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Results for "c플레이포커머니시세╨{까턱𝙆𝙆2936}⇆위메이드포커⋥"

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Account deactivated. Appeal rejected 20+ times
by Seller_0bpslEX359dRn
Amazon replied


I would appreciate some help if possible.

I have had my UK selling account deactivated for almost 6 weeks due to a high ODR %. They seem to think I simply marked orders as sent without sending them

Since the account was deactivated, I have spoken to Amazon Account support staff almost 30 times. Each time they suggest adding new information to my appeal and still I continue to receive the same rejection template email.

I have provided explanations and documentation for everything that has been requested plus more.

Originally, I was asked to provide proof of delivery for last 30 days. Then 60 days. Then 90 days.

Not only have I provided detailed excel spreadsheets with orders going back last 6 months which include tracking numbers, delivery status, refund status if so and reason for this, but I have also supplied picture proof of over 100 deliveries. I have provided my Incorporation documents, banking information, POA and a letter from the courier.

As everything has failed thus far, I tried to escalate my case to the MD office but I keep getting the same rejection emails or no replies at all.

It seems as if Amazon no longer cares much about helping Sellers reactivate their accounts.

Any help would be appreciated as this has become very frustrating and tiresome.

I’ve had deactivations previously and they lasted anywhere between 4-18 months. It’s fair to say, I cannot afford to be waiting that long again without access to funds that are being held.


someone please help



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Trademark transfer and listings
by Seller_NRbSrvQsLSXts

Hi All

I currently sell a brand on Amazon owned by my Uncle. He has separate amazon account where the original listings were created but hasn't sold for last few years. He keeps the account open because we were worried the listings might disappear and wanted to have option to sell again. The brand is registered and my account is admin on the brand so I have access to a+ etc. He now wants to fully retire and sell me the brand/trademark. As he still pays £30 a month account fees.

1. I am worried if deletes his account the listings might disappear also. I assume they are stored in the brand registry so can someone assure me the listings will still be available and active on my account?

2. If I do buy the trademark do I tell brand registry about the change and move from admin to owner or is that not possible is admin the most I can be? If he deletes his account will the brand pass onto me in brand registry automatically or is there going to be some unforeseen issues?

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Account Health Rating drop
by Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v


I'm seeking advice from this seller forum regarding a persistent issue with my Account Health Rating (AHR). Over the last two months, my AHR has been dropping by 4 points every week or 10 days, despite having no policy violations and all performance metrics being within acceptable thresholds.

In April, my AHR was 320, but it has now fallen to 272. I've contacted the AHR specialists multiple times, but they consistently tell me it's beyond their scope and to reach out to Seller Central. Seller Central, however, can't identify any reason for the drop. I feel like I'm being passed back and forth between the AHR specialists and Seller Central, with each providing different explanations.

One representative suggested that the drop was due to my MFN orders for 180 days decreasing from 1700+ in April to 1500 in May, even though my total orders (FBA + MFN) in May were higher than in April. Additionally, I have a compliance request where I've submitted an appeal three times to close a listing that we've had no intention of selling for over a year, yet it still appears on my dashboard.

I have screenshots documenting the changes in my AHR every 10 days. If this decline continues, my AHR will soon fall below 200. I need advice from the forum on how to resolve this issue with Amazon. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Account Health Rating drop
In reply to: Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh’s postby Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v

Hello thank you for your reply, I just want to understand does it take sales volume as MFN + FBA.?

Seller central representive told me it is only MFN and your MFN droping so your AHR dropping. I am really concerend as many sellers only have FBA. Over last 6 months we have changed in strategy and we do more FBA than MFN. Please let me know if have any insight on it.


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Account Health Rating drop
In reply to: Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v’s postby Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

Sorry, can't advise there. The help page only makes reference to 'you also gain 4 points for every 200 successful orders you fulfilled over the last 180 days'

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VAT Refund On Selling Fee's - No Update???
In reply to: Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU’s postby Seller_8jvDsRwMEdLKW

Hi, Mine all started going through about a month before yours and I have just received the payment, I got an email every 4-5 days saying they are looking into it and then ne day my payments had the VAT refund on there, I applied on May 16th for the refund as had got the same vat excemption status like yourself before that, hope this helps .

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Unsubstantiated counterfeit claim
by Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

Received a policy warning that someone had made a counterfeit/authenticity claim on a product I sell.

Now as I buy the product direct from the manufacturer who designed and make the item, and I have been selling it for several years I wasn't unduly worried.

So I go into appeal - and it asks me to submit invoice dated within last 90 days and also dated before the claim was made showing I bought at least 10 units.

So I send in invoice from 9th May showing 25 units bought.

