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Results for "97카톡인증대행⤔⸨ㅌㄹ𝕀𝕊𝔼𝕌𝕃𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕂] 해외카톡사는곳≬카톡파는곳⇒실명인증판매↜모바일카톡인증업체▞"

(302 results)
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Amazon Policy Change Royal Mail 24 / 48 (CRL) scanned on delivery and VTR
In reply to: Seller_zKEt2RiaID5EU’s postby Seller_ztaOlsnPiZSvE

Thankyou for the info, we only use CRL for large letters which for us is cheaper (£1.25) than 48 tracked. For packages and more expensive large letters we use tracked and signed which as you say is cheaper and better. Interestingly on the category which has been suspended our VTR is 90% so suspension seems harsh to say the least

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buy box 0% for all 1000 items.
by Seller_LA1Fyw2kiMZ8X

For all my items at UK store has been lost buy box. It shows 0%. All other marketplaces shows 98 and more %, and only UK 0%.

I have been wrote to support, but they do not helping me. I want to understand what is the reason of this problem. Account rate is very good, no problems in this. Shipping and all other metrics good. I want to understand the problem, and how to resolve it. I want to understand why at all marketplaces I have buy box, but in UK no. I am selling my own brand with one price. There is not reason to lost it. This is amazon technical mistake, I want someone to resolve this situation.

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Funds Available - 0
In reply to: Seller_JkJ5Wu8mvvXN6’s postby Seller_Vv2eL676HnuZJ

in my account it says

Your next scheduled transfer initiation date is 02/07/2024*. However, if your available balance remains £0.00, no transfer will be initiated on that date.

all funds are in account level reserve .

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How can I reactivate my account?
by Seller_VplXRD9NrZh0c

I received this message from It is not very clear to me why my account was deactivated but so far as I can make sense of this message at all I take it that someone or something (probably just a machine, not a human) thinks that I have started more than one seller account. I have tried to reactivate the account but I am not sure what information I can possibly provide to convince the person or machine that I have not started more than one account. Can anybody advise?

The message is: '


Your Seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement. Your listings have been disabled. Funds will not be transferred to you, but will be held in your account while we work with you to address this issue. This may take up to 90 days, but funds may be held for longer. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?

You have a separate account Black+backer which was enforced for violating one of our policies. As a result, you may no longer use the Black+backer Selling account to sell on

Ho do I reactivate my account?

In order to reactivate this Selling account, Black+backer please follow the below steps:

1. You must first reactivate the account associated with Black+backer by submitting an appeal. Please follow the instructions in the communication received for that account.

2. Once you have successfully reactivated that account, please submit an appeal to reactivate the current account, Black+backer by using this link: When submitting the appeal, you will need to provide us with the name of the account that was reactivated and the date of reactivation.

What if I don’t own the account – Black+backer ?

If you believe you do not own the other account, please follow the below steps:'

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PO Box address for seller account
In reply to: Seller_khXhultlsgFkP’s postby Seller_sdciVpJlMHpt3

Thanks I appreciate your reply.

Do you still use a PO Box now?

95% of our returns come back via Royal Mail, but I appreciate your point.

I'm not sure whether it's possible to set different delivery addresses depending on the postal service, or exclude Evri as a return option. I can't find any information on this.

Can anyone from Amazon provide an answer?

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Hello Amazon KYC Verification team,

Sadly, we still do not have an update on our KYC verification and this has now become a business critical event.

Our account verification was triggered & responded to mid April 2024, today is June 22 2024. It has been more than 3 months. During this period i have been asked dozens of times - "Please submit your last document as to verify your account" One time it's postal code, second time bank account, 3rd time not clear owners. Every time only 1 document pending, when submit it, you are requesting for something old that's already approved.

Then :....."This validation can take up to 24 hours, and might take up to 10 working days in some cases. During this time, your Identity Information cannot be edited."...

Since 07 June I have submitted my last batch of requested documents, 10 business days already past. Wrote to your support team, and got same message - "We cannot give you an exact deadline, but our team is working hard to complete verification as soon as possible."

During this time i got more than 10 phone calls and mails from different team members, assuring me that this is the last document that's requested and in few days, some rejection went back to ask for same documents that are provided according your standards.

I am very sorry to trouble you all, but could I kindly call on your support to help conclude these KYC checks which are having a damaging effect on our business. I'm selling since April, and have thousands of EUR to be sent to our family business since then, it's very sad to see that you are saying that you are supporting family businesses when to see that the reality it's controversial.

Please can this case be escalated to the managers of the internal team to complete this account review as a matter of priority today.

I look forward to hearing from you, case ID that's "transferred" to the "unknown who and where" is 9908558342.

Kind regards

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Update regarding the SFP Delivery Dates for the Easter 2024 / SFP weekend pickups
In reply to: Seller_yRqzR0ZXUoeEk’s postby Seller_gtBZn43g19Whn



The issue still persists, with Amazon not recognising weekend collection and deliveries.

We have checked our Royal Mail delivery performance and they are delivering 98% next day. On our Amazon eligibilities page it says this is 94%. Given Royal Mail are responsible for this, and they are one of the only 2 approved SFP couriers, it doesn't make sense why we are affected by this? We use Tracked 24 for all our consignments.

We have 99.9% on time shipment, 98.7% buy shipping usage, 0% cancellation. All green metrics on 1,654 orders in the last 7 days.

There is nothing more we can do to satisfy requirements, and yet still are severely harmed over the weekend period when we show incorrect slow delivery times. I estimate we are losing out on around £3-4k sales revenue per weekend, not to mention dropped listings and the increased overheads we have running a Saturday shift in our warehouse.

It seems this trail is going cold, @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK are there no further updates at all?


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Update regarding the SFP Delivery Dates for the Easter 2024 / SFP weekend pickups
In reply to: Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK’s postby Seller_yRqzR0ZXUoeEk

Hi @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK,

Having checked our SFP order for today, we can see 0 orders are due to be shipped by today.

There are at least 17 orders placed after 4pm on Friday, all with a ship by date on Monday, despite our collection date and shipping settings set for Sunday pick up and dispatch.

It seems that we're still facing the consequences of this issue and it is impacting our weekend sales.

Please can you assist?

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Customer return item disposition
by Seller_L0Bw3huPV4ixB
Amazon replied


Looking for some advice in relation to a customer return. Here is a breakdown of events:

-Item was purchased on 30th October 2022

-Amazon has refunded the customer on 20th March 2024 - that is nearly 17 months after the item was bought.

-The return was received on 28th March and immediately disposed of as it had batteries in it.

The headset is worth over £150 and amazon are refusing to reimburse me for it. Is there anything that can be done to get the cash back?


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I am doing FBA and Amazon keeps the buy box with 6-7 months of shipping time on some of my listings. How on earth can it be possible? It cannot be accepted as a normal shipping time and there is no chance to beat those prices. Amazon does not allow us to win the buy box.

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