Read onlyFor the past few days, we noticed all the listings in our inventory show Featured Offer eligible: Yes but the Featured Offer price not showing. Could anyone advise what's happening?
Seller Support Case created with case ID: 15137619081
Hi @Seller_YPTy8i8IWGz0y,
Thank you for reaching out on the Seller Forums!
I just took a further look into your case 15137619081 and see that the team is still actively investigating this situation further.
Now, I do need that team to finish their review and the case to close before I can potentially escalate this further, if needed depending on their response.
If you need further assistance once that case is in fact closed, please reach back out to me in this thread! In the meantime, please let me know if you have any additional questions.
All the best,
We are having the same issue. Multiple listings with prime and brand registered top featured offered listings are not showing up rather they are showing other child variations that are not prime and merchant fulfilled in drastically impacting our sales.
Did you find a resolution for this?
it’s bug in the system