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Dear Amazon Seller Support Team,

I am writing to request the immediate reactivation of my Amazon seller account. My account has been deactivated without clear reason, and this has significantly disrupted my business operations.

Please review my account and provide assistance to restore it as soon as possible. If any additional information is needed, I am available to provide it promptly.

Thank you for your urgent attention to this matter.

Best regards,

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Having an uphill battle here! We are the manufacturer and IP owner, we're registered on the brand registry. These products have been listed by other sellers before we started getting involved on Amazon.

Now, information is incorrect, titles are inconsistent or wrong, some are (I believe incorrectly) listed in catagories which I'm repeatedly rejected from applying to sell, with no clear idea why.

For the ones I can add to my inventory, I've manged to fix the brand name on some, but usually I get an error relating to the EAN, which despite matching with GS1, throws an error and support just close my cases. I also get this when trying to list new products with our brand.

Many have old imagery that is different to the package that the buyer will get, which may cause a negative reaction. I've issued 'suggestions' for updates for the products I'm actually able to list, but these mostly get ignored by Amazon.

The worst is this one, where a seller has hijacked the listing, falsely claimed it as their brand, and changed the title to 'park' it so now nobody can sell it. Support won't help because I don't sell the product on Amazon, but because it has been put in this 'Gourmet Food' subcategory, I don't have approval, and my requests keep getting denied without explanation.

This is incredibly tiring and infuriating, I want to fix our listings so we can actually get some sales. It's a total mess and I can't get Amazon to fix obvious errors for products that we manufacture!

The only other option I can think of is to go down the IP route as, effectively, our brand is being falsely advertised (with things like outdated imagery) in a way that could hurt our reputation. I just don't know what else to do.

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Struggling to clean up existing listings using our brand
In reply to: Seller_KReiXMJNH23BP’s postby Seller_ADT6WSV0vEKyU

We have exactly the same issue. We have lots of listings that have wrong titles, images, product descriptions but we cannot amend them as we didnt create them!

I have been advised before that I should contact the seller who created the listing and work with them to get the information updated. However, this is nearly impossible as there is nowhere to look up who created the listing, I have tried contacting all current sellers on it and none have created it!

I struggle to understand why Amazon don't seem to want the correct information displayed, it would reduce the return rates as the customers would know exactly what they are buying!

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Suppressed listings - "Color not supplied" even though it IS
In reply to: Seller_vtSzvxtW9StxE’s postby Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn

If you are getting 8040 error creating variations then it is normally the fact you have to delete at least the parent ASIN and sometimes the child ASIN's in order to relist the items.

It is a pain in the neck but it is the only way around it I have found.

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Suppressed listings - "Color not supplied" even though it IS
In reply to: Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn’s postby Seller_vtSzvxtW9StxE

thats hit and miss for me. I did try deleting PA and CA and relisted after 72 hours without any solution.

Nit sure about your but mine are all FBA listings and keep paying fees without sale.

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I have been having an absolute nightmare with listings being suppressed due to "colour not provided". Some of these listings are two years old and all of a sudden they have become suppressed, even though colour WAS provided. I created all of these listings. I sent an email to the as I suspect this to be a bug as it ONLY happens for brands which are 'brand protected'.

Communication seemed positive until their reason has gone back full circle to this absolute disgrace of a reason. "Our internal team completed to review the issue and determined that the variation relationship is not approved because it does not follow Amazon's listing policy. We cannot share any information about the specifics factors behind the decision due to confidentiality."

CONFIDENTIALITY?! I created the listings! This is no way helpful! I have created over 200 variation listings and this issue only arises to brand protected listings (those with 96 hours approval). I have been back and to, to get approval for these brands again to remove suppresssion, but they keep becoming suppressed. This seems like a bug in Amazons systems and they are unwilling to have their technical team look into this.

If there is an Amazon employee here, please can you reach out

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i keep getting an error message " the value specified is invalid " when trying to list products BUT it does not tell me what value is invalid - support are not help

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by Seller_Cuw8gjEDxzKm3

For the last 3 weeks i keep gettin gthis when trying tp do a brand new listing, contacted support twice but problem still persists.

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No fulfilment centres are currently available to receive (Dangerous goods/Hazmat)
In reply to: Seller_Y0ydmxdE8ED0y’s postby Seller_w2VkRP43C7TdG

Its a complete joke Ive given up with it now concentrating on other lines as i cant waste anymore time over this as it becoming more and more of a headache.

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No fulfilment centres are currently available to receive (Dangerous goods/Hazmat)
In reply to: Seller_w2VkRP43C7TdG’s postby Seller_Y0ydmxdE8ED0y

I've lost so much money through it. It retrospect, I should have given up and changed the listing to seller-fulfilled.

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