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Results for "8원조이 환전상⇊⸤텔레@𝐊𝐊𝟖𝟒𝟔𝟓} ∩홀덤머니업체∓"

(3045 results)
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FBA shipment, stock doens't match ASIN
by Seller_d8WfbEccuaGMc

Hi all,

I have had an email from Amazon this morning suggesting that the barcode of the stock i have sold does not match that of the ASIN. They have suggested creating a new listing which is ridiculous and state that the stock will be received as unsellable in 3 business days if not resolved.

I have sold the exact same stock on the exact same ASIN via FBA for well over a year now with no issues, so i am struggling to understand how this can all of a sudden be a problem.

I have opened a contact request but no doubt will get some generic automated rubbish back from Amazon. Has anybody had a similar experience of this and are able to shine a light?

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book pricing.
by Seller_N0kQDKMgwda6y

Can ANYONE make any sense of Amazons pricing policy ? I have had books deactivated for overpricing when it was rare, mine was the only one on Amazon and those few on ABE were £10 more. I was asked to provide a 'reference price' which was presumably the new price in about 1980 !

Now I have had another removed so I looked up the others for sale. Mine was £38. Ther are two at £30, which was not the case when I first listed as I am always the cheapest like for like. But there are three at £80, and the one new copy ( surely their 'reference price' ) is over £200 !

I cant make any sense of it at all. Book prices on Amazon are totally random. I have seen prices ranging from 10 to 200 for the same book and Amazon is mostly happy with it. But when one of the bucket shops puts up a valuable book for a ridiculous price i am suddenly expected to match it. I would rather take it down the charity shop. ( mind you, thats where the bucket shops get some of their books )

Is it just me or does this happen to others ?

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New one on me,

I have been "warned" for copy/pasting responses to seller support

(something we have never ever done)

"Unfortunately, reopening the case and copy pasting responses will not lead to desired outcome and may cause you escalations related to behavior issue."

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Fraudulent Seller Activity - Need Help!
by Seller_gBr5mQX7vHioY
Amazon replied

We currently sell on a high traffic listing with high competition. On 3 occasions in the last 6 months, we have had fraudulent rights owner complaints. Each time from random gmail addresses. Somehow they are creating fraudulent documents to convince Amazon that they're the rights owner/ agent and then getting sellers removed from the listing.

How do we know it's fraudulent?

- The manufacturer is a billion dollar company, they would not be using gmail addresses for notifications

- Each time the email address is a different gmail address with no company details

- The same connected sellers all from the same part of the UK, are always the only remaining sellers

We can't get our invoices approved as they don't have the right owner details that are fraudulent and which Amazon will not share with us.

We need someone in Amazon CS to look in to this but no one wants to look in to it.

Can someone let us know who we can get in touch with?

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I've recently had a couple of negative customer reviews because the buyer thought the product was a different material to what it actually was.

Unfortunately it seems Amazon have completely overridden what I've contributed on the listing and gone in with their own thing. These are our own brand and until a couple of weeks ago, they were happy to accept what we had contributed.

This is just completely ruining listings as we are getting unnecessary 1* reviews and there's nothing we can do about it.

Can a moderator look into this please? Or does anyone know of a way to get these removed?

Thank you! :)

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I’m sure I’ve seen the sentence before. I suspect a drop shipper is looking back through their Amazon orders and if the tracking shows the item as not delivered (frequently the case with Royal Mail 48) they demand a refund using the following wording

”I still have not received my order even though the estimated delivery date has passed. Can you process a full refund for my order no ’

Anyone else seen this?


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Effective August 1, 2024, Selling on Amazon, Fulfilment by Amazon, and all other services currently supplied by Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l. (ASE) will be supplied by Amazon EU S.à r.l. (AEU). All agreements, policies, terms and conditions currently referring to ASE, including Amazon Payments agreements, will be updated to AEU. Additionally, all invoices issued by Amazon will be issued by AEU instead of ASE after August 1, 2024.

If your company is established in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Belgium or Sweden, you will be invoiced by the AEU branch in your country of establishment. As a result, local VAT rules apply and and VAT will be charged on your Amazon fees. In the majority of cases, we expect that you will be able to recover this VAT through your normal VAT return process.

