Read onlyhello
i have just tried to send in more FBA stock...It says error..product inelligible to send to Amazon with a manufacturer barcode..remove the product from the shipment and recreate the offer with an Amazon barcode....but the ASIN is the Amazon barcode and always has been...
it has never done this before and no amendments have been made to the product has never done this before..any ideas?
it means you cant commingle anymore so you'll need to label with the amazon FNSKU over the barcode
Amazon will sometimes insist that the change is made.
I think i have got the same problem like you.
The ean barcode suddenly gone lost.
Seller support really plainly cant understand.
The regular that dont help: delete listing, add ean, via upload....
Let me know if you manage to solve his and how as i have not yet....
Hi @Seller_bnyrSsQarlyuT,
I'm Jona from Amazon.
Thanks already to the other sellers for sharing their experience.
@Seller_k3oWYDCksyCAO in the thread that you have shared, you mentioned that the seller support has escalated the problem to a tech team. Do you have any updates on the case?
@Seller_bnyrSsQarlyuT As you have mentioned, that you have contacted seller support, too, could you share your Case ID?
I use Amazon barcodes for 99% of all product sent to Amazon now regardless of whether I have to or not .
I do it for the following reasons
1: I know how well it is packed
2:We check all product before sending
3: We know it is the right product / not imitation
4: if a mistake is made , which we do and the majority of selles do and sometimes the suppliers do , we know it is our mistake and we are not paying for someone else's mistake., or we know we need better packaging etc