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Results for "18코인계좌판매 ⸨ 텔 MOONPAY_CALL ⸩기업가상계좌-기업가상계좌-기업가상계좌-기업가상계좌-기업가상계좌-기업가상계좌-기업가상계좌-기업가상계좌-기업가상계좌"

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by Seller_88Zp9KoPgPkBC

so i want to start drop shipping in america to test sales but shippping will take 3 weeks and how do i put delivery time this long i will put as fbm

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Buy Shipping and More Amazon A-Z ODR's affected
by Seller_uBuqlxbTdzcn2

Hi Mods

I have commented on a previous thread of mine tagging @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEKbut with no response, I now have a further 2 A-Z where the ODR is against me and the shipping was purchased via Amazon Buy Shipping, even though it is more expensive than my business account, I have purchased this way to protect my ODR.

Can you please look into the following order numbers and reverse the ODR in accordance with the Amazon Terms and Conditions when buying shipping. The money has been refunded from my account and the ODR is against me. This is wrong and I really don't understand that when it is so clear the ODR is protected, that each time it is against me. I have appealed all of them, the first one came back unchanged, the bottom 2 I have only just appealed but I know from previous that they will both come back unchanged. Why can't Amazon just adhere to their own T&C instead of causing us all more work and time.




I sell on other platforms, a lot more quantities than I do on Amazon, all are sent first class yet the other platforms don't have this none arrival rate at all so I believe it is customers playing the system knowing they can just click the A-Z and get their money back, especially when they receive "running late/lost" message as I also have a few Amazon customers contact me saying it's not lost it's arrived. Surely after all this time this really needs looking into. I have sold on Amazon for over 20 years and it has got so much worse lately. I can't believe that it is only the Amazon items not arriving and all the other items from all the other platforms are all arriving safely. So frustrating.

Please help @Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4@Seller_iTgjdgiRqiPsn

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Amazon believes my invoices to be manipulated
by Seller_nPJ18nh2H2Wld

Hi all and , Hoping for some real guidance here.

I have had a product authenticity complaint submitted by a customer approximately 2 months ago. I have been battling it with account health and seem to be getting nowhere.

I have submitted bank statements, tracking ID, pdf documents of conversations and emails in which the invoices were sent to myself yet I am still being rejected.

In the latest update, they are accusing me of altering invoices but will not tell me why they believe this so I can clear their concerns.

The invoices are provided by the supplier and downloaded by me to be submitted to Amazon for review. They have been sent the email in which the invoices have been sent directly to me yet they still accuse me of altering them. I have no idea where they have gotten this information from.

I have been told to either provide a 3rd (Non-existent) invoice to verify this, which i obviously cannot do, or accept the violation and lose out on selling one of my best selling products. Account health are very little help if not zero as the review team has told them that they will not disclose why they believe this to be the case.

I am unsure where to go from here.

For any Amazon staff to view please see the latest Case ID : 9960863572

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I'm trying to prepare my 2 articles for Prime Day with discounts, one article is fine but the other had this error.. which I don't understand.. If anyone can help I'd be grateful.. during a. chat they couldn't manage to solve it.. in reality I don't understand what it means.

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Buy Shipping and More Amazon A-Z ODR's affected
In reply to: Seller_Qdb5lgeBtCZA7’s postby Seller_uBuqlxbTdzcn2

Yes I have appealed all 3 of them and the ones prior to this, all of which the decision is upheld and the ODR is still counted against me.

This is so frustrating, they go against their own T&C and have done ever since it started, imagine if we did that!

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No disbursement since October 2022
by Seller_jMZ1Q7167sAtU

despite repeated emails to Amazon I am still awaiting for my payment from Amazon. Last payment I received from them was in October 2022. Without any notice they suddenly stopped my payment and my funds are sitting in reserve since last 2 years.

I have stopped selling and my account is deactivated from last 6 months but still no sign of any payment.

Has anyone faced a similar issue and if so what is the next step forward to get it resolved?


