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Received a Fraudulent Patent Infringment Report. MEGA THREAD
In reply to: Seller_N4dGOCEIWipZC’s postby Seller_540F4A6jRtMhU

Hello, I hope everything goes well with invalidating the fraud's design. I have followed the design invalidation process which has so far taken nearly 4 months. Hopefully, the process will be concluded sometime in August. Following that, I will take the tribunal's decision to report the bad actor to Amazon for damaging my business, I will see what kind of decision will be taken against them.

I think the issue has its roots in the UK's legal system. In my case, the bad actor is a Chinese national who does not have a physical presence in the UK. The bad actor registered a Limited Company through the UK Companies House online with a fake address and fake financial accounts. As for the address, I investigated courier databases like Royal Mail, which showed no presence of this bad actor in the address they claim.

Similar to your case, I found out that this bad actor registered hundreds of generic products through the UK IPO, using the Limited Company they registered online. What's ridiculous is that you can have any design registered in your name within a few days by the IPO, while invalidating it takes nearly half a year! The UK IPO carries no checks of originality, and will register any design in your name as long as you fill the form and pay the fee.

Since this bad actor is a Chinese national not a resident in the UK, I won't even be able to reach them to claim damages after my invalidation is successful.

I shared my concerns with the UK Companies House and the UK IPO, both decided to do nothing.

Amazon will only listen once I send over the tribunal's decision to invalidate. I am not sure whether Amazon will take measures to shut down the bad actor's Seller Account for intentionally damaging my business and undermining free competition within the marketplace.

P.s. I recommend you pursue the design invalidation process as this is the only way to have your listing reinstated by Amazon. Reaching out to media outlets sounds like an excellent idea since this issue is a big scandal. Perhaps Action Fraud could also be a good point of contact.

Feel free to share any information from my reply.

Wishing you all the best!

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Handmade Customisation Question
In reply to: Seller_EpXPhVLnbs8X3’s postby Seller_EpXPhVLnbs8X3

For anyone else who has had this issue and wants to know - I created a photo of the 3 different types of earring backs, changed it to a white background using Fotofuze, the editor on my laptop allowed me to make the image square and it uploaded to the customisation section without me having to resize. I then put the surface 1 as the Earring Closure Style with a description of the different clasps and intructions to choose closure required. This worked on a test listing and so I was able to add the 3rd option to all of my listings by clicking EDIT on each one.

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Handmade Customisation Question
by Seller_EpXPhVLnbs8X3

Hi All,

I'm on Handmade at Amazon and create costume jewellery, offering my earrings in pierced or clip ons so I had set up customisation on my listings so people could choose.

I now want to add a 3rd option for a different type of pierced closure, however the page has changed since I originally set it up. it is now asking for "surface 1", description and a square photo with specific dimensions.. I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do with this as I'm not printing T-Shirts and I don't have any square photos. Can I bypass this step?

It won't let me add my new option without uploading a photo!

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Hello Seller Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm encountering a challenging situation with an Amazon order and would appreciate your insights and advice.


I recently discovered a pricing error on one of our listings, which resulted in an order being placed at an incorrect price. Despite multiple attempts, I have been unable to cancel the order through Seller Central. The system does not allow me to cancel it, and I have not been able to contact the buyer directly through the available channels.

Order Details:

Order Number: 205-5365468-7519519

Order Date: 06/07/2024

Steps Taken:

1. Attempted to cancel the order through Seller Central.

2. Contacted Amazon Seller Support multiple times, but have not received a resolution.

Specific Help Needed:

Has anyone encountered a similar issue with a pricing error?

How did you manage to successfully cancel the order or resolve the issue with Amazon?

Any tips or strategies for effectively reaching Amazon support for urgent issues like this?

Your advice and suggestions would be invaluable in resolving this matter promptly. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best regards,

Muhammad Qasim Amin


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Deactivation nightmare
by Seller_WXCra8xehcDxE


I am imploring Amazon moderators for help please. For the second time in a year I have had my seller account deactivated because of an alleged relationship with another account. In both cases the identity of the other account is completely unknown to me (2 different accounts) but no matter how many times I explain this to the verification team or whoever makes decisions on these matters my appeals are rejected and 'more information' is requested. Apart from the name of the other account I have no idea who they are or why Amazon could possibly see any connection. I have sent a gas bill and a bank statement hoping this would satisfy them ( neither of which was specifically asked for but suggested by Account Health adviser) but no good. I simply don't see what else I could provide. In my view there is no justification for this deactivation. Surely if Amazon suspect a link they should provide evidence to back up their assertion which I could then refute. Moderators, what do you suggest?

