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Results for "카지노솔루션제작 【 @FT24CS 】 카지노솔루션분양 슬롯가품알 정품 아너api연동"

(107 results)
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Business Customer - Refunds, Partial Refunds, and Cancellations
In reply to: Seller_sSxf9ltVoIMz9’s postby Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM


Try the Amazon Seller app. Go into “Manage Orders”, search for your order.

Go into the order them at the bottom, evdots and “More”.

Do you have a refund option there?

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Thank you for contacting us with your grievance regarding the Amazon Payments Europe (APE) service. Amazon Payments Europe takes complaints seriously.

Amazon Payments Europe has looked into the matter and we would like to inform you that based on a review of your account and the information provided, we have concluded that we cannot verify the Value-Added Tax (VAT) establishment of the business in your selling account.

As a result, you can no longer sell on or any European stores. You should continue to ship open orders and respond to customer inquiries to avoid further impact to your account.

We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision.

Why did this happen?

The document that you provided is not acceptable for verification.


Under Account Health:

We completed our evaluation of your submission. We do not have enough information to remove the violation at this time.

So, is something wrong with the documents or what is happening?

difficult to guess what is going or what Amazon wants ( if they know)




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Dear @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN@Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP

I trust this Message finds you well.

I am reaching out to address a critical issue affecting our business on Amazon. Over the past 2 weeks, we have experienced a drastic decline in sales, plummeting by 90%. Despite maintaining competitive pricing and boasting excellent seller ratings and account health, our buy box win rate has plummeted to 0% and on the seller app, the featured offer eligibility appears to be "NO" as shown in the screenshot attached.

This alarming situation is significantly impacting our business operations, and we are deeply concerned about the implications for our future success on the platform. As a full-time business reliant on Amazon, such challenges can be demoralizing and threaten our ability to sustain operations.

We urgently request your assistance in resolving this matter as soon as possible. Any insights or actions you can provide to rectify this issue would be immensely appreciated.

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Customer returned an unwanted/no longer required order to us.

the returned item was the (delicate) retail packaged item with a T48 shipping label stuck on it,

no outer shipping carton or protective packaging.

and it obviously arrived back to us damaged/squashed/unfit for resale

the customer said they were told that the store staff would package and label the return for them

and has sent us the supporting information from the amazon shopping app.

which at the top does say that - but then has conflicting information below.

can someone get this urgently fixed - it would explain why we and other sellers have an increased in unpackaged returns.

Customer was not refunded on first scan - so we cant make a safe-t claim unless amazon issue the refund.

if we send the refund then we cannot claim.

@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN

can someone take a look at this for us.

(I have opened a seller support case on case id 9927201012 which has the customer's order number in it)

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Selling Partner Appstore
by Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR

Hello Sellers,

Did you know more than three-quarters of Amazon Selling Partners use third party software to manage and grow their business?

If you are looking to automate or scale your business, the Selling Partner Appstore is a great place to start. 🛒

  • The Selling partner Appstore is a one-stop shop where you can find Amazon-approved third-party software to automate, manage and grow your business.
  • Each app is vetted by Amazon and reviewed by selling partners like you, and finding the right one is easy using our search tools.

Since July 30, 2021, Selling Partner Appstore has been available without logging in, allowing prospective sellers to discover solutions. Selling Partner Appstore can be found under Apps and Services on Seller Central.

Once you find the solution you are interested in, go to the detail page to learn more. To subscribe, authorize and access app data, click on Authorize now on the detail page.

Each app is vetted by Amazon and reviewed by selling partners like you, and finding the right one is easy using our search tools.

For more information go to Selling Partner Appstore FAQ.

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Customer given incorrect / conflicting return instructions by Amazon Shopping App.
In reply to: Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9’s postby Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9

quick update

given some of these following responses from seller support


I understand you are reporting incorrect return instructions appearing in Amazon shopping app.

Please note that Selling Partner Support doesn't handle inquiries about the Amazon Shopping App.

The Amazon shopping app is an app for customers to buy products on Amazon. The Seller App allows for sellers to list their items on the Amazon Shopping App.

Any concerns about how a product listing looks on the Shopping app or how to buy products, needs to be referred to the Customer Service team :


"I understand you are reporting incorrect return instructions appearing in Amazon shopping app.

We can assist with errors in the PC platform; we are unable to investigation any anomaly in the application since this is not app support.


Otherwise told to contact the carrier with regard to damaged items. - But it wouldnt be damaged if Amazon hadnt given the customer incorrect return instructions.

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Negative review for a order which is not mine
In reply to: Seller_7IuSefd9YpLUc’s postby Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

Amazon won't remove the feedback (I agree it should be possible to do all this on the mobile app). But amazon are unlikely to see things like this as a priority to fix, as the number of users it impacts is in the minority (and it doesn't really impact buyers - who amazon will of course care about more)

To be honest, easiest thing to do, leave a factual response. I know it won't help with the rating - but unless the customer can get to a device that allows them to remove the rating - its the best you can do.

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Dear @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN@Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP,

I trust this Message finds you well.

I am reaching out to address a critical issue affecting our business on Amazon. Over the past 2 weeks, we have experienced a drastic decline in sales, plummeting by 90%. Despite maintaining competitive pricing and boasting excellent seller ratings and account health, our buy box win rate has plummeted to 0% and on the seller app, the featured offer eligibility appears to be "NO" as shown in the screenshot attached.

This alarming situation is significantly impacting our business operations, and we are deeply concerned about the implications for our future success on the platform. As a full-time business reliant on Amazon, such challenges can be demoralizing and threaten our ability to sustain operations.

We urgently request your assistance in resolving this matter as soon as possible. Any insights or actions you can provide to rectify this issue would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

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Can't create a feed in SP API due to 403
by Seller_3LvzuR12xutlV

I am following the use case guide for SP feeds.

I am able to create a document and upload XML to it without problems.

However I am unable to use the createFeed (POST /feeds/2021-06-30/feeds) endpoint. I am sending what should be a valid body, and I have proper header, but I am still getting 403. Any help what am I doing wrong or which permissions am I missing?

curl --location '' \

--header 'x-amz-access-token: (token which worked to create document)' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data '{


"marketplaceIds": [ "A1PA6795UKMFR9" ],

"inputFeedDocumentId": "{feed I got from createDocument}"


And the error message I get is not super helpful:


code: 'Unauthorized',

message: 'Access to the resource is forbidden',

details: ''


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I am trying to understand the following issue, where a secondary marketplace does not generate any listings statuses or issues when price is updated.

The Issue:

I created a standalone listing in the UK marketplace. to get the listings status I sent a get request`GET /listings/2021-08-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}` which worked fine and returned the listing status. Please check listings api.

Similarly, when I created another standalone listing in another marketplace, France, `GET /listings/2021-08-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}` worked fine and returned the listing status.


Let's say you want to create a listing in the UK and don’t want to create the same one in France. Amazon provides an option where you can edit the listing to add an additional marketplace (e.g., France).

To do that:

Hit the edit button on the listing created in the UK.

A new screen shows up, allowing you to add a new marketplace (France).

Once added, the same listing previously created in the UK will show up in France marketplace.

After this, if you go to UK marketplace and you update the price or the listing, sending a get request `GET /listings/2021-08-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}` will return a response indicating that a listing has been updated in the UK marketplace and nothing for France. However, if you update the price of same listing for France marketplace (which is the only value you can update; you can’t update the title or any other attribute), you receive nothing for both marketplaces.

Please check the following screenshot (for UK)

Please check the following screenshot (France)

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