Read onlyA bit of backstory.
Last year on the recommendation of Amazon themselves we started selling Whirlpool bath sanitiser tablets on FBA. WE have had good sales and have replenished the stock without issue multiple times. Back in Feb, we sent in a large consignment of the tablets, these were received and distributed as before again with no issue. Flash forward 3 weeks and we notice all our stock of the tablets is stuck in FC processing. We subsequently found out they were deemed hazmat products and locked.
We did not received any warning at any point the products were classed as hazmat, there was no issue when using the send to Amazon options for re-supply of inventory. We contacted partner support who investigated for us and came back to us with a request from the internal team to supply a Safety Data Sheet which we did, we obtained this directly from the manufacturer.
We were then informed the safety data sheet was not complete and would not be accepted. We contacted the manufacturer again and obtained another copy plus a multipage additional document for the product giving the complete chemical breakdown of the tablets (far more than an MSDS goes into). This was also classed as unacceptable.
We were sent a declaration from Amazon to fill in and send back which we did and yet again we were told this was not acceptable as the product information provided on the safety sheets did not match the product information on the listing (which we did not create)
We were notified on Monday that the stock will now be destroyed AT OUR EXPENSE i hasten to add, and not to send anymore shipments. We have tried to create a removal order for the stock as we have other avenues to sell it on but were are not permitted as the stock has been classified as hazmat. Calls and cases to seller support gets me the same responses, the internal investigation team will look into it and everytime we get the same reply from them, it is hazardous and will be destroyed.
There are other sellers offering the exact same product via Prime and FBA.
Can anyone offer any helpful advice on how we can get our stock back, perhaps a mod can help us out here.
Just received this as part of a reply from Partner Support.
"The internal department has determined that the ASIN is a prohibited dangerous good (hazmat) and cannot be fulfilled nor returned by Amazon. The existing inventory needs to be destroyed."
Why does it NEED to be destroyed, allow us to put a removal order in for the tablets, there is nothing stopping Amazon returning the items to us.
They are very very thin ice legally here, that stock is ours, we bought it, we paid for it and Amazon have now effectively stolen it.