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Results for "29법인장판매 ⸨ 텔 MOONPAY_CALL ⸩경남가상계좌-경남가상계좌-경남가상계좌-경남가상계좌-경남가상계좌-경남가상계좌-경남가상계좌-경남가상계좌-경남가상계좌"

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I really need your urgent help/advice guys.

First of all, I'm not a new seller. I've been selling since September last year, I've achieved month on month steady growth on the UK marketplace. I currently have over 700+ active SKUs.

However, overnight, without any warning or notification, since 16 June, I have had a significant issue with my Amazon account: I have lost the BuyBox/Featured Offer for ALL of my listings.

As a result, in the last few days my daily sales have dropped from around £1000 to almost zero. In addition, my "Featured Offer %" has dropped to 0%. Btw, my account health is currently 248.

I opened several tickets without success, but chatted with Amazon Support who confirmed: "As of the moment your ACCOUNT is not eligible for BuyBox".

However, as to the reason why this happened and what I needed to do to get it resolved, I was told nothing but to wait. The problem is that I am losing money every day by not being able to sell anything, but I have to cover the costs of my business and order new products.

I cannot name here a specific ASIN, because this issue affects ALL of my SKUs (700+ listings), and given that it appears to be an Amazon-side problem. Therefore I am requesting your urgent assistance.

I have already emailed the Managing Director about this, but have not yet received a reply.

Can I somehow reach the team responsible to check my account and restore the Featured Offers in my account as soon as possible?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

Thank you!


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Irish Seller - UK LTD company
by Seller_hKmDu789hAVgE

Hi all,

Looking for some advice, I’m based in Ireland started selling about 3 months ago, have done about 8k in sales and really wanted / needed to scale this over the next few months to make an income and felt I was on route. Have setup a LTD company in UK with a UK business account too.

Got an email last week about proof of establishment in UK for VAT. Based in Ireland, I don’t meet the requirements. Got a follow up email today, Amazon said I owe historic VAT and will be charging VAT on my products going forward.

I had no idea, assumed I was going to have to register for VAT at the 90k mark like everyone else. UK accountant wasn’t particularly aware either as I think he mainly just deals with UK based sellers.

I use a prep centre in the UK so all stock is kept in UK, only difference is that I live in ROI.

Am I basically dead in the water already? Or how can I navigate this.


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by Seller_mIfWekSQiC5B1

I cannot contact Amazon in any way. My emails are not being returned. I can't make a phone call. I can't open a case. I have been a victim for 1 year. Nobody helps me. I have money left inside. I am now bankrupt. I lost everything because of Amazon. I have never seen such a careless platform before. It hurts now. I'm thinking of committing suicide. If I can't solve this situation, that's my only option.

Dear Amazon Account Specialist and Seller Performance Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is ALI OSMAN OZOGLU, and I am writing to urgently appeal the delete placed on my Amazon seller account (Account ID: ALSR3Z35BI019) on July 3, 2023, due to a "Returns and Refund Policy Violation Notification." I have received a notification stating that my account North America Marketplace is now deleted

Summary of the Situation:

Date of Restriction: July 3, 2023

Reason for Deleted: Returns and Refund Policy Violation Notification

Efforts to Resolve:

Hundreds of defense emails sent with detailed explanations and supporting documentation.

Multiple phone calls to Amazon service with similar assurances.

Despite these exhaustive efforts, my account remains restricted, and I have not received adequate responses or resolution to my issue. The promises made by your representatives have not been fulfilled, leaving me frustrated and significantly inconvenienced.

Request for Reconsideration:

I respectfully request a thorough review of my case and the immediate reinstatement of my North America Amazon marketplace. I assure you that I have always intended to comply with Amazon's policies and have taken steps to address any misunderstandings or errors that may have occurred.

Supporting Information:

Account Details:

Name and Surname: ALI OSMAN OZOGLU



Merchant Token ID: ALSR3Z35BI019

Phone Number: +905312892156

Given the significant amount of time that has passed and the lack of resolution, I kindly request that this appeal be escalated to a higher authority within the Amazon support team who can take immediate action. The continued restriction of my account is causing undue hardship and impacting my ability to use Amazon's services.


I trust that Amazon values its customers and their satisfaction. I am hopeful that this appeal will prompt a swift and fair resolution to my account restriction. I am more than willing to cooperate further and provide any additional information required to facilitate this process.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to a positive response and the prompt reinstatement of my account.

Due to this suspension, my money remained in the Japanese marketplace and the UK marketplace, as other marketplaces were also suspended. That's why I went bankrupt. Banks initiated enforcement proceedings against me. I lost my entire existence, everything.





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Your Funds Status
In reply to: Seller_pDccB8iJACSgx’s postby Seller_pDccB8iJACSgx

any update after a 2 weeks is highly appreciated!




