be able to confirm delivery of an order using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

4. What happens if my delivery service provider fails to scan my packages?

  • Speak to your Delivery Service Provider: Try and find a resolution with them. You should also review your labels to ensure you are using the right delivery method and that labels are being printed correctly.
  • Check your tracking/parcel ID: Always make sure you or your integrator provides the correct name of your delivery service provider, the delivery service used, and the tracking or parcel ID. You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier. This includes delivery confirmation only delivery methods (e.g. RM 24 / 48 or 1st Class 2nd Class).
  • Buy Shipping: Consider using Buy Shipping, which allows you to buy shipping labels through the Seller Central interface. With Buy Shipping, the delivery service provider, delivery method and tracking ID are automatically provided by the delivery services provider to Amazon, and all tracking IDs received by Amazon through Buy Shipping are considered valid. In the UK, DPD, Hermes, Amazon Shipping and Royal Mail delivery methods are available through Buy Shipping. You can access Amazon-negotiated rate cards or, for Royal Mail, you can link your accounts to benefit from your own rates. For more details on how to use Buy Shipping, see the Use Buy Shipping services Help page.
Tags:News and announcements
375 replies
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Reminder on VTR requirements for using Royal Mail delivery services

by News_Amazon

We identified that the VTR calculation was not correctly recognising that Royal Mail 1st class and Royal Mail 2nd class ship methods require a barcode ID. We made these updates on 20th July, so if you were selecting these ship methods and not providing the barcode IDs as outlined in all policy communications, you may have seen your VTR decrease. We apologise for the confusion.

1. Which Royal Mail Ship Methods are included in VTR calculations?

We require parcel IDs or tracking IDs for all Royal Mail ship methods, including delivery confirmation ship methods, such as Royal Mail 24®/48® and Royal Mail 1st and 2nd class small and medium parcel. If you are using a Royal Mail product that does not have a 2D barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services before August 8, 2021. It may take up to 10 days to have these services set up. If you are not eligible for Royal Mail 24®/48 and ship only ship letter sized products (100 g, 24 x 16.5 x 0.5 cm), please select Stamps/Franking from the dropdown.

2. How do I obtain parcel ID if I use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class?

If you use Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class small or medium parcel to deliver your packages, then you must provide the unique parcel ID, located above the 2D barcode on the label. This will allow us to provide customers with a delivery scan event. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®/48® or 1st or 2nd Class product that does not have a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail here, to set up these services. You will not be able to dispatch confirm an order using a Royal Mail 24®/48® delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

3. Are scan events provided for Royal Mail 24®, Royal 48®, Royal Mail 1st Class, and Royal Mail 2nd Class?

Yes. If you are using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class product that offers a delivery confirmation, Amazon will receive this once the product is scanned on delivery. This will provide visibility to sellers, customers and Amazon of delivery. If you are using one of these products without a barcode, please ensure you contact your Royal Mail account manager, or contact Royal Mail directly, to set up these services. You will not be able to confirm delivery of an order using a Royal Mail 24®, Royal Mail 48®, 1st Class or 2nd Class delivery method unless you provide the parcel ID.

4. What happens if my delivery service provider fails to scan my packages?

  • Speak to your Delivery Service Provider: Try and find a resolution with them. You should also review your labels to ensure you are using the right delivery method and that labels are being printed correctly.
  • Check your tracking/parcel ID: Always make sure you or your integrator provides the correct name of your delivery service provider, the delivery service used, and the tracking or parcel ID. You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier. This includes delivery confirmation only delivery methods (e.g. RM 24 / 48 or 1st Class 2nd Class).
  • Buy Shipping: Consider using Buy Shipping, which allows you to buy shipping labels through the Seller Central interface. With Buy Shipping, the delivery service provider, delivery method and tracking ID are automatically provided by the delivery services provider to Amazon, and all tracking IDs received by Amazon through Buy Shipping are considered valid. In the UK, DPD, Hermes, Amazon Shipping and Royal Mail delivery methods are available through Buy Shipping. You can access Amazon-negotiated rate cards or, for Royal Mail, you can link your accounts to benefit from your own rates. For more details on how to use Buy Shipping, see the Use Buy Shipping services Help page.
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I am not confident that Amazon will not take action against accounts, where RM have not scanned the parcels. But we will wait and see.

user profile

There isn’t a barcode for Royal Mail 1st class and Royal Mail 2nd class large letters and nothing is forwarded from click and drop so I don’t understand this.

user profile

Personal Click and Drop does not pass through any 2D Barcode information so how are we supposed to confirm parcels from a personal click and drop account? The above has added to my confusion as to why my VTR is at 0% even though everything I send is untracked

I think it is time to reluctantly switch to Amazon Buy Shipping. Not a move I wanted to do but can’t see any other way of protecting my account.

user profile

I would type up a thoughtful and constructive reply if I had any hope that anyone from Amazon would actually read it

user profile

What about this?

