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Results for "፲【〃KOA79。COM〃】፲⑁놀이터추천⑁⍠에볼루션룰렛⍠❰우리카지노추천❰】프라그마틱 무료스핀】∆호빵맨 토토∆"

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Results for "፲【〃KOA79。COM〃】፲⑁놀이터추천⑁⍠에볼루션룰렛⍠❰우리카지노추천❰】프라그마틱 무료스핀】∆호빵맨 토토∆"

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sometimes the 'under review' is just waiting for a human to look at the case because of the high value

often using the partial refund feature can work to protect you in an A to Z but because you've not refunded at all, it only takes an amazon agent to overlook the particulars of the case and issue the buyer a full refund.

If they reached out to the buyer for more evidence it will probably be for them to prove return delivery to you, hence why they paid for special delivery to give them solid return delivery metrics to get the money out of you/amazon.

they wont make the buyer jump any hoops for a refund but Amazon will make you jump through fire to get the refund overturned. hopefully doesn't come to that.

also write to buyer again and say their return goods; packaging and phone was kept in case the matter reaches police in the event this is proven to be something other than an innocent mistake on their part.

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Fraudulent eBay Dropshippers Opening A-Z's
by Seller_1HV0l3GiDoY1A
Amazon replied

Hi all,

We are seeing an increasing number of fraudulent A-Z claims and wondered if anyone was having the same issue.

A customer orders off ebay for a bag of tea. The seller then orders on Amazon off us and we deliver it to his customer, not known to us this is happening. Once the parcel is delivered then this seller on ebay is raising an A-Z and getting a full refund.

Amazon are no help as they just refund the seller even though we have valid tracking, POD etc.

We know this is happening because the ebay seller left the actual customers phone number on the order so they told us everything.

Anyone know how I go about stopping this as they all come from what looks a genuine customer.

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Thank you, Ezra,

After reviewing YouLend’s offerings, several concerns emerge that merit attention, especially for businesses considering their services.

Unclear Repayment Duration: One notable issue is the lack of clarity around how long it might take to pay off the advance—potentially spanning years. This uncertainty can make it challenging for businesses to plan their financial strategies effectively.

Higher Costs: YouLend's merchant cash advances often come with higher overall fees compared to traditional loans. This can make borrowing significantly more expensive and may not be the most cost-effective option for many businesses.

Limited Flexibility: While their repayment options are flexible, the funding model is tied exclusively to digital revenue. This limitation may not suit businesses with fluctuating or non-digital income streams, reducing their suitability for a broader range of enterprises.

Customer Service Issues: Some users have reported unsatisfactory experiences with YouLend's customer service, including instances of unresponsive staff and difficulties in obtaining clear communication.

Perceived Control Over Finances: There are concerns that YouLend may exercise too much control over a merchant’s finances, which could feel intrusive, particularly for smaller businesses.

Impact on Credit: As with many financial services, applying for funding through YouLend may involve credit checks, potentially affecting the applicant's credit score.

These drawbacks suggest that while YouLend’s services can be beneficial for some businesses, greater transparency, particularly around repayment timelines and flexibility, would make their offerings more appealing. By addressing these concerns, YouLend could foster greater trust and confidence among merchants.

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Verification Page Frozen [4 MONTHS]
by Seller_Xzji79FfLWXGm

Amazon had told me to change my account from an individual to a business account by making me register a ltd company. I did exactly that and when i went to update the information this page showed up. This was in Late October 2024! It has now been over 4 Months! i have contacted them multiple times and they've still yet to fix it. [Moderator Edit: removed inappropriate commentary], when I ask i want to speak to a supervisor or someone higher up, they say thats not possible. How can Amazon not have a SOP for dealing with an issue that has surpassed 4 months. As this problem persists i cannot pull out my funds of products sold and i had decided to stop selling, good thing i stopped as early as i did as all of those funds cannot be taken out until verification is completed. Has anyone else come across this issue, or have amazon legal counsel contact information. At this point I've got all the emails and calls to show how incompetent amazon is with a bunch on malpractice, and constant lies fed to me that the issue will be resolved by x date. To think a company of this size cant fix a web page bug is a joke. If anyone else has been having this issue get in contact.

