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Results for "제주가상계좌⸨텔 MOONPAY_CALL⸩가상계좌판매^게임사이트가상계좌문의^대포통장^통장판매^국민가상계좌^법인장임대^경남은행가상계좌^코인장업체^가상계좌업체"

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I was wondering if someone could help. I've done successful A to Z appeals before but never won one on a Royal Mail Tracked 48 - can someone please help with a template they've used themselves on winning A to Z appeal specifically for a Tracked 48 with photo+gps but NO signature? has anyone here won one and if so would be kind enough to share what they said to Amazon to win appeal?


  • buyer ordered 3 weeks ago,
  • shipped on time AND added tracking to Amazon on time
  • correct item shipped,
  • photographed before shipping / scanned serial number,
  • proof of postage, sent tracked 48 click and drop
  • shows tracked and delivered with photo and GPS by Royal Mail ONTIME and before the Amazon delivery ETA
  • No signature on delivery was captured.

So order metrics are all good. Few days after delivery buyer messages, 'dont have the item blah blah' we respond with tracking, link to Royal Mail, GPS and ask him to check again and get back to us, no reply from buyer..

This weekend (2 weeks after showing delivered) buyer opens A to Z.

Amazon open and shut case, they issue buyer full refund and take the funds from ME! BUT they give me this BS

"The customer reported an issue with delivery. In this case, the tracking information indicates 'delivered', but the customer did not receive the package. Because you provided sufficient information that proves the order was actually received by the customer, we will not count the claim against your Order Defect Rate."

LOL are they actually taking the p*** because they're even telling me they got decent information to show the order was with the customer and yet they still granted it for a full refund, are they honestly having me on.

So anyway back to my Question anyone won an A to Z on tracked 48 without a signature?

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My Detailed Response To Generic Amazon Scripted Message. Can We stop Them?
In reply to: Seller_ae51e0CJoHqCX’s postby Seller_eBdcCdLghm5NV

About 2-3 years ago I started asking them for their justifications for cases/violations/metrics every time they've phoned me to ask me to address any issues on my account.. for example "what are you doing about your VTR?" - "well, I'm using the methods you're telling me to use. I can't force Royal Mail to scan parcels on their end. What are you doing about it?"

"What is your response to this licence violation?" "The product is licensed, created by the same manufacturer you also use to sell this product. No, I can't send you invoices because I've not had it in stock for 6 years. Yes, I deleted the listing when I saw the violation. No, I won't address it any other way because it's nonsensical for me to do so when the manufacturer doesn't exist anymore."

"change the image on this listing" "mate, I've tried. more than once. It never does take. But you let someone change the image on this other listing to something completely unrelated? Why? Can you fix it?"

"If you change the listing to remove the logo, you can relist it." "This is literally a keychain OF THE LOGO. It's licensed. I already sent you the invoices. No, I can't send you MY Licence, I DIDN'T MAKE IT. Amazon themselves also sell this item. DO YOU MAKE IT? DO YOU BUY IT FROM ME? NO. And for the last time I CAN'T REMOVE THE LOGO WHEN THE LOGO IS THE PRODUCT. <exasperated sigh>

they rarely bother me now.

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Why are A-Z claims so unfair???
In reply to: Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU’s postby Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU

So the reason my A-Z claim is denied is because i didnt refund the order within 2 days of recieving the return, can one of the mods please tell me what happened to refund at first scan??? and please tell me why this order was not refunded at first scan??