You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier. This includes delivery confirmation only delivery methods (e.g. RM 24 / 48 or 1st Class 2nd Class)

user profile

Anyone else still without a Royal Mail Business Account Manager since the switch up back in April? How do I get one to try and request a 2d barcoded letter size product (I know there isn’t one but want to get this in writing to then go back to Amazon).

user profile

So, if I purchase RM labels online (with NO linked account) and manually confirm shipment, do I need to input the code above the 2D matrix and will it be recognised ?

user profile

So,If I am buying postage over the counter at the post office,I need to select 2nd class stamps franking and if it is signed for still choose 2nd class signed for with the tracking number?

user profile

So what does this mean for untracked large letters and parcels ( only a few months ago we we told to select ‘stamps/franking’ - now this only valid for letters ? )

user profile

So Amazon retrospectively decide 2nd class isn’t valid and back date their metrics on providing us with incorrect information?

And 1st/2nd class done with BPL codes has a 2D barcode, yes, but RM DO NOT provide delivery confirmation for this service except for parcels, they don’t offer confirmation for Large Letters.

Amazon, you’re just wrong.

user profile

I am not confident that Amazon will not take action against accounts, where RM have not scanned the parcels. But we will wait and see.

user profile

I am not confident that Amazon will not take action against accounts, where RM have not scanned the parcels. But we will wait and see.

user profile

There isn’t a barcode for Royal Mail 1st class and Royal Mail 2nd class large letters and nothing is forwarded from click and drop so I don’t understand this.

user profile

There isn’t a barcode for Royal Mail 1st class and Royal Mail 2nd class large letters and nothing is forwarded from click and drop so I don’t understand this.

user profile

Personal Click and Drop does not pass through any 2D Barcode information so how are we supposed to confirm parcels from a personal click and drop account? The above has added to my confusion as to why my VTR is at 0% even though everything I send is untracked

I think it is time to reluctantly switch to Amazon Buy Shipping. Not a move I wanted to do but can’t see any other way of protecting my account.

user profile

Personal Click and Drop does not pass through any 2D Barcode information so how are we supposed to confirm parcels from a personal click and drop account? The above has added to my confusion as to why my VTR is at 0% even though everything I send is untracked

I think it is time to reluctantly switch to Amazon Buy Shipping. Not a move I wanted to do but can’t see any other way of protecting my account.

user profile

I would type up a thoughtful and constructive reply if I had any hope that anyone from Amazon would actually read it

user profile

I would type up a thoughtful and constructive reply if I had any hope that anyone from Amazon would actually read it

user profile

What about this?

You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier. This includes delivery confirmation only delivery methods (e.g. RM 24 / 48 or 1st Class 2nd Class)

user profile

What about this?

You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier. This includes delivery confirmation only delivery methods (e.g. RM 24 / 48 or 1st Class 2nd Class)

user profile

Anyone else still without a Royal Mail Business Account Manager since the switch up back in April? How do I get one to try and request a 2d barcoded letter size product (I know there isn’t one but want to get this in writing to then go back to Amazon).

user profile

Anyone else still without a Royal Mail Business Account Manager since the switch up back in April? How do I get one to try and request a 2d barcoded letter size product (I know there isn’t one but want to get this in writing to then go back to Amazon).

user profile

So, if I purchase RM labels online (with NO linked account) and manually confirm shipment, do I need to input the code above the 2D matrix and will it be recognised ?

user profile

So, if I purchase RM labels online (with NO linked account) and manually confirm shipment, do I need to input the code above the 2D matrix and will it be recognised ?

user profile

So,If I am buying postage over the counter at the post office,I need to select 2nd class stamps franking and if it is signed for still choose 2nd class signed for with the tracking number?

user profile

So,If I am buying postage over the counter at the post office,I need to select 2nd class stamps franking and if it is signed for still choose 2nd class signed for with the tracking number?

user profile

So what does this mean for untracked large letters and parcels ( only a few months ago we we told to select ‘stamps/franking’ - now this only valid for letters ? )

user profile

So what does this mean for untracked large letters and parcels ( only a few months ago we we told to select ‘stamps/franking’ - now this only valid for letters ? )

user profile

So Amazon retrospectively decide 2nd class isn’t valid and back date their metrics on providing us with incorrect information?

And 1st/2nd class done with BPL codes has a 2D barcode, yes, but RM DO NOT provide delivery confirmation for this service except for parcels, they don’t offer confirmation for Large Letters.

Amazon, you’re just wrong.

user profile

So Amazon retrospectively decide 2nd class isn’t valid and back date their metrics on providing us with incorrect information?

And 1st/2nd class done with BPL codes has a 2D barcode, yes, but RM DO NOT provide delivery confirmation for this service except for parcels, they don’t offer confirmation for Large Letters.

Amazon, you’re just wrong.


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