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Results for "76대포통장대여∄⸨텔그@𝐌𝐏𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐆𝟏> 법인통장사는곳▯법인통장사는곳≡돈세탁┣통장파는곳⊛"

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Here is my original forum post here.

It's best to read my previous post for full details, but long story short, Amazon has not resolved an issue that's been ongoing for 7 months. The moderators also seem to have abandoned my case, as it's getting no attention.

I've opened this second forum post to give Amazon another chance to resolve this before escalating further. I would appreciate it if anyone could tag any moderators to bring more attention to my case.

@Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH initially tried to help but went silent over a month ago. Can we please reconnect?


@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_yk3kzHpjMMa4B

Attached is proof I am no longer being contacted by Amazon Forum Moderators*

Original post:

Thanks so much,

Looking forward to connecting again.


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Fair Pricing Violation
In reply to: Seller_zP4mEc2uI42Ja’s postby Seller_rluydfDQ8rGNc

You can complain to the UK Competition & Markets Authority. There is a specific part email for it, you can find it here: ....

OK, amazon wouldn't let me post a link to it (shocking). It is in their 'news' section here:

Pursuant to the commitments Amazon has entered into with the UK Competition & Markets Authority, if you have any complaints regarding Amazon’s compliance with its commitments, you may direct them via a complaint form to the Monitoring Trustee at *****or Alcis Advisers GmbH, Fasanenstraße 73, 10719 Berlin, Germany.

The complaint form and further information can be found on the Monitoring Trustee’s website:

Give it a google, and you'll find it, I'm sure.

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About 6 weeks ago a well known Furniture Shop 200 miles away contacted me saying that Royal Mail had delivered a parcel to them, addressed to me from Amazon but for some strange reason had their address as the return address, so it appears Royal Mail accidentally delivered it to them.

It was 176 units of my stock (my FNSKU labels and packaging) worth around £2,000 cost.

Fortunately they were honest and contacted me.

I have checked my shipments nothing "missing", I have checked my removal orders nothing.

How can I track stock levels through Amazons reports?

I want to check no other stock has gone walkies! It came in an Amazon box with no packing slip, paperwork or anything.

Absolutely shocking as a small business this is a fortune for us!

I have no idea how this possibly could have happened? Has anything like this happened to anyone else or any ideas how this event could possibly have happened?

Thanks! (Very worried what else has gone walkies!)

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I have made multiple shipments recently, and certain color variations of my products almost always go missing.

Shipment FBA15J26FK6J: 125 units packed, only 50 units received, 75 missing.

Shipment FBA15J2BTC0D: 125 units packed, only 74 units received, 50 missing (I found the 1 lost item).

Shipment FBA15J3G52YW is still active, 125 units packed, only 84 units received, 41 units missing.

Total missing units: 166.

There is a pattern to the missing items; they are all the same color variations - green, purple, and pink. This can't be an accident. They all have the same package quality, same label quality, and they are in the same box as others, but only these colors go missing. What is going on? Amazon support didn't help. They made no explanation about whats going on. As a seller, I am starting to loose my trust to amazon.

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Verify Establishment for Value Added Tax (VAT) - help please! Keeps declining.
In reply to: Seller_Ncpz3f54xAeWu’s postby Seller_gqiDBVyjv2BIp

I'm in the same boat - I've sent all the documents requested and we are in fact UK established for VAT (I also provided our VAT number). I have been sending documents and being asked for more repeatedly for 6 weeks. Our disbursements were held on 01/06. I made another submission on 03/06 and now I've heard nothing for 2 weeks. I've contacted account health support twice and they just tell me it'll be one or two more days. Last time I spoke with them was a week ago.

Very difficult when there is no end in sight and it's having a real impact on our cashflow now...if you find the secret to getting this resolved, please share!

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Even though i have explicitly stated in numerous emails and phone calls to various departments and email that, i have no intention of wanting to start re-selling on amazon, therefore the appeal process of reinstating my seller account doesn't hold. I simply would just like my funds reimbursed, the funds have been put on "reserve" regarding transaction that occurred 2 Years and 7 Months ago.

In summary, based on the guidance from Amazon's Health Account Specialist employer and confirmations from other Amazon employees, the prolonged withholding of my funds, exceeding £3,000, is unjustified. This is exacerbated by the fact that no chargeback claims, A-Z guarantee claims, or disputes have been filed by customers in the 800+ days since the funds were initially reserved. The prolonged withholding of these funds, coupled with the severe financial strain and the consequential impact on my mental health condition, makes it imperative that an immediate and favourable resolution is reached.

Given the clear guidance from Amazon's account health team, the confirmations from your employees, the extended time frame exceeding Amazon's policies and regulations, the severe financial strain caused by the withheld funds, and the consequential effects on my personal circumstances, I respectfully demand an immediate and favourable resolution to this matter.

Yet, they still assume and state i have to get my account reactivated first. i think they dont know their own policies and guidelines, even cross referenced against amazon "Funds Withholding Policy" with account health specialist who concluded i don't fall under this bracket too!

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Low sales for almost two weeks,
In reply to: Seller_81XUS3q50Vn1M’s postby Seller_QDokbHzWM3jpO

Low sales all year for me, down 70% on last year, depressing.

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Incorrect intellectual property violation
by Seller_VfbmW0VwxROLV

Good morning

We sell a product we manufacture with a product name say 'XXXX YYYY' for which we own the trademark name 'XXXX YYYY'. Another party has made an intellectual property complaint because they have the trademark 'XXXX' and our product was delisted. I have submitted our UK trademark number on appeal and it is now 45 days later and we have not yet received any response on the case. Daily calls to the Account Health team and constantly being told it is being escalated and we will receive a response in 72 hours. At our wits end with this, has anyone had any experience of getting Amazon to actually review the appeal or will we just keep having to do this until someone actually looks at the submission?

Thank you for reading

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Hello everyone,

We're frustrated to see that our account was deactivated after regular verification process. Long story short - we've provided the standard business documents, Actual state certificate, bank statements, etc., and a month after - we've got suspended. I've tried to reach the seller support and they didn't give me an explanation or suggestion on how to proceed.

I'll be grateful if someone helps us to solve the issue, we're missing sales every day and a lot of items are stranded in the UK and EU warehouses because of this.

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Contact KYC not relyed after about 70 days pass
by Seller_mIvdAsr1v1EZY
Amazon replied

Amazon opened a case that my contact info ( Address does not match with statement uploaded while account setup). Info was updated with the same day of email received. But now its about 65 days passed I did not receive any reply. Kindly help me to solve this issue.

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