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My account has been deactivated because I did not use it for 10 years and there was a balance due.

I added a credit card to my account and paid the bill. I can see in my seller central account the bill has been paid but still unable to reactivate my account.

I contacted support and they advised me to email the balance team, which I did and I got a message in my Performance Notifications saying the bill was paid and the issue is now resolved.

But I still can not activate my account. When I phone amazon support they keep saying there is a bill due, But I have proof its been paid.

  1. I have emailed the balance team again and got an auto reply message to say they don't accept emails (Even though I emailed them and they replied the week before)
  2. I submitted this information in my appeal, included all the information with screenshots, but my appeal gets rejected with no information

Any ideas what I can do?

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DD+7 question
In reply to: Seller_P9rWcFWY7F1Of’s postby Seller_9dIrIuWthiXwh

We've now sent them 4 emails and had no reply at all. We included our merchant token in each one and explained the critical situation we're in.

Beyond frustrating!

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DD+7 question
by Seller_9dIrIuWthiXwh


Our DD+7 kicked in on 19th June. Since, we've had no funds available to withdraw, having previously drawn down most days.

It says we'll have a chunk available on 3rd July at the end of the settlement period.

My question is, are we stuck having to wait until the 3rd, or will cash start to become available 7 days after the orders placed on 19th June were delivered?

The majority of our sales are FBA so those 19th orders would have been delivered on the 20th/21st, therefore I'm expecting cash to become available from the 27th.

Can anyone confirm?



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DD+7 question
In reply to: Seller_NOoWfFKDHbsaV’s postby Seller_P9rWcFWY7F1Of

we face same issue last week we requested via email provided and requested to extend to next year stating issue with cash flow .After 3 days we got email for extension till 2025 was accepted now we can get money as normal.

Send them email and tell them your situation and they will sort this for you .

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Trying to Close Redundant Seller Account
by Seller_VajgQxjPiejKy


I'm actually hoping someone from Amazon sees this message. We had a business that was unfortunately destroyed by the combination of covid, brexit and the cost of living crisis, and it had to be liquidated. We set up a new business that bought some of the assets from the liquidator, and where we're not doing anything nearly as big as we did previously we have started to sell on Amazon again via our new business. However, no matter how many times we ask Amazon to shut down that old account, nothing happens. We are nervous to start scaling our new business for fear of the old one being linked to our new business (which they have already done!) and if the old one is deactivated or suspended that it might cause our new one to also be suspended or deactivated for not doing some duty or another any control over it anymore), and for Amazon to then suspend or deactivate our new business due to there being a link between the two businesses.

Is there someone from Amazon who can tell me what I need to do to get that old business shut down once and for all? I've gone through the steps in the help to shut down the account. All requests are either ignored or marked as transferred, but nothing is ever actually done.

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_fgtTzyHQfOM1x @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

The liquidator has also written to Amazon and provided me with a digital copy of the letter, but still nothing is done and the account continues to loom over us. I am able to provide this letter, but can't post it on a public forum.

The Merchant Token is AS0ITQ3NPQKFO.

Can one of the Amazon people above help me please? Last year our new business was suspended over the most critical 3 weeks of Christmas because of the old account, and it caused us enormous financial difficulty because of it. Can't go through that again, and too nervous to scale in case we invest and then can't shift that stock due to suspensions.

Thank you,


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Trying to Close Redundant Seller Account
In reply to: Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor’s postby Seller_VajgQxjPiejKy

But then why is it an option in your seller account to ask them to close it? I'm sure they wouldn't fully delete all the data for the reasons you have stated, but they can still close the account and remove our personal information from it. Alternatively, transferring ownership over to the liquidators.... They did say to me months ago that I would have to transfer it to an individual at the liquidator's business, and have a valid bank account associated with it. The liquidator is NOT going to do that. It's an unrealistic request. Just shut it, as the business is in liquidation! Seems a ridiculous thing to me not just doing that, as there is no money owing on the account.

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Trying to Close Redundant Seller Account
In reply to: Seller_VajgQxjPiejKy’s postby Seller_mS10UjVYuuGor

I second @Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGidin feeling for you in this situation.

Even if Amazon wanted to delete all record of your previous account they wouldn't be able to. Information held there will relate to Amazon's own turnover, their fees received etc etc still needs a record therefore is intertwined with Amazon's own accounts which they have to keep for at least six years. I suspect Amazon never completely deletes old seller details.

Its a really difficult situation, even if you persuade Amazon to break the link between your companies the bots are likely to find it again.

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Amazon Selling Fees
by Seller_hY3dOb2NnWpao

Hi all,

I'm fairly new to Selling on Amazon and a little confused about the selling fees that I'm being charged.

I recently converted to Professional account from Individual selling plan and still being charged the 'Amazon selling fees' - every research suggests that I should only be charged £25 monthly, no matter how many items I sell while on Pro selling plan.

I reached out to seller team and they mentioned that 'Its referral fees' that I'm being charged but since converting to Pro selling plan - I'm still seeing the same amount being charged per item sold as I saw whilst on Individual plan.

Any tips/ advise or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time in advance.

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authorized supplier
by Seller_xuK8bjLSNMMJo


I want to sell the product that I bought from the authorized supplier with my company A, on Amazon with my other company B (company A will sell it to company B). My question is;

Will Amazon accept this supply chain when my company B, which sells on Amazon, presents the Invoice series in case of any invoice query? As a result, even if Company A is not authorized, the Product will basically be purchased from an authorized dealer. I hope I explained my question fully. Thanks in advance for your answers. @Spencer_Amazon @Winston_Amazon

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authorized supplier
In reply to: Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX’s postby Seller_xuK8bjLSNMMJo

I think we are doing nothing but "beating water in the air" here. I'm curious about the Amazon team's opinion. At the end of the day, they are the ones who decide. @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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