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Results for "계좌임대 ( @MOONPAY_CALL ) 계좌임대 우리은행 우리가상 가상계좌pg사"

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My removal order is pending for last 7 months!!
by Seller_hxxnF6wlZnis2

My removal order: 2405081IKM is still pending and there is no update on the remaining units. I have tried customer support multiple times but it is just like they read the same sentence that is written to them that " we can't do anything, this process can not be expedited as your units are labeled as 'Being Picked' status"

I would really need some help regarding this as being new seller it is accumulating me huge loss. Thanks.

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Funds on hold?
by Seller_yLkGarFhGK0Hg
Amazon replied

Amazon has had my pending balance in "account level reserve" for over 4 weeks now? Keeps saying £0 to be disbursed and I can't get a straightforward answer from seller support. I have recently downgraded to an individual account after 2 years of FBA. Would this be the reason why? I notice it's asking for VAT status for EU but I have only ever sold in the UK and have never incurred this issue before, it seems to have only started after I downgraded.

If anyone would have any help.


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1st & 2nd class Royal Mail Delivery Confirmation
by Seller_RguKGMHvWFmo3

10 pages of case tennis with Seller Support (no surprise)

If I send an item 2nd class using Click and Drop I get a long reference number that I can check delivery.

If I do the same on Amazon Buy Shipping I do not, no one seems to know where this reference number is.

All 1st class and 2nd now get delivery confirmation, so why are Amazon buy shipping refusing this and how do I challenge when a customer says not been delivered if Amazon won't give me the information. I've redacted the tracking number to protect the customer.

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1st & 2nd class Royal Mail Delivery Confirmation
In reply to: Seller_q02IFWVcXV5xc’s postby Seller_19xPhE8YgkmxW

Hi Nipicto,

I think that if you use Amazon Buy Shipping with Signed-for you get a tracking number inserted automatically - but it's a long time since I had an Amazon order valuable enough to warrant this extra expense.

My understanding is that Amaazon view the Signed-for service as being fully tracked, whereas the ordinary 1st or 2nd class is viewed as being scanned at start and end (thoretically) and thus not fully tracked...

All Best


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Price and Quantity Upload
by Seller_tt2likTRcH4GB

Trying to upload my .txt file with about 2000 rows and comes back with error saying I have over a million rows.

What am I doing wrong please?

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willing to pay back the VAT but does not respond
In reply to: Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH’s postby Seller_iGSTyD4WCGzH3

Hi @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

Same situation here, my UK payments have been blocked for 7 weeks (as well as my 13 other Amazon payments accounts).

My business is in a very critical situation and can no longer operate without income. The final assesment was sent by "", I responded to them on the same day but no one responded to me (answer will be made within 48 hours, as indicated in the notification)

How can amazon put their sellers in such a situation... i am desesperate..

Case ID 9931797092

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I am not established in the UK for VAT purposes and need to pay VAT owed to amazon.

I was told to contact . According to the information I received from the Amazon notification they had to answer in 48 hours time. This time have passed but they still does not respond.

My Amazon account has been Blocked for four months, Can anyone advise?

Probably @Julia_Amzncan assist me?

Thank You.

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hello May i know what it's mean

Thank you for your submission. Based on a review of your account and the information provided, we have completed our verification of your establishment for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes.

Your Amazon sales proceeds will be eligible for disbursement per your disbursement schedule within 24 hours.

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PLEASE HELP. Amazon deactivated listing due to customer complaining wrong product
In reply to: Seller_QuM1AZgzfU9x4’s postby Seller_JpSadWFzcbFCf

There was no detail what was wrong, all I was told by Amazon was they complained a different/wrong product was sent despite selling hundreds without such complaint. I don't think the brand name is an issue as the active listing has been fine for a couple years without issue. The delisted item did not show any brand name in the pictures.

As far I'm concerned there are two options:

A) Buyer may have thought the item looks slightly different from picture but still complained it was a different/wrong product

B) Supplier may have given an incorrect unit by mistake.

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I would really appreciate if anyone can help with the following as seller support have been useless:

I have sold hundreds of a particular product without issue, had nearly 100 reviews 4.1 stars. Out of the blue Amazon have now deactivated the listing saying a customer complained they recieved the wrong product. I have tried uploading invoices from supplier as evidence I have the right product as I don't believe it was the wrong product, I have also tried accepting it was the wrong product writing documents describing how this could be prevented in the future describing quality control procedures and checks that will take place to ensure it doesnt happen again (I dont believe the wrong product was ever shipped) any way, they are rejecting everything it is so furstrating time consuming and costly, I have missed so much sales, paying stranded inventory fees month after month, now face having my inventory disposed.

Please can anyone advise how exactly I can get my listing reinstated?

FYI I recieved the reply from amazon below even though nothing I try to action from it works:

'We received your submission but do not have enough information to address the issues with your listings at this time.

You need to send us an updated appeal that provides:

-- Greater detail on the issues that you believe causemd the complaints about your items.

-- Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the issues that caused these complaints about your items.

-- Greater detail on the steps you have taken to prevent future complaints about the condition of your items.

To help provide a better understanding of why customers may have complained about the condition of your products, we have included summaries of the customer complaints about your items below:

Customers complained that the item they received was a different color, size, quantity, or variant than they ordered.

Customers complained that they received the wrong item or wrong brand entirely.

When submitting your appeal:

-- Review your communications from buyers to better understand the reason for the customer complaints, and provide an explanation for the issues that led to complaints about your items.

-- Be clear, concise, and as specific as possible. Focus on the facts and events that led to the issue rather than providing an introduction of your product, business, or customer. Remove other questions or references to ongoing support cases from your submission.

-- Do not limit your appeal to issues with specific orders. Instead, focus on the general practices you will adopt to prevent this type of issue in the future, considering the following questions:

--> Sourcing: Are you sourcing the product from a trusted supplier that sells items in new condition?

--> Listing: Is the product accurately described on Amazon? Have you ensured that the product detail page has all the relevant customer information?

--> Labeling: Are you following Amazon policy regarding labeling requirements? For example, are you specifying date type such as, manufacturing, production, or expiry, and presenting the information in a clear way?

--> Packaging: Is the product in its original packaging as listed on Amazon?

--> Shipping: Have you taken all appropriate steps and quality checks to ensure that the product is stored, packed, and shipped appropriately? Are you ensuring product has sufficient shelf life before shipping?'

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