Merci pour votre retour! Alors la toute dernière notification (21/07/24) me dit:
Thank you for providing documentation.
We would like to inform you that, after reassessing your account information, your disbursements are not at risk due to the EU VAT eCommerce legislation. Hence, you are not required to provide any additional documentation at the moment. Please, disregard any documentation request received before this communication.
In case we need any documentation in the future to determine if your business is established in EU for VAT purposes, we will notify you through a banner in your Account Health page in Seller Central.
We’re here to help.
For further information, go to the “EU VOEC: Determination of Establishment" page:
Amazon Services Europe
Ce qui n'est donc pas vrai puisque presque 3 semaines après ce message nous sommes toujours complètement bloqués...
Mais les précédentes n’étaient pas plus pertinentes car c’était juste un copié coller du message ci-dessous qui me disait que la vérification VIES n’était pas valable et qu a chaque fois je leur renvoyais le screenshot de la vérification valable, ils me renvoyaient ce même message:
Thank you for your submission. Based on a review of your account and the additional information provided, we have concluded that your business is not established in the EU for Value-Added Tax (VAT) purposes.
You can continue to sell, but your Amazon sales proceeds will remain temporarily ineligible for disbursement and any FBA inventory blocked from removal from this account, and any related accounts, until any EU VAT owed is paid to Amazon. Additionally, within 10 days we will begin to collect and remit VAT taxes on your future sales for goods delivered to EU customers.
We must collect and remit VAT from non-EU established selling partners for the sales of goods delivered to customers in the EU. Based on the results from the VAT Information Exchange System, we found that the address associated with your VAT Registration Number is non-EU based. To check, go to:
This may have resulted in inaccurate tax treatment of your sales under the VAT on eCommerce legislation (effective 1 July 2021 in EU). We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision. We took this action in accordance with the Amazon Business Solution Agreement:
and the APE Agreement:
What actions do I need to take?
You will need to pay the VAT amount to Amazon for the historical unpaid VAT on all sales from 1 July 2021, which fall under the EU VAT on eCommerce legislation. We may already have sent or will send you additional information regarding next steps, including payment options.
We’re here to help
For more information, go to "EU VOEC: Determination of Establishment":
If you have additional questions and wish to speak to an Account Health specialist, go to "Contact Us" on your Account Health page:
Amazon Services Europe
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