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Results for "56법인장매입⟁⸨ㅌㄹ@𝗠𝗣𝗝𝗔𝗡𝗚𝟭⸥ 법인장업체©법인장업체⤜개인장삽니다∀개인장임대≼"

(254 results)
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Missing Inventory
In reply to: Seller_ctBKj5XBruGft’s postby Seller_Nprc5XWvdLYk9

If you go to the FBA inventory report,

does it show the original 59 items received on a particular depot on a date.

and then a negative/adjustment on a different date at the same or another fba centre?

and was this shipment only 59 items or are there other sku/quantities that were received ok?

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Missing Inventory
by Seller_ctBKj5XBruGft

Sent in 59 Units with a value of £600+, amazon confirmed this has been checked in and then apparently its gone missing. Now they are changing their story and claiming they didn't receive the items.

An absolute joke I must admit. I am a very small business and £600 is a lot of money to my business. The fact that no one is willing to look into this properly is annoying especially as its been going on for 4 weeks now.

Absolutely disgusting.

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I have made multiple shipments recently, and certain color variations of my products almost always go missing.

Shipment FBA15J26FK6J: 125 units packed, only 50 units received, 75 missing.

Shipment FBA15J2BTC0D: 125 units packed, only 74 units received, 50 missing (I found the 1 lost item).

Shipment FBA15J3G52YW is still active, 125 units packed, only 84 units received, 41 units missing.

Total missing units: 166.

There is a pattern to the missing items; they are all the same color variations - green, purple, and pink. This can't be an accident. They all have the same package quality, same label quality, and they are in the same box as others, but only these colors go missing. What is going on? Amazon support didn't help. They made no explanation about whats going on. As a seller, I am starting to loose my trust to amazon.

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Viewable Impression
In reply to: Seller_FhfzIInmoIaYS’s postby Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

I can't really describe it better than the help page does...

Viewable impressions

A viewable impression occurs when at least 50% of an ad's pixels were visible on screen for at least 1 continuous second, or 2 seconds for video ads.

This differs from an impression, which would be where your ad is served up in a search result, but it might not necessarily be on the screen (eg, it could be a mid search result ad which the customer didn't view, but it was impressed upon the customer in their search).

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Verify Establishment for Value Added Tax (VAT) - help please! Keeps declining.
In reply to: Seller_Ncpz3f54xAeWu’s postby Seller_gqiDBVyjv2BIp

I'm in the same boat - I've sent all the documents requested and we are in fact UK established for VAT (I also provided our VAT number). I have been sending documents and being asked for more repeatedly for 6 weeks. Our disbursements were held on 01/06. I made another submission on 03/06 and now I've heard nothing for 2 weeks. I've contacted account health support twice and they just tell me it'll be one or two more days. Last time I spoke with them was a week ago.

Very difficult when there is no end in sight and it's having a real impact on our cashflow now...if you find the secret to getting this resolved, please share!

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Hi all,

Hoping to see if anyone has any advice as I feel I am getting absolutely nowhere with seller support.

I started selling approximately 3 months ago and one product was from the brand Vaseline. In hindsight, I realise I had listed my products not on the parent "Vaseline" ASIN, but on a generic third party ASIN for the same product.

Within a day of listing, I received an IP complaint claiming my goods were counterfeit, from the alleged rights owner - who doesn't have a surname, a position or any other contact details other than a gmail address, and he has the audacity to complain about authenticity.

My goods are authentic and purchased from a UK based PLC with over £1bn in turnover every year. I have invoices to prove this.

This is where the problems started. The stock was moved to FC processing and held temporarily whilst I can resolve the claim. I have offered to take the stock back and even sell on another platform as a resolution, but SS are advising the only way stock can be released is if the rights "owner" retracts the IP claim.

I've emailed Sean multiple times, who has clearly no intention of responding to me, so we're no further forward. Seller Support keep following their script without using any common sense to work through a solution. I have been speaking to SS for nearly 8 weeks now but they just keep regurgitating the same responses.

My question(s):

1. Does anyone see a way forward? I've contacted the appeals team but they just say my invoices aren't a retraction from the rights owner, so they can't do anything and the stock just stays in limbo.

2. What is to stop sellers claiming to be the rights owner on basically any ASIN? Its evident (to everyone but SS I suppose) that someone with a gmail address isn't going to be the rights owner of Vaseline, but all the onus seems to be on the accused with no recourse? If this is the case, its incredibly poor on Amazon's side as I could lay claim to 50 ASINs tomorrow.

Just looking to try and get my stock back and then re-list on the correct ASIN,

Thanks for any advice.

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by Seller_e9T3GRIOoNe0S


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Buyers get rich scheme on Amazon - everyone should know
In reply to: Seller_iwJp0LfqVksmO’s postby Seller_gpqqZ5FYuNK50

Almost as bad as ebay. Ebay you put not as described even months later and return an empty envelope. Full refund. You can file a police report, take a video of you receiving the package from the post mans hand to opening it on the spot and they still won't do anything.

I have had stuff stolen from FBA Warehouse before, coincidentally only high value stuff gets stolen especially around Christmas Time.

I asked the for the Seller Supports for name and the Manager and a contact number for the Police for the Theft Report.

I soon got reimbursed.

Difficult in your case if civil or criminal, but a similar angle and you should get paid.

I've had this happen what happened to you 7-8 times one item was £240. mainly £45-£50 items. 1 was 1 day late to Germany with full tracking.

After selling on Amazon a while you just get numb to being robbed, in my experience Amazon "lose" more stock than customers scam/steal.

Fortunately I'd say way less than 0.5% of stock the above situations happen to.

Sorry you had that experience!

Just a thought if you had sent by Special Delivery with Royal Mail you get compensation if late which I think may include to cover these situations?

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VTR ISSUES 28th of may!!
In reply to: Seller_pbWIrPKbTsshy’s postby Seller_1vyLJePYDN9hf

I have this too - have suddenly dropped to 54%, never happened before. Good work as usual Amazon.

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I am writing this thread behalf of my main account is locked due to suspicious activity in my Buyers account and my seller central account is linked to my buyer account and it’s locked because I used my different debit card with different billing address they closed my Amazon buyer account but my seller central account is still active I received funds email notifications from my seller account but the only problem I am facing is my account is locked and I am unable to login and I contacted to the customer support team for more than 50 times but they didn’t helped me. Please anyone suggest me what to do?

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