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Results for "62위메이드포커□[까턱𝐊𝐊𝟐𝟗𝟑𝟔>❙플레이포커게임머니상∑"

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high Acos on 26-06-2024
by Seller_AQcCPG7YSnkEr

Hi everyone,

Has anyone noticed a significantly higher ACOS today compared to yesterday? Perhaps Amazon is late in updating the data, but this isn't very common. Yesterday, my ACOS was 20%, but today it's 115%, which is abnormal. I haven't made any drastic changes to my campaigns. Any insights would be appreciated! thank you

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My delivery settings are currently set to Royal Mail 48hr delivery and 0 Day handling. Amazon are displaying unrealistic long estimated delivery dates of 7 days on my listings which i think are killing sales.

Our OTDR is 98.4% with 680 delivery on time.

Our features offers have gone from 64% to 1% in the past 3 weeks.

Our health is all good so very confused to what has happened.

Has anyone found a fix for this?, or could a moderator please have a look at our account.

Thanks you all.

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I kid you not, item delivered at 11:32 this morning, buyer filed an AtoZ claim at 12:01, I refunded seconds later, AtoZ granted against me?!

Amazon = incompetence personified.

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Even though i have explicitly stated in numerous emails and phone calls to various departments and email that, i have no intention of wanting to start re-selling on amazon, therefore the appeal process of reinstating my seller account doesn't hold. I simply would just like my funds reimbursed, the funds have been put on "reserve" regarding transaction that occurred 2 Years and 7 Months ago.

In summary, based on the guidance from Amazon's Health Account Specialist employer and confirmations from other Amazon employees, the prolonged withholding of my funds, exceeding £3,000, is unjustified. This is exacerbated by the fact that no chargeback claims, A-Z guarantee claims, or disputes have been filed by customers in the 800+ days since the funds were initially reserved. The prolonged withholding of these funds, coupled with the severe financial strain and the consequential impact on my mental health condition, makes it imperative that an immediate and favourable resolution is reached.

Given the clear guidance from Amazon's account health team, the confirmations from your employees, the extended time frame exceeding Amazon's policies and regulations, the severe financial strain caused by the withheld funds, and the consequential effects on my personal circumstances, I respectfully demand an immediate and favourable resolution to this matter.

Yet, they still assume and state i have to get my account reactivated first. i think they dont know their own policies and guidelines, even cross referenced against amazon "Funds Withholding Policy" with account health specialist who concluded i don't fall under this bracket too!

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
In reply to: Seller_k2X0L9mVRT0pW’s postby Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ

Thank you Stillhere. I have opened 12 cases with the Help people trying to find out what I am doing wrong. That has not been mentioned once. Millions of people self-publish books. Most sell very few copies. Nor will mine.... so it would be ridiculous to register as a business with its monthly payments when I will probably sell, at most, 10 or 20 copies of my book. What do other people do?

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Hello @Seller_cKY3qrMo5t89S,

Your inventory should be available for the customers as per Reserved Inventory report help page:

"Units in the FC transfer status are available for customers to buy. However, customers might be shown a future ship date if no other units are available in the fulfilment centres for immediate fulfilment."

Additionally, here I am including the information that I found on how long this process can take:

"Transfers may take up to 22 to 25 days to complete. In some cases, transfers may take longer and investigation may be required (for example, delays due to Covid-19 restrictions or weather restrictions)."



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Missing FBA Pallet Shipment
by Seller_Rp3RUlJg73s2q

On the 6th March Amazon took delivery of a pallet from us but, after 100+ days, the shipment is still listed as "In Transit"

We've raised several support cases and provided every document requested, including the signed delivery note, but the response is always the same; "we’ve determined that this shipment is not yet eligible for reconciliation".

We're clearly stuck in a loop where Amazon won't investigate until 60 days after a shipment checks-in - but that'll never happen because they haven't checked it in.

We've spoken to several support representatives who have promised to investigate ... then we get another automated email telling us it's "not yet eligible for reconciliation".

Has anyone else managed to resolve a similar situation? - I feel we're just going round in circles now.