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randomly had the deposit method verification sprung on my account, so all money coming in has just stopped,

submitted all the requested info and bank account details as soon as i realised that was the issue (although i had no communication from amazon to say it needed verifying)

contacted seller support numerous times which is a waste of time they just pass you about and say they will raise it, but i hear nothing back

its a new business and i cant wait over a month for my money to come in, when amazon are happily charging my account for fees and ads but wont give me any of my money back

ive waited over the 15 working days period and still nothing, i need it verifying asap can some on help

thank you

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VAT sole trader name mismatch
by Seller_GnLOzz8MunLiH


For the last 3 months I was trying to get my VAT number verified. I am sole trader and not Limited company, Amazon required me to set my legal business name as name that is registered with HMRC as on VAT checker website witch its my own personal Name. So if I do that my own name will appear on Sold by and Dispatched from ? This way my own personal name will be publicly available on products listings putting me in to danger of getting harassed, bullied and infiltrated by other parties online. I never seen anyone setting his own name as the store name or business name? Is there anyone come across same issue? Thanks



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Can one of Amazon moderators come forward and help please.

We had been selling camping knife product for a year now with "uk_18_knife" attribute in place. The product itself has a blade size of less than (2.36inches) so it complies with Amazon policy for bladed product. Now all of a sudden the listing has been removed asking for approval application which ends up with "accepting applications to sell in the rp_3p_offer category".

Last time this happened we lost a fair amount of money in FBA storage and removal cost and as usual the seller support is of no use as they do not have knowledge or control over system.

Please help.

@Seller_Udi0JNbTrsmUV @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK

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Account deactivation problem
by Seller_MUvAKb1B7pkap

I have just made my uk Amazon seller account come to find next day it’s deactivated this has been on going problem it says to register for a United States account so I can do identity verification but doesn’t seem to pop up on the market or merchant place so don’t know how to go around this

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We are repeatedly getting same error in order to classify our simple product containing one battery. The SDS sheet provided by supplier is submitted and then we get error :

Not classified: Unable to classify

The product’s identity cannot be confirmed because the detail page lacks bullet points, a product description or both. Update the detail page.

The product page contains, full information, bullet points, images, detail description and we are exhausted in putting as much detail as possible. Yet same error comes. Opened multiple cases at Amazon, made call as well, but they say internal team is working on it. We asked them tell us exactly what information could be missing, and otherwise kindly classify it as 100's of sellers are selling similar product and it doesn't come in dangerous good.

Now our case is "Pending Amazon Action" from past 9 days!. The support team says, "we are also waiting for internal team to reply, hope you understand". We are completely stuck, as I can't generate shipment plan as FBA, and my inventory is costing storage cost.

The first time we submitted SDS was on 13 Jan, and since then we are getting same error ("Not Classified: Unable to classify"._ with same reason as stated above ) after 6-7 time resubmission and fixing listing in whatever way possible.

Any one can guide, what is happening here? Please any bit of help will be very appreciated.

Thank you!

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Hi all,

I have been going at this for like 3 weeks now. We are a real company that manufactures a real product with 1.5 million USD in sales, on Amazon, last year in the US.

We set up our European accounts in anticipation of expansion into Europe. We set them up a year ago but haven't sent in product yet due to how busy we are in other markets.

The primary case on this matter is 10769852812

Amazon informs us that our compliance documents are deficient and missing a number of elements. For instance, that our documents do not state the material our product is made of. It clearly lists the type of plastic our product is made of.... and why they cannot acknowledge this makes no sense.

We are actually being told that 8 specific elements are missing. So, in our chat a few days ago, I made the support guy, in live chat, go through each element with me, and I pointed out where it is found in the document, and also provided screenshots of each instance to be certain it was impossible to miss. I thought that would have been the interaction to finally clear this all up.

It wasn't..... They just replied with the exact same message as they do each time... listing the same elements that they claim are not present.

For what it's worth, we are an experienced company, with all of the product testing required throughout North America and Europe. We have been manufacturing this exact product now for 14 years.

It has been impossible to speak with anyone beyond the basic support agent. I cannot get transferred to a higher level or to anyone in the "internal team". It is making me feel crazy.... what am I missing? Amazon is making no effort to explain anything outside of simply providing the list of missing elements. This is either extreme incompetence on Amazon's end, or extreme stupidity on my end. Please someone help me sort out which.

@Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_Udi0JNbTrsmUV @Seller_ZyGdB49sb7An4 @Seller_XUNeUuvrQDpgP @Seller_j9Bd91CW3ZVpr

PS I really hate having to come into the forums and tag each mod like some sort of madman. You would think Amazon would have a better system for resolution, particularly for a seller doing more than a million USD in Amazon sales annually.

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