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Your Funds Status
by Seller_pDccB8iJACSgx
Amazon replied

Hello, since Amazon was not able to verify my UK address after 1 year, I got this email

After completing our investigation and reviewing the information you provided, we have determined that your Amazon seller account has been used to engage in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity that harms our customers, other selling partners, and our store.

What happens now?

The funds in your account will not be disbursed to you. This is a final decision made after reviewing the information you provided.

this is affecting only on EU or also to US account?

Since I still own VAT, to pay, what happens now? If i can't the funds to cover the VAT, I just close the account, and bye? I have 15000GBP on it.

nobody is answering or explaining what to do or how to do it,

any help is highly appreciated @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Sakura_CAM @Sakura_Amazon_

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Sales via FBA
In reply to: Seller_ofkaq656XneBp’s postby Seller_QuM1AZgzfU9x4

You don't have to be VAT registered to use FBA unless you aren't established in the UK.

The revenue calculator is set to the default of a seller being VAT registered so it assumes VAT at 20% of sale price and no VAT on fees. In reality for non-VAT registered seller they can set the VAT rate to 0 but will have to manually add 20% onto the fees.

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Lost Buy Box (Featured Offer) MEGATHREAD
by Seller_QIMWRIIsqJQai
Amazon replied

I'm getting nowhere with Seller Support (Live Chat & Phone), made a ticket asking for escalation, E-Mailed CEO's office and got a pretty rude reply, I'm at a total loss as to what to do. I have lost the buy box for ALL of my key products and best sellers, I am the brand owner, I am the only offer.

I am stunned at how little support there is from Amazon, I knew it was bad but I had no idea it was THIS BAD. Absolutely no transparency what-so-ever, nothing on performance notifications, account health is perfect, no violations, I am enrolled on the new Account Health Assurance scheme (which gave me peace of mind for all of 3 days).

With the CEO's office giving me the cold shoulder, seller support sending me links to 'Seller University', spending in excess of 10 hours trying almost everything on my account blindly, I'm at a complete loss sitting here with next to no sales. So my last resort is this... a mega thread... I'm hoping with enough people complaining about the issue, Amazon MAY acknowledge this problem as a bug/glitch before I have to file for bankruptcy (no exaggeration) and when they do, I also expect no apology or compensation.

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Amazons titles costing us money.
by Seller_KlbXZHzQGSDZv

We have had 2 returns initiated recently due to errors in the titles of an item.


Amazon Title - Annie Pattern, with Zip

Title should be IMHO - ByAnnie Out and About PBA282 sewing instructions to make your own Rucksack / Backpack / Knapsack in two sizes. Clear concise instructions

We listed on this item via the upc format.

However the title is incorrect both grammaticaly and factually which has caused one of the returns (amazon automatically issued a return label costing us £3.30 for a letter sized item below 100g on an item that we are selling for £12.50 inc postage))

We have tried many times to correct several of these but as on this one where someone has lited it as a brand called annie instead of the correct ByAnnies you get stumped when trying to get anything changed. Have tried today to add some bullet points to possibly reduce the amount of returns bt they have not come through yet.

There seams to be a policy of just blocking/making a simple operation very difficult any changes asking for hi res photos etc or supplier details and when we look through our listing we probably have 100+ of these that we would like to change the name to the correct one but dont have the time to jump through all the hoops that amazon want to put in the way when it is obvious that the original poster has made a mistake on the listing.

@Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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Funds Available - 0
by Seller_JkJ5Wu8mvvXN6

I normally withdraw money once a week, I just checked and I have funds in my account, also a reserve.

Example I have 20k, deferred 8k, available 12k

However the request button says 0.00 and not 12k

In the drop down is it says now or settlement date, its set to now.

So I dont understand why I can't take the money? Glitch?

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vat on fees
In reply to: Seller_9idPMYuN5lTTl’s postby Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

Its been pulled from several sources and outside links are banned on Amazon anyway.

My advice is to ask your accountant to check.

But - VAT is not applicable to goods exported and Amazon are the deemed supplier for VAT purposes only. So anyone (who is not UK established) selling something at £12 on UK site, then Amazon is the deemed supplier. You actually sell to Amazon at £10 and Amazon sells to customer at £12 and sends £2 to HMRC.

Your sale is £10 (VAT not applicable as an export) for accounting purposes.

The fees on invoice is my understanding of the recent changes Amazon are making on 1st August here you will be invoiced from an office in same country where you are established. And just like any invoice for goods/services Amazon will be adding VAT at the rate your country specifies.

This is certainly the way eBay are doing it and have been doing it for several years. But this is Amazon so they may do it differently but it is my understanding.

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