Any suggestions gratefully received

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So, last 15th March my account was deactivated due to "suspected intellectual property violation" for some Brands that I sell.

As far as I'm concern I'm not an isolated case because I have read several posts with similar problem.

In fact, after 3 months of struggling to get any kind of help, I can't be quite sure if it's just Amazon's incompetence due to it's big amount of fragmented departments or if it is a scam that is implemented in order to keep sellers money. In my case more than 5.000€

Each time we ask for help, by phone or by email we speak with a different people. I select English Language, but always get Amazon's Employee with an oriental accent that is very difficult to understand most of the times. I'm Portuguese but I consider myself to have a capable English speech and accent...

So, let's go to the facts: Here on the forum it seems that we receive "intentions" of getting help! But in practice, nothing also happens because each department on Amazon have their own specific tasks. So you advise to contact that department and then we get the same problem or answer....and we keep running in circles. The worse is that we receive ROBOT repeat answers despite what we write or documents prof we send. I have tried that with simple questions out of the subject just make my point and for sure no one reads or don't bother to read and auto-answer is what I get.

If you ask help on "call me now" you will talk with different people each time. I understand that, what I don't understand is why this employee don't have access nor permission to read what's going on. We have to explain everything again and again and after 30 minutes of talking and waiting for confirmations, the employee tells you to do exactly the same to the same department that is the ROBOT answering machine!

So, let's go to the facts and make my point to prove what I'm saying: (by the way, in the forum we can't attach files so unfortunately I can’t prove here with all my files and print screens what I’m about to describe)

Fact 1: Day 15Th march 2024 I get my account deactivated. The message I get by email is this:

“Votre compte vendeur Amazon a été désactivé conformément à la section 3 du contrat Business Solutions d'Amazon. Vos offres ont été retirées. Les fonds ne vous seront pas transférés, mais resteront bloqués sur votre compte durant la résolution de ce problème.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez la Politique d'éligibilité au versement des fonds :

Merci de bien vouloir expédier toute commande en cours pour éviter d'autres conséquences sur votre compte.

Nous avons utilisé une combinaison de moyens automatisés et de contrôles humains effectués par des experts pour identifier ce problème et prendre cette décision.

Pourquoi est-ce arrivé ?

Nous avons pris cette mesure, car une ou plusieurs de vos offres enfreignent la notre politique relative à la propriété intellectuelle :

Exemples d'offres qui enfreignent notre politique en matière de propriété intellectuelle :

-- ASIN: B09SFXPDJG (liujo)

-- ASIN: B015P3MD9W (markmaddox)

-- ASIN: B09SFX3CTL (liujo)

-- ASIN: B015UA0040 (markmaddox)

-- ASIN: B015UAMDFO (markmaddox)

-- ASIN: B01MS62ZJN (markmaddox)

– Utilisation potentiellement abusive de la propriété intellectuelle”

After this I initiate the process of proofing that I didn’t violate any “propriété intellectuelle” and I send all documents that prove that:

1-Document that prove that I buy this products from a legal Spanish company establish in Spain.

2-Document that prove that I have a dealer account active with this company and so I can resale their products.

3-Document that prove that each product and each brand that this company sells are approved to be retailed or resaled by their dealers (me in this case)

4-Invoices of me buying this products from them and specifically from those brands.

5-Invoices from me selling to final client.

So first reply I got was:

“Why did it happen?

We took this action because one or more of your offers violate our intellectual property policy:

Your explanation should include the following information:

-- How your account did not violate the intellectual property policy.

-- Proof that your account complies with our intellectual property policy.

(Amazon order id which demonstrates the product authenticity

An Letter of authorization(LOA) from the rights owner

Invoices for those products from the RO or supplier to prove the authenticity)

So for every time I add a new document to try to solve this problem I get the same auto-answer over and over again and is this:

“Nous avons bien reçu votre demande, mais nous ne disposons pas d'informations suffisantes pour réactiver votre compte. Étant donné que vous n'êtes pas en mesure de fournir les informations nécessaires et suffisantes dans l'explication soumise, nous avons décidé que vous ne pouvez plus vendre sur Amazon.”

