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Results for "52엔포커≲[ㅌㄹ@𝑲𝑲8465⦌⊐원조이머니구매⊾"

(382 results)
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Amazon Support: "Your account is not eligible for BuyBox"
In reply to: Seller_76AUwmqvSyRIM’s postby Seller_LK2FhmX0Cvw9s

At the moment I have 1 "Product Authenticity Customer Complaints" in my Account Health, for which for some reason the invoice is not accepted by Amazon, even though the Wholesaler has already confirmed that the product is authentic. Other than that, no other problems.

But a bit of background: on June 12, my Account Health dropped to 132 due to the 3 IP complaints, and from about that date (actually, 4 days later) my sales dropped significantly

These Complaints have been resolved though, but I was wondering that although my AHR is now 248, maybe something in Amazon's system is still "stuck" and the system still doesn't give me the right to win BuyBox?

but that's just a thought.

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False Patent infringment
by Seller_1EREfwrjmu8b2

Hello im looking for some advise in how to deal with someone who cant handle any competition

I have been selling generic remote controls compatible with firesticks, if you search for them on amazon there is 2 listings at the too of the page were iver 5k per month are being sold . I am selling them cheaper and therefore i am getting reported saying he owns the "design rights". Basically he has took a photo of the remote and paid £50 to claim he designed it , and he hasnt

The remote was on the market years in china years before he registered his photos of it and obtained a design rights number . There must be 500 people selling the same remotes on amazon but he dont report them as they arent competing and affecting his sales , how can amazon just allow people to pay £50 to get a design right number and claim they are the designer . Surely this is illegal to claim your the design owner and you should be providing alot more evidence to register a design to obtain a rights owner number than putting a product on a table and taking photos of it

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Greedy Seller
In reply to: Seller_UVeFCZoAA4mkx’s postby Seller_soBD2wwhsVOww

Just need look at your margin & not worry about what other sellers are doing.For me,25% is minimum I know many sellers run at a margin way lower there's lots of busy fools on here. I currently average 35-40% daily/monthly.If any sku drops below 25% I just dump it & move on

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How amazon destroyed my business.

At the beginning of the year I received a verification letter like many others. Initially I successfully passed their verification, a few hours later I received a second email that my account would not be opened because I was not VAT Establishement. They decided I am not a VAT establishment, even though according to UK state I am! I have emails for everything.

On the 17th of May I received a message from Amazon that I am VAT establishment, after sending them the official HMRC statement, and an official letter from my bank, which they wanted.

A few hours after that I got an email saying I had a policy violation from 22 March, and that my account would remain closed. The ridiculous thing about this violation is that I am not VAT establishment : screenshot 2

It appears that they are closing my account, for a violation according to them, which they then themselves find is not a violation ?!

Meanwhile, in April they forced me with a 7 day deadline to accept their payment plan to HMRC. According to them and HMRC I am VAT establishment but they have already started pulling the first instalment for this plan as if I am NETP ?! Over £6300!

And that's not all! Of my £35000 (over 6300 they took it for vat?!) that was blocked, 40% of that money is a credit to Amazon. The terms of the credit said that if they couldn't pull it from a bank account, they would pull it from the Amazon account. They haven't pulled them for five months now! But they charge me over 20% APY on over 15000 pounds. So every month or so they charge £250 per. month interest on money they have blocked from me and not withdrawn!

Amazon does whatever it wants with impunity. It violates all contracts, policies, steals other people's money. Even when I dropped them official letters from HMRC, they refused to accept them the first few times. Why does a corporation think it is more than the state ? So like all my listings I was selling I was competing directly with Amazon. Is Amazon pursuing a deliberate policy against the destruction of small sellers through various methods and loopholes they have found ?

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I kid you not, item delivered at 11:32 this morning, buyer filed an AtoZ claim at 12:01, I refunded seconds later, AtoZ granted against me?!

Amazon = incompetence personified.

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32 units in Shipment ID: FBA15HLKCN87 went missing. I have opened a case ID: 9890535482 with purchase invoice and DPD delivery confirmation as seller support refused to investigate as the shipment was marked as "Investigation Completed – shipment contents counted and confirmed".

Please help.

@Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4 @Seller_Huz6FT08OxHAR @Seller_DNQGSsdC7DccM @Seller_z3k8APxGfbQEK @Seller_mIRnuhdx7l5sN @Seller_TSXM2A5nxWSuH

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Funds Available - 0
In reply to: Seller_JkJ5Wu8mvvXN6’s postby Seller_Vv2eL676HnuZJ

in my account it says

Your next scheduled transfer initiation date is 02/07/2024*. However, if your available balance remains £0.00, no transfer will be initiated on that date.

all funds are in account level reserve .

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vat on fees
In reply to: Seller_lLk8KDEqxAExu’s postby Seller_tRuvBEHDedp4q

That is my understanding yes

So if you sell something on Amazon UK for £12, Amazon will send £2 to HMRC and you get £10 added to your account

If Amazon charge 20% fees then your Irish invoice for fees will be £12 * 20% = £2.40 + Irish VAT

So you will be disbursed £12 - £2 - (£2.40 + Irish VAT)

You then reclaim the Irish VAT on fees on your next return and mark the sale as £10 (Vat not applicable) in your accounts

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Hello Amazon Community,

I've been trying to get my account verified for our UK VAT establishment, but despite submitting all required documents, the process is stalled. Our company has two directors: one based in the UK with more than 50 percent share, whose driving license and water utility bill have been provided, alongside other necessary company documents. The second director's ID and bill have also been submitted.

Despite this, Amazon has not provided a clear reason for the verification failure. Could anyone shed light on what might be causing the issue or share their experience in resolving similar verification challenges?

Thank you in advance for any assistance or insights you can provide!

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Unresponsive KYC Causing Cash-Flow Issues
In reply to: Seller_hnDMgUKxMh1V4’s postby Seller_dqU3gS1vXbeCy

Hello Simon,

I have checked the performance notifications, last request that is relevant is from the 22nd of May.

(Titled: [Action Required] Information needed for your Selling on Amazon payment account 22 May 2024)

In this notification they informed of an issue with the identification, I resolved the issue same day and have not received any further communication since.

The verification page itself specifies "up to 10 days", while we are currently at 20 working days since the last update on the 22nd May so quite concerned that our verification has been lost in some way.

Appreciate any help you can provide on this matter, the lack of disbursements is causing cash flow issues in my business.

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