Read onlyamazon email me to provide your payoneer bank statement so i am my payonner bank statement again and again but amazon declined my payoneer bank statemenet can some one help me in this case
if any one please help me in this case
Does it have the correct name and address on it that matches your seller account details ?
Hi @Seller_S4Pu5GU3IRvjl,
According to Amazon's Payment Service Provider Program (, Payoneer is one of the officially participating PSPs, so it should be accepted.
When submitting your bank statement, ensure it meets these requirements (
Best regards, Michael
I had experienced the same, read carefully on payoneer statement pdf, there is mentioned to submit must your ID card with the statement, so in your statement pdf add your ID card on 2nd page.
hI ,Are you a Limited Company Registered at Companies House UK