So I answer. If this is not sufficient information, what exactly do you need more?

And the answer is:

“Nous avons bien reçu votre demande, mais nous ne disposons pas d'informations suffisantes pour réactiver votre compte. Étant donné que vous n'êtes pas en mesure de fournir les informations nécessaires et suffisantes dans l'explication soumise, nous avons décidé que vous ne pouvez plus vendre sur Amazon.”

So, this leaves us to the second problem….my money!

I asked for “payout” of my funds. Amazon replies that I need to wait at least 60 days and then I can contact disbursement appeals...see the email:

“Your account was deactivated on 15/03/2024. You need to follow the below process to have your amount disbursed.

If your account is not reactivated following an appeal or you choose not to appeal the deactivation, after 60 days from when your account was deactivated, you may separately request funds disbursement by contacting disbursement- appeals at For more information about funds please see this help page: (”

So, 60 days passed and I send the email asking for payout!

And begins another “saga” with Amazon’s help!

Amazon ask me to do this:

“ Your account is currently in the funds appeal period. To make a final decision on your funds disbursement, we need to verify information related to your identity and the authenticity of your supply chain.

How do I verify my identity?

In order to verify your identity and supply chain, you need to complete virtual identity verification over a video call.

How do I sign-up for virtual identity verification?

Our verification team will contact you within 72 hours of this notification with instructions on how to schedule your identity verification.

What happens if I do not sign-up for virtual identity verification?

If you do not sign-up for virtual identity verification or if your verification is not successful, some or all of your funds may be withheld.”

Then I receive the following message:

“Afin de débloquer les fonds sur votre compte, nous devons vérifier les informations relatives à sa désactivation, lesquelles peuvent porter sur des questions d'identité ou de chaîne d'approvisionnement en rapport avec ce dossier. Ce processus est conforme à la « Politique de retenue de fonds » :

Comment valider mon identité ou ma chaîne d'approvisionnement ?

Pour vérifier votre identité ou votre chaîne d'approvisionnement, vous devez effectuer la vérification virtuelle par le biais d'un entretien vidéo. Pour réserver un créneau horaire pour l'entretien, remplissez le formulaire de vérification virtuelle. Ce formulaire est hébergé par Qualtrics, qui est une entreprise externe. Ce lien ne mène donc pas vers notre site Web :

qualtrics (I have removed the link because amazon don't allow external links)

So I register in this website and schedule for the meeting.

Nothing happens. I ask again for help and amazon reply to schedule again.

I do it and finally I get a schedule confirmation.

So as any one might be aware, 5000€ in game, I was at the time of the schedule online and ready for the meeting.

What happens is that at the meeting is locked by the other side and I can’t access it. I have print screens to prove what I’m saying.

What happens next is the “berrie on top of the cake” Amazon send me an email saying that I was not at the meeting!!!!

See the reply:

“We were unable to complete your virtual identity verification because you missed the video interview appointment on 6/3/2024 at 04:00 PM British Summer Time.

Follow the instructions provided next to reschedule your appointment:

1. Access the Virtual Verification Form, which is hosted by an external company called Qualtrics, so the following link does not lead to our website:

"qualtrics" (I have removed the link because amazon don't allow external links)

So, after this I already reschedule 2 more times. I have print screens and prof of all I’m saying.

More than 90 days have pass now and the “saga” maintains.

My money is blocked, I did nothing wrong. I’m a legal individual Portuguese company establish in the 90’s active since then on the Portuguese market and European to. Never had problems in exportation to European countries and now this happens in Amazon. Is really frustrating. But for sure, if nothing is solved I will sew Amazon.

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32 units in Shipment ID: FBA15HLKCN87 went missing. I have opened a case ID: 9890535482 with purchase invoice and DPD delivery confirmation as seller support refused to investigate as the shipment was marked as "Investigation Completed – shipment contents counted and confirmed".

Please help.

@Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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KYC - no reply almost 2 months!
by Seller_vSHlcQ4e9SYns

After several back and forths with amazon providing them with the documentation they need, it's been almost 2 months and not a peep from them! My account is 'under verification' and has been for too long now. Amazons help centre is no help either!

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