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Results for "4윈조이코인♥⸤텔KK8465⦌⋑와우홀덤머니업체⋩"

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Ich bin ein Verkäufer mit Selbstversand und versende meine Bestellungen weiterhin. Ich muss mich jetzt mit vielen After-Sales-Problemen des Käufers befassen. Ich kann E-Mails von Käufern erhalten, aber nicht auf Nachrichten von Käufern antworten. Ich brauche Hilfe.

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Mein Konto wurde gesperrt und ich bin dabei, meine Informationen zu klären, um Berufung einzulegen.
In reply to: Seller_hOZNPw7G8FIjl’s postby Seller_HJjnoExtd8jRT

I don't have a channel to contact seller support.

There is only the button I want to open a shop.

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My Amazon Account has been restricted


My Amazon Account has been restricted. I want to submit documents to reactivate my account but the buttons are disable. Please check the attachments. please help


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help with auto-authorised returns
by Seller_No516SrfKk7pE

I need some advice regarding processing a return request.

I have received a return request for an expensive book, the reason being 'Incompatable or not useful for intended purpose'.

Amazon's guidelines state that this is a situation in which the buyer should fund the return costs.

In the message the green 'auto-authorised' box is ticked, and I am given for options to click on to proceed: 'Edit Authorisation', 'Issue Refund', 'Complete' and 'Contact Buyer'.

Which of four do I click on? How do I know/find out that the buyer will be debited for the cost of the return label?

Also, do Amazon keep their commission on the amount the buyer paid, or will that be returned to me?

Any advice would be welcome. Amazon's voluminous notes on this don't seem to address these questions.

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help with auto-authorised returns
In reply to: Seller_hOZNPw7G8FIjl’s postby Seller_No516SrfKk7pE

Thank you very much for your advice. There is an Amazon label against the order, along with tracking id, so presumably the buyer has already dispatched the book back to me. Once I receive it I intend to message the buyer explaining that I am going to deduct the cost of the label from the refund. This may help to ward off an A-Z claim. By the way, I think it's disgraceful that Amazon keeps a proportion of the fees on the item. I will already be ot of pocket for what I paid to ship the book to the buyer.

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VTR for Royal Mail 1st/2nd class major issue
In reply to: Seller_KAWWftfFNL5CB’s postby Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn

Currently it is but only by a couple of pence for 100 gram and 250 gram. Other tiers I am not sure as I don't use them.

As I stated in my post when the price rises for 2nd Class on Account start in July then CRL48 will be cheaper again.

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CRL48 is more expensive than Second Class Large Letters as royal mail charges different types of surcharges such as Normal Surcharge for using CRL Service and Green Surcharge.
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VTR for Royal Mail 1st/2nd class major issue
In reply to: Seller_d8YGbIjNqwFxn’s postby Seller_IQo80d99W2DzP

Talk to your RM Account manager.

They offered RM Tracked 48 Large Letter cheaper than CRL Large Letter for anything above 100 grams.

£150 transit cover, and up to 1Kg for a fixed price.

They need to specifically add Large Letter though, as usually it only sets up with Tracked 48 Parcel rate.

Under 100 grams was still cheaper with CRL - Scanned when delivered (or supposed to be!) - we add a bright label on the Large Letter to remind to scan

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Shipping small letter size orders
In reply to: Seller_QoQ4dWkKUzqCD’s postby Seller_Rvj1153dOprkQ

Second Class via Amazon Buy Shipping. It's the same price as the Post Office and buying from Amazon gives you a VTR and A-Z Claim protection.

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Shipping small letter size orders
by Seller_QoQ4dWkKUzqCD

Pardon for my ignorance as I am new here. I am planning to sell and ship items that can be in a small letter size envelope. I just simply need advise as to what would be the best shipping option for me. I thought Royal mail second class that is worth 85p would be quite sensible. Please let me know your ideas. Many thanks in advance!

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Account Reactivation - No Policy Violations to Appeal
In reply to: Seller_OEDVdWsBcOicO’s postby Seller_OEDVdWsBcOicO

Should I just setup a new account?

This account was created in 2014 and not used.

The only problem is all my details are the same.

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