Now I get an email saying the information was not sufficient. Amazon now want me to submit invoices for last 365 days showing total units matching what I have sold over the last 365 days!!

This is frankly ridiculous - I have submitted last 6 months worth invoices and a Letter of Authority from the manufacturer giving me re-sell rights. Im not going back further. This is not Amazon seeing if item is counterfeit - it cannot be as I buy direct from the manufacturer who designed and make the item. It is either a competitor making an unsubstantiated claim or Amazon themselves who want to start selling the item for themselves and checking to see how many units I sell through other channels because they can now see how many units I bought and they know how many I sold on Amazon.

Im getting very disheartened with selling on Amazon with their constant interference in my business and constant requests for documentation. I also received yet another request from Amazon to prove my VAT status because they say the name on their records does not match up with my VAT Certificate. Strange how this test passed before. Anyway, so I have had to download and send in my VAT Certificate yet again - and lo and behold the names match exactly between the Certificate (that they have had now several times) and the name in Amazon Business Information. Im seriously thinking of quitting altogether.

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Unsubstantiated counterfeit claim
In reply to: Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q’s postby Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

So after a lot of back and forth I have finally gotten to the bottom of the problem.

Customer wanted a straw hat. My hats are made of simulated straw (and says so in description). So their actual complaint was bogus as they had not read the description correctly and the fact they used 'inauthentic' in their complaint caused so much aggravation. The customer was just a normal customer - they had no authority on the issue, were not brand holder or anything so for Amazon to give any credence to such a complaint in the first place was a bit ridiculous.

Nevertheless, Amazon wanted last 365 days invoices from my supplier. I got my supplier to send me copies of all invoices from May 2023. I would send invoices, Amazon would come back to say they could not verify supplier (they had made no attempt at even contacting supplier as I asked the supplier) so then Amazon wanted suppliers supplier invoices. I would explain there was no suppliers supplier as I bought directly from the manufacturer who designed and produced the hat. Then Amazon would ask for last 365 days invoices, I provided and whole sequence kept repeating.

Finally an Account Health Specialist I spoke to (for the third time on the issue) said that if I went to Manage Orders, and searched last 365 days for the ASIN that the number Amazon said I had sold was greater than the number of units I had bought on the invoices.

So I checked - the trouble was

1. As Amazon kept asking for invoices from last 365 days and that is what I provided - items sold May 2023 were actually bought in April 2023 - so these invoices were missing and this stock meant my total bought was higher than Amazon calculated just from looking at last 365 days. So I provided invoices from April 2023 to May 2024 instead

2. Looking at the sales Amazon said I had made I realised they were counting orders made - not sales. There were many refunds where customer had returned the hat and it had then gone back into stock and re-sold. So the number reported by Amazon was higher than actual sales.

Taking into account units bought in April 2023 and the returned/re-sold items and it proved I had bought more units than had actually sold.

When appealing , Amazon only allows files to be uploaded and has no box for additional information. So I created a Word document containing the above information with actual figures showing my calculations and finally Amazon have agreed I can continue selling the item.

So for a month now I have been tied up on the issue. And all because Amazon gave credence to 1 complaint out of 1000 from someone who had no authority on the issue - and because Amazon could not understand basics of having to buy in stock before it can be sold (hence they needed more than last 365 days invoices) and the fact they were counting orders made and not actual sales.

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by Seller_Hlb0vD6yOvI0U

Has anyone found a solution to this?

The error message prevents me from accessing my seller account, which means I can't see or process any orders which means my account will be at risk of deactivation.

I have tried to add a new charge method as my old card is no longer valid.

I have tried two different cards and still get the same error message. THERE WAS A PROBLEM. PLEASE CHECK ALL DETAILS ARE CORRECT.

All card details ARE correct, name spelled correctly, number, expiry date (which expires in about 9 months, not 6 or under). amazon have my same address as a bank.

I try several times until I can't try until 24 hours due to security reasons.

I have opened several cases with Amazon and no resolution. I have been told I need to verify my old card - I can't do as the bank account no longer exists.

I have been told get a Credit card instead.

Other Amazon reps have talked me through the process to add new charge method which I have already done so many times and the same happens. Error message appears.

I have screenshotted error message and I am getting nowhere!

Has anyone found a resolution to this? Please help, so frustrated

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Account Health Rating drop
In reply to: Seller_6kBpTQqWOEW4v’s postby Seller_ZJhFeE3tNKzfh

The AHR takes into account your orders over the last 6 months not just recently.

So you may have had a larger volume of orders from 7-9 months ago that have now left the AHR window.

That is why its dropping. Provided you don't get any policy violations, it shouldn't go below 200.

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