Order ID: 204-6651795-8913164

@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

I would also still like the next day delivery postage costs that the customer paid that amazon has taken from my account, re-imbursed to me, i delivered on time exactly what they ordered, why should be i accountable to refund the next day delivery postage costs because of a customer or amazon's mistake just because they open an A-Z claim??? totaly unfair

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Why are A-Z claims so unfair???
by Seller_TufyJDtetbrlU

A customer ordered a T-Shirt from me, it was a Kids Size 7-8 and they paid next day delivery, i posted them the Kids 7-8 and they recieved the t-shirt the next day, customer opens a return stating different to what was ordered, claiming they ordered a size XL. The order definitely shows as a Kids 7-8. The customer even messaged me saying they ''dont know how they ended up ordering a kids 7-8 because they was definitely on the XL or 2XL as they was debating between the 2'' The customer then messaged me a few days later saying they returned the t-shirt and want a full refund, i hadn't recieved the return back at that point and stated all returns through amazon are auto refunded at first scan anyway. a few hours later the customer opens an A-Z claim against me, soon as the claim was opened i just clicked to refund the customer for the t-shirt to save the hassle with it, but did not refund the next day delivery postage costs they paid because it's not my mistake. I wrote a long detailed explanation in the A-Z claim explaining everything yet Amazon have closed the A-Z case today and just taken the next day delivery postage costs from my account to refund the customer. How is this even fair in the slightest, i can only assume this was a customer mistake however it could of also been an error on amazons system as the order went through but that's probably unlikely.

if the customer orders a kids size 7-8 t shirt and pays for next day delivery, and i deliver them a kids 7-8 size t-shirt the very next day. Why on earth would i be responsible to refund the next day delivery postage costs because of a customer or amazons mistake??? I fullfilled the order my end correctly in line with amazons policy.

Amazon don't realise things like this cripple small business's, let me break it down for you, it costs me £6 to make the t-shirt, it costs me £10 to pay for next day delivery, that's £16, the customer opened a returned which i did recieve in the end, which means ive paid nearly £4 return postage, that's £20 in costs were on, the customer then recieves a refund for the next day delivery postage that i've already paid for, that's £30 im now out of pocket on a t-shirt i was originally only making £4ish on, i mean ok i've had the t-shirt returned back to me but i don't re-sell returns i always make fresh t-shirts, the way most t-shirts are returned to me are unusable anyway. It's an absolute joke, seller support told me to appeal and once ive appealed the outcome will be final either way. Which i know i won't win the appeal because i wrote everything in detail before the A-Z was granted to the customer anyway. Losing my wits with this platform i really am.

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My account has been inactive for more than 2 months and no matter what document I upload, I cannot pass the verification process.

I am not allowed to open a case or call me through my account right now. That's why I can't get any help from anyone on Amazon.

I live in Turkey and I have a company based in the UK. I opened my Amazon account with this company information.

My account was open for 7-8 months but I had no listings.

I prepared my items and was about to start listing them.

During this 7-8 month period, my account was an individual account. Since I have reached the stage of sending my products, I wanted to turn my account into a professional account.

Afterwards, my account suddenly became deactivated and I was requested for a utility bill or business license. (You can see the image of the incoming e-mail attached.)

I submitted utility bills multiple times, following all of Amazon's instructions on how to upload the document.

Since I live in Turkey, I submitted the utility bills for my Turkey address. Unfortunately, I always received the answer that the documents were not enough. (You can see it in the image.)

[Moderator Edit: removed personal information]I uploaded my company documents obtained by Companies House and they were also rejected.

I cannot check whether there is a typo regarding my address in Turkey because Amazon does not allow me to see the address I entered in my account. (You can see it in the image.).

[Moderator Edit: removed personal information]Since I can't contact Amazon, I don't even know the answer to this question. Should I provide a utility bill for my residence address or my business address?

As I said, I do not live in the UK, so it is not possible for me to obtain a utility bill from there. There should be other additional documents that can be provided instead of the utility bill on this issue.

Another problem is that there is a word called "CUSTOMISE4ALL" in the part of my business address, but there is no such word in my business address. I don't know if this word appearing there is a systematic error or a spelling mistake I made before.

[Moderator Edit: removed personal information]Since my account is limited, I cannot delete this wrong word from there or contact an official to correct this mistake.