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Dear Amazon Seller Community,

We are reaching out in desperation as we have been facing significant issues with our Amazon seller account since January 25th. For the past six months, we have been diligently working to prove our UK establishment status, but to no avail.

Here's a brief timeline of our situation:

January 25: We began the process of proving our UK establishment status.

May 1: Our account was suddenly blocked with the reason: "We have concluded that your selling account has failed the business establishment verification process that is associated with your value-added tax (VAT), and your account will remain deactivated."

Since then, we have submitted numerous appeals and provided extensive documentation to prove our status. Despite our continuous efforts, the result remains the same – our account is still blocked. Today, we received another response confirming that our account remains deactivated.

We are even prepared to accept being recognized as a non-UK establishment, but it seems this will not lift the account block either. We have been selling on Amazon since 2021 and never expected that our business could be destroyed overnight due to this issue.

We are at our wits' end and do not know what more we can do to resolve this situation. Our business is on the brink of collapse, and we urgently need guidance and assistance. Has anyone else faced a similar situation? What steps did you take to resolve it? Any advice or support would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and help.

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Urgent Help Needed: Account Blocked Despite Ongoing UK Establishment Verification Efforts
In reply to: Seller_xAAVkHF1Rgi33’s postby Seller_MT8rt0A2OpbCx

Your company is registered at a virtual office, along with many other companies. Also 2 of your Directors are resident in Belarus. Amazon will see this as indicating that you are not established in the U.K. and should be registered for VAT and Amazon should have been collecting and paying VAT to HMRC on all your sales.

If one of your Directors is resident in the U.K. and is physically operating within the U.K., i.e. able to receive deliveries, returns, receive store and file paperwork, not from a virtual office run by someone else, you may have a slim chance to prove that to Amazon, bearing in mind the above details.

Otherwise you need to be VAT registered, pay any past VAT to Amazon and keep within the U.K. law.

I personally feel these virtual offices should be limited to a small number of companies, and only run by certified accountants or solicitors, registered as officers of each company on Companies House. That may go some way to stop some companies evading paying their tax on U.K. sales and a fairer platform for the honest, legally compliant sellers, willing to contribute their share to help maintain the NHS, etc.

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Amazon refusing to remove review when it very clearly says in thier guideline that it's not allowed?
In reply to: Seller_SgrYVwQcsHQ6Q’s postby Seller_SgrYVwQcsHQ6Q

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHARThere is another review on the Asin B0D2ZPZB1R of 1 star.

Now I want to send a replacement order for the missing part mentioned on the review, but there is no option to find this order ID or contact the buyer.

How do I approach this? are you able to help?

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Last week a customer ordered 3x1 item, a few days later it said:

Refunds total: -£139.47

The item never arrived

I contacted amz and received:

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

I understand you have contacted us regarding if your order will not be returned.

Kindly note that as per Amazon policy, a refund is a customer credit for all or part of the cost of a bought item. In some cases, we issue customers a "returnless refund". In other words, they are not required to send the item back to the fulfilment centre. This means they are not required to return the item. Some items that are not eligible for return may be eligible for a refund.

In your case, your product will not be returned to the inventory, it was a returnless refund and you will not be reimbursed for it.

Then to my amazement I just received this for a completely different item/ASIN :

Refunds total: -£148.89

Return not expected

Seller central just copy and paste the same reply

I can not afford to give away £300 worth of stock in 1 day

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
by Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai
Amazon replied

I'm getting nowhere with Seller Support (Live Chat & Phone), made a ticket asking for escalation, E-Mailed CEO's office and got a pretty rude reply, I'm at a total loss as to what to do. I have lost the buy box for ALL of my key products and best sellers, I am the brand owner, I am the only offer.

I am stunned at how little support there is from Amazon, I knew it was bad but I had no idea it was THIS BAD. Absolutely no transparency what-so-ever, nothing on performance notifications, account health is perfect, no violations, I am enrolled on the new Account Health Assurance scheme (which gave me peace of mind for all of 3 days).

With the CEO's office giving me the cold shoulder, seller support sending me links to 'Seller University', spending in excess of 10 hours trying almost everything on my account blindly, I'm at a complete loss sitting here with next to no sales. So my last resort is this... a mega thread... I'm hoping with enough people complaining about the issue, Amazon MAY acknowledge this problem as a bug/glitch before I have to file for bankruptcy (no exaggeration) and when they do, I also expect no apology or compensation.

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