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Results for "코인장임대최저수수료⸨텔 MOONPAY_CALL⸩무사고장집^기업^신협은행^정식PG^농협^신협은행^제주은행^코인장구매^무사고장집"

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As we know listings are being removed by the Amazon BOT every day, very often for no reason at all, however this is the best one yet, a computer mouse listed in, Keyboards, Mice & Input Devices >Mice

It is going to be removed unless it is moved to the SEEDS and PLANTS category, couldn't write the book! Come on Amazon, do better.

This is to inform you that the following detail pages are at the risk of removal from our catalog. You must take remedial actions before 7/1/2024, UTC, else your listing(s) will be removed from our catalog. It is your obligation to ensure that the products you offer, comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Amazon's policies.

ASIN: B0795X2KWW, SKU: QP-B9B0-V294, Title: 5 Button USB Optical Scroll Mouse with Built in Calculator Key Pad

Why is this happening?

This product has been identified as a live plant or seed product that is listed outside of the SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED categories. Please update the product_type attribute to either SEEDS_AND_PLANTS or PLANT_SEED values as a path to reinstatement.

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Account deactivation, are countries classed as separate accounts?
In reply to: Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid’s postby Seller_zd3U77uEivfYD

I just needed to clarify, when they say separate account, do they class Amazon US as a different account to Amazon UK? Because before only 3? Marketplaces were deactivated, now all 12 are lol.,

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I received an email from US Amazon explaining that they have deactivated my account because..

Why is this happening? We have reviewed your account and would like to confirm your identity. 

Fine. Scheduled the appointment and told them which documents I’d be bringing. My UK account was still active so I sent products to FBA. I have just received an email to say

You have a separate account […….] which was enforced for violating one of our policies.

Are all the separate countries classed as separate accounts? I

Anyway they are telling me to reactivate the US account by submitting an appeal.. what am I appealing if I haven’t even had the appointment yet?

Does this sound normal?

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VAT registration - VAT number box greyed out
by Seller_AJRkrWzM7LfGZ


I have recently became VAT registered in the United kingdom

I'm attempting to add my details to my FBA profile, but i'm struck with this:

Note: I am currently a sole trader

I assume Citizen ID is my national insurance number

Business ID i do not have (this is only for LTD's etc)

The VAT box is greyed out, even when i add numbers and select country of The United Kingdom

Could anyone please advise what to do next? - i've heard from other threads that entering the wrong information can really create some troublesome problems!

Many thanks

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Urgent: Our account Funds & Inventory were Hold by Amazon didn't Send the Unpaid VAT Amount
In reply to: Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid’s postby Seller_0YHPsiul2hvvf


But I wonder, my company is UK registered, and sales not more than £85000 a year, that should no need VAT registered.

But if VAT not registered, you mean the unpaid funds cannot caculate VAT ?

Is it right ?

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My seller account received "confirm whether you are established in the UK for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes" on 23th May.

Then, Amazon have concluded that my business is not established in the UK for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes on 18th June.

After 18th June, Amazon still not send me the unpaid VAT amount, and all my funds & inventory were hold by Amazon.

I have send few emails to /, never receive a reply from them.

I want to know how long will amazon send the unpaid vat amount as I will pay it. Amazon never rule it's promise timeline.

Cash flow is too important to a small company.

Looking for help !!!

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Urgent: Our account Funds & Inventory were Hold by Amazon didn't Send the Unpaid VAT Amount
In reply to: Seller_0YHPsiul2hvvf’s postby Seller_ZVAz3d5lZuGid

The now £90,000 VAT threshold does NOT apply to non-UK residents, and even if your company is registered in UK, if you yourself are not a UK resident then, as I said before, you must be VAT registered here if you are using UK FBA to store your goods.

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Blocked Products due to Bladed Policy
In reply to: Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK’s postby Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK


We have received your request for review of the following product(s) and after careful consideration have determined that the product(s) does not meet the necessary criteria and will be restricted post the grace period.

These items can only be sold to customers over 18 and must be shipped with an age-verified delivery method. We are requesting that you comply with the appropriate listing guidelines for age-restricted items by updating the customer_restriction_type attribute with the value “uk_18_knife”. More information can be found on the following pages; and If this has not been completed within 7 days, the attribute will automatically update on your behalf. We leveraged a combination of automated means to identify this issue and to make this decision.

You can access the previous communication sent to you in regards to this matter via the ""Performance notifications"" page in the ""Performance"" section of Seller Central:

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Blocked Products due to Bladed Policy
In reply to: Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP’s postby Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK

Hi Spencer,

Sorry for the delay in replying to you. We received the email, but it's the same as all other correspondence we receive on this matter. The product isn't a blade, doesn't contain blades, and therefore is 100% in compliance with Amazon policies. We have added the UK Knife attribute (why we would need to add this if there is not blade contained within the product is completely beyond me).

The issue is that this product is a razor, and razors are scrutinised for being deemed to be an illegal weapon. However, the product is a safety razor and thus does not get sold with blades as I have mentioned millions of times in the past.

Our entire business on Amazon in the UK was destroyed because of this ridiculous inability to look at something on a product specific basis and to see basic common sense.

What do we have to do to be able to list the product that in the UK, we are most renown for? These razors are sold in shops all over the UK, yet we cannot sell them in the Amazon store and customers have to purchase alternatives, some of which are much inferior.

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Blocked Products due to Bladed Policy
by Seller_tz74iYhHLULoK
Amazon replied

As the title suggests, we have had many of our products blocked for being in breach of Amazon's bladed policy in the UK, despite the products that we sell not being sold with blades, and despite the products being live on the platform for many years prior. As I understand, the UK has laws on bladed products which is forcing Amazon to block products containing baldes that do not comply with the guidelines stated here:

The products we sell are safety razors, yet these products do not contain blades. They are to be purchased separately. Permitted products as per the policy guidelines:

"Razor blades permanently enclosed in a cartridge or housing with less than 2 mm of blade exposed"

As these products do not contain blades, we believe that they can be sold - we still have variations available for sale along with other sellers who have not yet been blocked.

We cannot get past the first level support at Amazon and the issue has been ongoing for months. No matter how much we prove that the products are in essence, a lump of metal and contain no blades, they keep on hitting us with the bladed policy guidelines and we cannot proceed any further in having them unrestricted.

Is there any common sense to be had here?

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