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Results for "85원조이 환전⊕(텔그@𝘒𝘒8465⦌⬍플레이포커 머니상⊡"

(387 results)
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Suppressed listings - "Color not supplied" even though it IS
In reply to: Seller_vtSzvxtW9StxE’s postby Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn

Okay yours is different to mine. I get 8040 error and I delete all the Parent and Children then I can relist about 15 minutes later and it all works okay.

Mine are all FBM. I have largely quit FBA except for a small amount of fast selling cards. All the clothing which are the variation listings are no longer in FBA.

There were many reasons why I quit FBA but one of those was that listings just went suppressed and there are times I can't fix them and they then just cost me money to get the stock back.

I am fed up with Amazon messing around with listings it just takes up so much of my time to fix them.

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Vicious Circle trying to list book for purchase
by Seller_3fHacxYyCxqbJ

I am new to Seller and opened an Individual account. I want to sell one single item, my self-published book. I Add Product, put the book’s ISBN in the Category and fill in everything else required. It appears in My Inventory and I get an email saying it will be available for purchase in 15 minutes. But it never does. Seller helpdesk tells me my listing ’is not currently assigned to a product category, therefore is not searchable’. It tells me to complete the following steps. First go to Edit and select Product Identity and then fill in ‘Recommended Browse Nodes/Item Type Keyword’ BUT THERE IS NO PRODUCT ID to be found. Heldesk told me it is under Product Description… but when I click on that I get a message saying ‘Restricted Edit Permissions. As you are not the brand owner for this product…’ etc. It stops me filling out anything under Brand Description’, (It is my own self-published book but, when registered, Nielsen book registry automatically lists all books on Amazon.) Helpdesk then tell me, as an alternative, to ‘Toggle Advanced View’ BUT THERE IS NO ‘ADVANCED VIEW option to toggle. I am now on my 10th case with Help about this over two weeks and can’t get them to understand that it is not possible to carry out their instructions, despite sending screenshots to show I can’t fill out Product Details and there is no ‘Advanced View option. Please, please… can anyone else suggest anything and put me out of my misery?

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Amazon wont pay me - No payment given since March 2024,
In reply to: Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR’s postby Seller_PLXfdrvOGjHe9

Hello Sarah, I have the same issue with Spain. for more than 15 month. from about Feb last year. I have tried everything. Naturally I have put my account there on holiday mode can you please help? They keep telling me the relevant department will get back in touch with e because they don't see any problems with me account. Can you also help me?

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Disbursement Issue with Amazon UK Account
by Seller_ISTIDAnNrF0i1
Amazon replied

Hey everyone,

We haven't received any payments from our Amazon UK Seller Account since 14/05/2023, and now we've got over 10K GBP just sitting there. This money is really important for us to keep things running smoothly.

Our account is in good standing—no flags, no violations, no outstanding claims or chargebacks. Our account health is great, and we've never had any A-Z claims opened against us.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? Any tips on how to get this sorted quickly? We're desperate to get this resolved and would really appreciate any advice or guidance.

Thank you for your comments!

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Hi ,

Is anyone facing any ad results in data update delayed or does the data updated look abnormal if compared with the previous day? especially order conversion on 18th June 2024 ads performance results.

because normally our UK Amazon STORE PPC ads campaign will generated at least 25 order conversion and above daily but suddenly dropped to 2 order converted only on 18th June 2024 and its never happened before even i checked 1 day earlier which is 17th June ads result also had converted 35 orders .

I have check for all the campaign budget utilization , BuyBox Availability and son on but all seems normal .

Anyone know ? pls assist .Thank you

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Verify Establishment for Value Added Tax (VAT) - HUGE Delay
In reply to: Seller_QuxoryRYBbGoN’s postby Seller_QuxoryRYBbGoN

Dear @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR,

Yesterday we received another reply in CASE ID: 9844266592, to send again all our company's documents to the Spanish email address:

Which we did yesterday as well. Today, we received a performance notification stating that it would take up to 15 business days. We are already over 5 weeks that Amazon is trying to evaluate the obvious: : that we are talking here about the EU establishment, and NOT about the UK!

Our EU company has NEVER had any selling activities in the UK, has no inventory in the UK, and has never used Amazon FBA in the UK, which Amazon can easily verify in our seller account.