We recommend that you contact your tax advisor for more information on recovering VAT as per your country of establishment's local regulations.

If your company is not established in the countries listed above, you will be invoiced by the AEU head office in Luxembourg, and there will be no change to how VAT is applied on Amazon fees.

Note: This change doesn't impact your account access, listings, product pricing, customer reviews, selling services or the price of services.

For more information, go to Update to Amazon UK and EU seller services entity and VAT treatment.

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My business partners and I would highly appreciate someone from Amazon to really help us here and correct this wrongdoing in Restricting our account for false VAT claims:

Account Health Case ID: 9856291392

In the performance notification on 26 May 2024 12:56 CEST, you wrote us:

"You will need to pay the VAT amount to Amazon for the historical unpaid VAT for the sales of goods delivered to customers in the UK on all sales from 1 January 2021, which fall under the UK VAT on eCommerce legislation. We will send you additional information regarding next steps, including payment options."

However, we had ZERO sales to UK customers long before you approved our new entity in the Republic of Cyprus in July 2023. That means NO Sales = NO VAT to the UK. Also, ZERO FBA inventory is stored in the UK for FBA or ours. So, there is no historical VAT due to UK customers, and we have all the documentation to prove this.

We have contacted twice your Amazon Health Account team, and in both calls, they confirmed that our non-UK establishment is still under investigation.

Secondly, asking us for sensitive data and documents of a company that is not operating this Amazon account anymore (the UK-based business) is not right.

We have already provided more than enough from them that you had on file already, and more from our current EU company.

This means accusing us of unpaid UK VAT for selling activity that is not there and EU VAT for an EU company that sells to EU customers. It simply does not make ANY sense, legally, tax-wise, and more.

Can one of the Amazon managers please help review my submission? I have had no response for many working days and the cashflow issue keeps growing, plus the huge impact in our sales.

We have provided all the documentation requested to prove all the above and more.

Thank you!

@Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_pcsb5w54JugEA @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_VJ4XoAkjDpjPH @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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Urgent help is needed ASAP - Amazon is wrongly considering us UK established for VAT when we have ZERO UK Activity.

For over 4 weeks now, we have been trying to prove to Amazon the obvious: that we are a European company selling ONLY to our VAT-registered EU countries on and we have received again the following:


Thank you for your submission. We reviewed the information provided, but we need additional documentation to determine whether you are established in the UK for Value Added Tax (VAT) purposes.

Why did this happen?

We must collect and remit VAT from non-UK established selling partners for the sales of goods delivered to customers in the UK. Based on a review of your account, we determined that you may not be UK established for VAT purposes. We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision. We took this action in accordance with the Amazon Business Solution Agreement:

and APUK Agreement:

What actions do I have to take?

To avoid further impact to your disbursements, go to the Account Health page in your Seller Central account and follow the instructions from the banner that is present at the top of the page to submit the following mentioned documentation:

If you operate a Limited Company :

-- Evidence that you are physically operating your business from your provided address.

-- Evidence that you are operating your business from your provided address.

-- Documents confirming the identity and place of residence of every director listed in the extract.

-- Documents confirming the place of residence of every director listed in the extract.

If you do not meet the UK establishment criteria: Verify that you are not established in the UK.

In this case, you will not need to provide documentation, but you will need to pay Amazon to account for the un-paid VAT.

We have sent ALL the documents three times for our European company, which was already approved by Amazon on July 2023!!

Why is this happening and why all our funds are still on hold? This is completely unprofessional and opens Amazon's serious legal liabilities, including disruption of business.

Can a human from Amazon support finally review?

Thank you!

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Update to Amazon UK and EU agreements and VAT treatment
In reply to: Seller_kKOdRZuhZIPPS’s postby Seller_kZYbqQ7EigRdq

''If you are not registered for VAT, there will be no change to how VAT is applied on Amazon fees after August 1, 2024. You can contact your tax advisor for further guidance.''

This is what amazon says, I am confused , what they mean No Change to how VAT is applied ??

Thank you

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