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@Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR@Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK@Seller_gAhPNiLrkfTcr

Why can't I raise a SAFE-T claim against order 026-0169219-7562709? We sent this item to the customer (Amazon Buy Shipping was used to purchase the DPD delivery label and DPD tracking shows that the item has been delivered to a another business 2 doors away from the customer who ordered it)

The "Contact Buyer" on the order is Amazon Business EU SARL and the person we sent the item to is a Business Customer. The actual customer received a CSBA refund on 06-July-2024 (there is no return request raised and we have not received a message) so I am presuming the reason for the refund is non-delivery. Normally in these circumstances we can raise a SAFE-T claim and provide the DPD delivery information etc, but if I try and raise a SAFE-T claim I get the following message "Seller needs to be debited to be eligible to file SAFE-T claim"

Please explain to me why I can't raise a SAFE-T claim, or when I will be able to.

This screenshot shows our payment for the order, then the CSBA refund by Amazon (we did not manually refund it)

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I previously created a discussion where I explained my problem, but no one from Amazon helped me.

My account has been inactive for almost 3 months.

Even though I do my best, I cannot solve this problem.

I submitted dozens of different appeals.

I get the same email response and rejection every time.

I am a new seller with no sales yet.

If I unknowingly made a mistake while creating my account, I am ready to correct this mistake, but no one contacts me.

You have no right to push new sellers like me out of Amazon like this, without any explanation, by deactivating their accounts and then without providing any help in resolving this issue.

I spent money and effort for this job. And I've been waiting for 3 months to get help.

You have no right to treat me like a criminal!

If I made a mistake unknowingly, you must give me the opportunity to correct it.

I am not an expert on Amazon, as I said before, I am a new seller so I may have made a mistake when setting up my account.

You have no right to disable me like this just because I made a mistake.

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@Seller_NR7AbZwDMu6mbmy friend the utility suppliers are in Turkey. They can not supply bills for UK address.

The main problem ı can not ask anything to seller support. Amazon do not let me create a case or request a call.

When ı create a case they send me this mail in seconds:


This email address is not the correct channel to submit an appeal. Please follow the instructions below to resubmit your appeal to the correct channel.

If you are appealing an action taken on your account, please submit your appeal by clicking the “Reactivate your account” button in Account Health ( If you want to submit additional information, click on the “View appeal” button and submit additional information as requested.

If you are appealing an action taken on your listings for an intellectual property complaint:

1. Navigate to “Received Intellectual Property Complaints” in the “Product Policy Compliance” section in Account Health (

2. Locate the deactivation record for the product listings you want to appeal.

3. Click on the Appeal button next to the record to submit your appeal to reactivate your listings.

If you are appealing an action taken on your listings for an Amazon Listing Policy violation:

1. Navigate to “Listing Policy Violations” in the “Product Policy Compliance” section in Account Health (

2. Locate the deactivation record for the product listings you want to appeal.

3. Click on the Appeal button next to the record to submit your appeal to reactivate your listings.

If you want to submit additional information:

1. Click on the “View appeal” button next to the deactivation record.

2. Click the “Submit additional information” button to submit the information necessary to reactivate your listings.


By the way yes ı tried to send mail to managingdirector @

They did not help me too.

So ı am asking for help to Amazon Moderators here because it is only chance for me to contact with Amazon and get help about my situation.

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Dear friend Let me tell you what I have done so far.

First of all, I live in Turkey.

I have a company based in the UK.

When I was asked for a utility bill in the first place, I sent a utility bill to my address in Turkey. This address is also the address written as the primary contact in Seller Central.

However, there is a situation here that I need to point out. Since my account is restricted, I cannot currently check what my primary contact looks like through Seller Central. The part where the address is written appears empty and clicking is not allowed. For this reason, I do not know exactly whether my address on Amazon and my billing address match 100%.

After this document was rejected, I sent my company documents provided by Companies House. However, these were also rejected.

My company is in UK, but when I set up my company, I set up via virtual office address. Since I run my business from Turkey, I thought that an address established in this way was sufficient for me.

Since my address is a Virtual office address, I cannot provide an utility bill for this address.

What I want to tell Amazon officials is this: If registering with the virtual office address was a mistake, I made this mistake unknowingly. I want to start selling by activating my account. I need to be allowed to change my company address to an address where I can provide an utility bill so that I can correct my mistake.

I have been trying to solve this problem for 3 months, my dear friend.

Finally, what I want to ask you and other friends is, does the credit card used in the charge method have to be registered with the company?

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