Unfortunately, I don't know what to do right now and I'm really worn out. I would be very happy if Amazon officials reading this could contact me regarding the solution to my problem.

Many thanks in advance to those who try to help.

[Moderator Edit: removed personal information]

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Amazon doesn't remove unfair feedback
by Seller_gEv1wCLlWibuA
Amazon replied

One of our customers placed an order with us and requested a cancellation shortly. We cancelled the order 11 days ago, and the customer just left us 1-start seller feedback saying, "Cancelled this order still not received a refund."

Isn't that should be Amazon's responsibility to refund the customer when the order is cancelled? They say that they cannot remove the feedback as it is "a direct reflection of their Amazon shopping experience" and tell us that we should contact the customer even though the contact buyer button is gone!

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DD+7 question
In reply to: Seller_9dIrIuWthiXwh’s postby Seller_NOoWfFKDHbsaV

My little pieces of experience with this "new" DD+7 system (coming onboard with it in January as a new seller, so I did not know anything different). I did and still find it hugely frustrating however things have got a little more predictable these days.

It will overall depend on how your sales come in and what you send them by and what you say they will be sent via! We use Amazon Shipping Automation with Royal Mail 48.

What we did notice is if we shipped via 1st or 2nd Class it didn't make any difference to when we got paid, it was the shipping estimated date that was used. We have since switched to using Royal Mail 24 / 48 (alongside Tracked 24 / 48 when needed), and as long as we do this via their Amazon Buy Shipping, the payments seem to be based on the actual dates they are delivered, which is usually faster than the estimated. Therefore we've really seen things really improve in terms of the speed of payments (8-9 days vs 2+ weeks) and are usually paid daily now but there is still huge room for improvement!

Overall I think it needs a rethink fast before it makes a really negative impact on sellers, they are officially the worst payers compared to the other three marketplaces we're on, and it's rather disappointing. I would love to see some rethinking on this policy, given sellers such as ourselves refunded just 2 orders < £5 in 1,000s over the past 6 months. It doesn't make much sense to have such a blanket policy like this for small businesses, but that's our opinion anyway!

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Can anyone tell me exactly what logic the FC Processing algorithm is based on?

I have 5 thousands of inventory that have been in FC Processing that are not available on the shelves.

After several conversations with Amazon's customer service team, I was told that since the existing stock can support the next 3 weeks of selling, the thousands of stock do not need to be put on the shelves.

But the truth is that I already have two links out of stock due to FC Processing resulting in a significant drop in sales business!

I'm sure they can see that my available stock is already 0!

Even my subsequent campaigns of multiple lighting deals etc. that I've raised have all been affected!

Is there anyone here who can offer help? Have I actually lost my inventory?

This FC Processing situation has been going on for over 60 days, isn't 60 days long enough for them to deal with this issue?

Does Amazon want me to continue selling these fans until after the summer is over, in the cold autumn/winter months?

CASE ID: 9923440802

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There are A-Z's then there are A-Z's
by Seller_GkLry66xQzT9C
Amazon replied

Sometimes I am staggered at what people do. We Always try and help customers where we can and our service record shows that but in over 7 years the worse case of buyer manipulation ever. Really not sure what to do so answers on a postcard.

A customer buys a personalised item of clothing and we ship tracked 48 as always within 24 hours. After we shipped the item the customer asks to change the size. We said we would assist the customer where possible to soften the blow of their mistake so contact us when they receive it. The item was delivered 4 days ago. This morning with no further messages and A-Z saying hasn't arrived and 10 minutes later an order in the size they wanted their order changed to. What would you suggest. Clearly I will appeal the A-Z but pointless I guess.

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HELP! Return Prior Refund!
by Seller_PU8ypkNZEJU9p

Hello, I have had 2 Returns with Prior Refunds Applied. One has come back Damaged from the Buyer and the other one has been damaged in transit and returned to the buyer. How can I get this resolved? There is no option on Amazon to assist with Damaged Returns or returns that never came back.

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