Read onlyValid Tracking Rate has dropped to 84% - their own dowloaded report stats 58 orders in period did not have valid tracking details - but of the 58 orders, 56 were labels purchased via Amazon's BUY SHIPPING service! - So something is very wrong!!! Actual VTR remains above 99% but due to this issue, buy box has plummetted and selling 20% a day this week v normal week...
Thanks Amazon!
Hello @Seller_yRRx6kG2vXe1L,
Thank you for raising this issue. We have collected all your concerns and forwarded them to our partner team for review.
We will provide updates as soon as we receive new information.
To ensure effective tracking, please add any additional comments to this megathread: VTR Issue Again 14th January
Kind regards,
Ours has done exactly the same.
Basically anything Royal Mail did not mark as delivered in december they have added it in to Failed VTR, and they said NO VALID TRACKING, even though it was buy shipping label.
Something looks to be seriously wrong.
I noticed in December for a 2 to 3 week period the tracking was not automatically being recorded by Amazon. I think something broke between amazon and RM.
So I actually went back to doing Amazon on RM direct but faired no better as mine dropped below 80%. Now everything seems to be ok and buying via Amazon my rate is climbing again.
Did you manage to get this sorted? Logged on this morning to the same thing despite providing perfectly fine tracking numbers.
Oh and not to mention seller support then checking my tracking numbers with a DIFFERENT DELIVERY SERVICE, reporting back to me that they're all invalid, and that they're suspending every listing.
What. A. Joke.
@Sarah_Amzn Case ID: 10768187622
As I understand it, labels bought via Buy Shipping are exempt from VTR so don't actually count towards your total VTR 'score', one way or the other.
I use Buy Shipping for all orders and my VTR is pretty much always 'N/A' unless I post some things tracked.
When I post items fully tracked (and they get a scan) my VTR goes up to 100%, even if I post, say, only one of 50 items with full tracking in the relevant period.
I'm not sure what would happen if the items I post tracked failed to get a scan. Would my VTR go down to zero?