Read onlyI received email from amazon that your account is deactivated. They are not giving any reason for that. I am resident of the UK and I provided the my resident address on Amazon account.
We reviewed your account and the information that you provided, and we have decided that you may not open a Selling on Amazon account.
We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision.
Why is this happening?
You cannot sell on as your account has not met our requirements or aligned with the Amazon Services Europe Business Solutions Agreement that you agreed to. To learn more, go to "Changes to the Amazon Services Europe Business Solutions Agreement":
Can anyone help please?
Can any Amazon employee here to help on this?
@KJ_Amazon @Glenn_Amazon @Tatiana_Amazon @Cooper_Amazon @Danika_Amazon @Jameson_Amazon @Michelle_Amazon @Danny_Amazon @Blake_Amazon @Quincy_Amazon @Dougal_Amazon @Rose_Amazon @Jim_Amazon @April_Amazon
you have to go to the first alert! there is the reason why are you deactivated
Hello, i get same problem in these days, i tried to contact amazon, and i still receiving the automatic message.
Any news about your case?