AND, finally, we have a written confirmation from Amazon on Case ID: 8743895752 on 19/05/2023 stating the following:

"I would like to inform you that if you change your legal entity to an address in Cyprus on Seller Central and that legal entity is verified and your listings are stored in the EU and you send your listing to a EU country, Amazon will not collect and remit VAT"

Can you please contact the relevant Amazon team to finally get to the bottom of this as you are literally killing our business because of Amazon's incapability to understand the EU/UK eCommerce Legislation for VAT establishment?

Let us hear from you soon!

Thank you very much

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How do you handle a bad review like that?
In reply to: Seller_dljmOKKVqkCMl’s postby Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

Hello @Seller_dljmOKKVqkCMl,

This is Sakura from Amazon. Welcome to the Seller Forums.

Here I am attaching the help page that provides you with information on how to respond to customer feedback

Resolve or respond to customer feedback

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"...pressuring or offering incentives to a buyer to remove or modify negative feedback is a violation of our policies."

This is important for you to know, as per the Help Page:

"Remember that pressuring or offering incentives to a buyer to remove or modify negative feedback is a violation of our policies.

Example of acceptable notification: “If you are satisfied that we have resolved your concerns, it is possible to update or remove the feedback you originally provided here.”

Example of violation of policy: “Would you be willing to remove your feedback if we provide you with a voucher for 25% off your next purchase?”

I hope it clarifies your doubts.



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Hello @Seller_cKY3qrMo5t89S,

Your inventory should be available for the customers as per Reserved Inventory report help page:

"Units in the FC transfer status are available for customers to buy. However, customers might be shown a future ship date if no other units are available in the fulfilment centres for immediate fulfilment."

Additionally, here I am including the information that I found on how long this process can take:

"Transfers may take up to 22 to 25 days to complete. In some cases, transfers may take longer and investigation may be required (for example, delays due to Covid-19 restrictions or weather restrictions)."



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Dear Amazon Seller Community,

We are reaching out in desperation as we have been facing significant issues with our Amazon seller account since January 25th. For the past six months, we have been diligently working to prove our UK establishment status, but to no avail.

Here's a brief timeline of our situation:

January 25: We began the process of proving our UK establishment status.

May 1: Our account was suddenly blocked with the reason: "We have concluded that your selling account has failed the business establishment verification process that is associated with your value-added tax (VAT), and your account will remain deactivated."

Since then, we have submitted numerous appeals and provided extensive documentation to prove our status. Despite our continuous efforts, the result remains the same – our account is still blocked. Today, we received another response confirming that our account remains deactivated.

We are even prepared to accept being recognized as a non-UK establishment, but it seems this will not lift the account block either. We have been selling on Amazon since 2021 and never expected that our business could be destroyed overnight due to this issue.

We are at our wits' end and do not know what more we can do to resolve this situation. Our business is on the brink of collapse, and we urgently need guidance and assistance. Has anyone else faced a similar situation? What steps did you take to resolve it? Any advice or support would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and help.

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Hi, I am letting people know that Amazon have changed their policy on Royal mail 2D Bar codes i.e Royal Mail scanned on delivery. Sometime ago I raised this with Amazon that all our packages have "valid tracking" but Royal mail only scan about 80% and was told not to worry as Amazon are aware and will disregard if when needed we provide valid tracking proof. ie we sent them copies of the delivery label. Well that has changed. Last Friday some listings were deactivated and I had to provide the appeal which I did as usual, but this time it was turned down After a long conversation the result was we either change to a different post method (which would add about £1.00 to the cost and on cheap items that is a big percentage) or buy the same service from Amazon!

I am uncertain what the motive behind this is, to be competitive we will need to buy postage from Amazon? What I tried to explain is that as far as the customer is concerned there will be no improvement Royal mail will continue to fail scanning packages. In addition as we use 3rd party software to process all orders, will it be more difficult? Will Amazon then get details of my orders from Ebay and our own website? I think this stinks and anyone using Royal Mail 24 / 48 (CRL) should take note. Short term we will change to Royal Mail Tracked and accept less orders, longer terms we may have to buy shipping from Amazon, but before we do we need to consider the pros and cons

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