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Results for "20바로유심판매┣{ㅌㄹ@𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕞}로밍유심구매⋜아가씨유심거래↨달림유심거래≹pc카톡인증©"

(1315 results)
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I have been having an absolute nightmare with listings being suppressed due to "colour not provided". Some of these listings are two years old and all of a sudden they have become suppressed, even though colour WAS provided. I created all of these listings. I sent an email to the as I suspect this to be a bug as it ONLY happens for brands which are 'brand protected'.

Communication seemed positive until their reason has gone back full circle to this absolute disgrace of a reason. "Our internal team completed to review the issue and determined that the variation relationship is not approved because it does not follow Amazon's listing policy. We cannot share any information about the specifics factors behind the decision due to confidentiality."

CONFIDENTIALITY?! I created the listings! This is no way helpful! I have created over 200 variation listings and this issue only arises to brand protected listings (those with 96 hours approval). I have been back and to, to get approval for these brands again to remove suppresssion, but they keep becoming suppressed. This seems like a bug in Amazons systems and they are unwilling to have their technical team look into this.

If there is an Amazon employee here, please can you reach out

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high Acos on 26-06-2024
by Seller_AQcCPG7YSnkEr

Hi everyone,

Has anyone noticed a significantly higher ACOS today compared to yesterday? Perhaps Amazon is late in updating the data, but this isn't very common. Yesterday, my ACOS was 20%, but today it's 115%, which is abnormal. I haven't made any drastic changes to my campaigns. Any insights would be appreciated! thank you

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Transparency 2D barcode
by Seller_1x2QcK5X0OciP


I received he following email from Amazon.

Beginning 24 July 2024, these products must have a Transparency 2D barcode or serial number barcode in order to be listed on and dispatched to Amazon customers. You are responsible for ensuring that a Transparency 2D barcode or serial number barcode is on each of these products before dispatching them directly to customers.

I sell products and ship by myself as I am not registered as FBA.

Need advise.


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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
In reply to: Seller_FQHkqHJI5SqTh’s postby Seller_iZL0ysZFrLJmN

Although you can earn up to £1000 in any tax year before you have to register with HMRC as a sole trader and by the sounds of it, the OP doesn't expect to make that much in a year if they only expect to sell 10-20 copies of their book.

From "Who must send a tax return ; you were self-employed as a 'sole trader' and earned more than £1,000" 6/4/24

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
by Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai
Amazon replied

I'm getting nowhere with Seller Support (Live Chat & Phone), made a ticket asking for escalation, E-Mailed CEO's office and got a pretty rude reply, I'm at a total loss as to what to do. I have lost the buy box for ALL of my key products and best sellers, I am the brand owner, I am the only offer.

I am stunned at how little support there is from Amazon, I knew it was bad but I had no idea it was THIS BAD. Absolutely no transparency what-so-ever, nothing on performance notifications, account health is perfect, no violations, I am enrolled on the new Account Health Assurance scheme (which gave me peace of mind for all of 3 days).

With the CEO's office giving me the cold shoulder, seller support sending me links to 'Seller University', spending in excess of 10 hours trying almost everything on my account blindly, I'm at a complete loss sitting here with next to no sales. So my last resort is this... a mega thread... I'm hoping with enough people complaining about the issue, Amazon MAY acknowledge this problem as a bug/glitch before I have to file for bankruptcy (no exaggeration) and when they do, I also expect no apology or compensation.

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Hi ,

Is anyone facing any ad results in data update delayed or does the data updated look abnormal if compared with the previous day? especially order conversion on 18th June 2024 ads performance results.

because normally our UK Amazon STORE PPC ads campaign will generated at least 25 order conversion and above daily but suddenly dropped to 2 order converted only on 18th June 2024 and its never happened before even i checked 1 day earlier which is 17th June ads result also had converted 35 orders .

I have check for all the campaign budget utilization , BuyBox Availability and son on but all seems normal .

Anyone know ? pls assist .Thank you

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Suppressed listings - "Color not supplied" even though it IS
In reply to: Seller_u5KbBkK3GJmhY’s postby Seller_vtSzvxtW9StxE

Facing exactly same issue for the listings created by me. - Curse of error 8040 :)

last month leadership team solved and restored my listings but started facing same thing now.

This is amazon's backend system glitch, they are updating system and inventory software and each updates causes several issues.

Not sure about you but I am mostly FBA seller and units are at FC and on and average 10-30% FBA inventory are in search suppressed status.

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EPR France - incorrectly charged by Amazon
by Seller_vaG5uL6bo3AbC
Amazon replied

I didn't realise Amazon was going to calculate EPR in France until I received an invoice for over 600 Euros for packaging that should not be charged at any more than 20 Euros. This is because Amazon have taken it upon themselves to base my packaging on other 'similar' products, and incorrectly included a lot of plastic packaging, which I do not use.

I have been trying for over 4 months now to resolve this but get nothing but the same automated email replies from Seller 'Support'.

Does anyone know a way to resolve this? The funds were taken from my seller account and I want them refunded!

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In reply to: Seller_Hlb0vD6yOvI0U’s postby Seller_3Nr4m7GJm5Vzq

Exactly the same has happened with me

This time i tried adding a different card, im now unable to add a card for 24 hours.

I have prime orders than need dispatching today and am unable to do so due to being locked out of amazon. I have opened a support case and they have been no help at all

Now my prime orders will not go in time and we will end up losing our amazon prime badge due to no fault of our own. Not really sure where to go from here?

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by Seller_Hlb0vD6yOvI0U
Amazon replied

Has anyone found a solution to this?

The error message prevents me from accessing my seller account, which means I can't see or process any orders which means my account will be at risk of deactivation.

I have tried to add a new charge method as my old card is no longer valid.

I have tried two different cards and still get the same error message. THERE WAS A PROBLEM. PLEASE CHECK ALL DETAILS ARE CORRECT.

All card details ARE correct, name spelled correctly, number, expiry date (which expires in about 9 months, not 6 or under). amazon have my same address as a bank.

I try several times until I can't try until 24 hours due to security reasons.

I have opened several cases with Amazon and no resolution. I have been told I need to verify my old card - I can't do as the bank account no longer exists.

I have been told get a Credit card instead.

Other Amazon reps have talked me through the process to add new charge method which I have already done so many times and the same happens. Error message appears.

I have screenshotted error message and I am getting nowhere!

Has anyone found a resolution to this? Please help, so frustrated

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