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Results for "90슬롯알 ⸨ 텔 FT24CS ⸩슬롯알-슬롯알-슬롯알-슬롯알-슬롯알-슬롯알-슬롯알-슬롯알-슬롯알"

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by Seller_d3YtsvKgBLYhf

We are currently facing significant challenges related to A to Z claim fraud, which has been escalating. In addition, we are seeing a rise in chargeback disputes from customers. It is crucial that Amazon carefully reviews the notifications and processes associated with these claims to ensure they are being managed appropriately.

We believe that Amazon should take direct responsibility for resolving this issue. It is unreasonable for our funds to be withheld while the matter is under investigation. We request that Amazon either properly address the concerns raised or provide timely compensation without unnecessary delays.

We respectfully urge Amazon to investigate this situation thoroughly and take the necessary actions to ensure a fair and just resolution for all parties involved.

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its when its agift card payment they (the buyer) needs to contact amazon and they process it as thats just happened to me and i asked customer to do that and all resolved

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Hello @Seller_p940Jehgj1NWn,

Thank you for your feedback regarding the A-Z claim process and review system. I appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns about how claims are handled, including considerations of proof of delivery and buyer/seller communications.

This feedback will be passed along to the appropriate teams for review as we continually work to improve our services and processes.

As soon as I have word from your case, I'll be informing you.

Happy holidays!


Angie 🎄

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Hi Angie

I agree with others in that the A-Z claim and its review system is totally flawed. Why does Amazon not take into consideration the delivered goods with POD photos? Also is the reappeal system manually done or through robots?

Clearly customer is confirming in the buyer/seller messages (in writing) that they have found the goods and received it. Then why do not your trained staff not see that? What is the point of reappeal system if they are ignoring the details and doing their job properly?

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Buyer's goods were delivered to them however it was left at the safe place on their absence. Customer emailed to us that they did not get their parcel. We then messaged them the photo and the POD to show them where to find their parcel. However there was no response from them and the next we see was A-Z claim landed in our account.

We then called up the customer and asked them to see their buyer/seller messages and safe place to find the parcel. They then found the parcel and emailed us back with the confirmation that the parcel was received.

Our A-Z claim appeal stated with the tracking proof and timeline of buyer/seller communication and customer's confirmation by message that the parcel is found, however our appeal was upheld with the below reason

Why was my appeal denied?

We have reviewed all available information and determined you have not provided sufficient evidence to prove delivery.

We believe this is a daylight robbery from Amazon for not reversing the a-z claim even though clearly customer is saying they found their parcel.

@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK , @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR , @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN , @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH please help us reverse the A-Z claim refund and ODR on our account

Order# 026-2865497-3084341

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Help escalating A-Z Claim
by Seller_AbtPA7PB0OrTf
Amazon replied

Dispute A-Z Claim on order id 026-0350361-8740363. Customer had packaged delivered to freight forwarder. We have picture delivery confirmation from the carrier. Freight forwarder lost package and customer is now filing a-z claim. Need this appealed/escalated as they denied my appeal as i only used the given template.

Please Tag Moderators

Case ID 10549665222

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Help escalating A-Z Claim
by Seller_ZyGdB49sb7An4

Hello @Seller_sJUyozDeS1DKy,

I'm glad to inform you that the A-Z team has confirmed they will remove the ODR impact on your account for this case. Updates a take up to 48 hours to reflect.

Happy holidays!


Angie 🎄

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We've simplified the creation and management of discounts, by integrating Prime-exclusive discounts into the Price Discounts tool.

As part of this integration, the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will be removed from Seller Central on January 7, 2025.

The updated Price Discounts tool now supports both Prime-exclusive and all-customer discounts. You can easily search your catalogue to add products to your promotion, manage discounts globally and view performance metrics, all from the Price Discounts tool. There is no change to how Prime-exclusive discounts display to customers.

Any discount that you've already created in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will run until its scheduled end time. Newly created discounts made in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool cannot run beyond December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025, you'll no longer be able to create new discounts in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool.

To create a price discount, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Advertising, and select Price discounts.
  2. Click Create a price discount.
  3. Complete the form. To create a discount that is exclusive to Prime customers, select Prime customers as the Audience type.

Note that primary users of your account have access to price discounts by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global user permissions, select Manage rights for the secondary user, and enable View only or View and edit permissions.

For more information, go to the Price discounts help page.

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Starting January 7, 2025, the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will be removed. Discounts, including Prime-exclusive and all-customer discounts, can now be managed through the updated Price Discounts tool.

• Existing discounts will run until their scheduled end.

• New Prime Exclusive Discounts cannot extend beyond December 31, 2024.

To create or manage discounts, go to Advertising > Price Discounts. For details, visit the Price Discounts help page.

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AMAZON please stop doing this. AMAZON team - you said you was dealing with this on a different thread. How long does it take you to switch off this simple messaging system you are using. I am repetaing myself, but you are bringing out the worst in people. I can tell when customers are using your prompts because they write 2 words and it is always about 2 -3 weeks after the planned delivery date. Some customers back down, many don't. Costing us sellers £millions in total I bet. Really poor Amazon - will we be compensated for this when you finally see the madness of what you are doing?

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