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Hi All,

The Amazon Q&A has caused more confusion than clarification from mods Spencer and Ezra. If I understand correctly, all untracked BPL, RM24-48, and stamped large letters (not sure about parcels) will no longer be accepted or validated behind the scenes, regardless of whether purchased via Amazon or Royal Mail's site.

Unless sellers use an expensive signed-for or tracked service, they risk account suspension, or certain category ones. This change could affect many sellers from February 25th.

I'm open to corrections, but it seems like thousands of sellers might lose their selling privileges on Amazon. I'm just trying to avoid wasting money on stock that won't sell, and give fellow sellers "stop and think" moment.

Any insights or advice would be helpful! I hope I'm wrong, fingers crossed.

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Tags:Account Health
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I agree. The thread is now locked, but the replies from the 'partner team' were all cut and paste from the policy pages, and all in all am not sure it was of any benefit at all - just raised even more questions.

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i did think about attending but decided against.

I simply want to know do my Royal Mail 24/48 purchased thru royal mail click and drop count towards VTR or not. i think if i buy thru amazon they are more expensive. some of my items are too low a price/not enough margin to warrant a fully tracked service. I am trying to read the forum comments and I am still not sure. Unfortunately the only way it seems to find out is to to continue as now and hope Amazon give us some sort of warning BEFORE they do something more drastic?

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I dont pretend to have any idea what's going on. What i do know is that if this is an attempt to make us use tracking on every package it will be the end of the line for me.

I am a very small seller of second hand books. The profit margins are already very very low. Yet another increase in overheads will be unsustainable.

Last week I received an unsolicited email from the Royal Mail trying to get me to to used a tracked service. " For as little as 30p more than standard 2nd Class*, you and your recipient can track your parcel, " . An extra 30p off my profits for every book doesn't sound much but it is too much for me.( the words "from 30p make me think the actual cost will be higher)

As I am typing this message it has only just occurred to me -- is there a connection between RM sending unsolicited messages to sellers (I presume lots of others will have received the same message) and all this activity from Amazon?

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@Ezra_Amazoncan Amazon please advise when the unanswered VTR questions from the live event will be dealt with.

We are all sitting on our hands here watching our VTR metrics go down the pan whilst we wait for Amazon to provide clarity on what is an extremely confusing situation with lots of contradictory information being given.

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My reply from Amazon was pretty pointless. Even though I confirm tracking numbers on all orders and those numbers are trackable online I will continue to get defects on my VTR as the courier is not on the approved list.

The answer from Amazon - change your courier.

When it comes to furniture it's really not that easy to just change courier as the vast majority wont touch furniture due to size and weight.

Amazon did say that my courier could contact them about getting onto the approved list but didn't give any information on how they do this or who they contact.

I've since emailed "Amazon heavy and bulky" for advice and got no reply as well as opening a case to try and get some information but that seems to have gone ignored.

Not impressed

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Oh look - there's been a new response from @Ezra_Amazon hidden in the nested replies

Hi Sellers,

The partner team has informed that:

They apologize for the confusion caused earlier. Your feedback and suggestions are noted. They have provided this updated clarification:

Royal Mail 24/48, as well as untracked 1st and 2nd Class Letter stamps and franking purchased through Amazon Buy Shipping will be exempt from VTR calculations (showing as N/A). For proper exemption application, please ensure you're purchasing these shipping methods through Amazon Buy Shipping and selecting the correct shipping method in the system.

They are still working on addressing other questions and will provide answers as soon as possible.

Thank you! Ezra

As we can't respond on the original thread @Ezra_Amazon THIS STILL ISN'T CLEAR.

What on earth is the difference between exempt and proper exemption?

And just make it clear, even just for Royal Mail 24/48 - are they exempt only if purchased via Buy Shipping - or are they exempt no matter where they are purchased?

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Is that a quote and/or an answer generated by AI?

It sounds authoritative but at the same time makes little sense in relation to what Amazon reps are saying..

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In summary, "exempt" indicates freedom from a requirement, while "proper exemption" involves meeting certain criteria to be granted that freedom.
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It was pointless. I'm still none the wiser, but it was repeated several times that RM24/48 are exempt. At one point it was even stated that large letters were exempt, however you purchased the label.

But the absolute best bit was the howler from Spencer where he answered a customer question with something 'Give a generic response, we don't know the answer/don't wish to engage' which was included in a C&P from the shipping team.

Big oops.

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EVERYTHING needs to be tracked to be counted in VTR

Anything not tracked, and scanned upon delivery will not be counted as delivered.

Simple as that.

No exemptions, no work arounds

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What does "Rely on Royal Mail's scan rate." mean?

If they aren't purchased on Buy Shipping does this mean that VTR will still apply?

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Hi All,

I am trying not to replicate other replies, so hopefully my personal uncertainty is real and not imagined.

I am confused / concerned with regard to Large Letter outcomes. It is often mentioned that there is variable delivery confirmation if purchased through RM Click & Drop and if purchased through Amazon Buy Shipping this will not impact VTR.

So, if I use RM Click & Drop

  • it is cheaper than Amazon Buy Shipping
  • and produces tracking information which passes through to Amazon and the customer
  • and is not recognised as a valid tracking number by Amazon
  • and will impact my VTR.

If I use Amazon Buy Shipping

  • it is more expensive than RM Click & Drop
  • and no tracking information is generated
  • and I cannot claim for lost items etc
  • and will not impact my VTR.

Am I missing something?


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I would like to know how my customers are benefiting from these changes as they cannot currently purchase my items as I have put holiday setting on until someone from Amazon can provide a definitive PLAIN ENGLISH answer to the following two perfectly reasonable questions? I have been using my Click & Drop account to print & pay for postage with second class parcels & large letters using BPL without being penalised. Up until now Amazon has validated tracking numbers obtained from my Click & Drop account regardless of any delivery scan, will this still be the case? If I have to switch to Buy Shipping then I would have to increase my prices to cover the extra cost while the level of tracking information available to my customers would remain the same. In what way would that help them?

Many other sellers have asked similar questions without a clear reply. The inability or unwillingness of Amazon staff to provide straight answers to simple questions regarding an issue that affects thousands of sellers & helps nobody is beyond belief, even for here. I can only assume that this latest bright idea has been cooked up by AI bots with a collective IQ of 27 who see no need to explain the system to the human staff members at Amazon.

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Just had this regarding Royal Mail 24/48

Hello @thirtythreeandathird,

We received additional answers from our partner team:

You can continue to purchase Royal Mail 24/48 through click and drop.

  • For tracked services where we receive a scan it is counted towards valid VTR.
  • For untracked services/ services with only a delivery scan confirmation (ie, RM 24/48) the volume is exempted only if purchased through Buy Shipping as this would help us validate you are indeed using an untracked service.

You can directly link your Royal Mail account to Amazon to avail the same rates and services.

Regards, Spencer

So bascially - that says to me you use Royal Mail 24/48 at your own risk given the policy on validation of unscanned items is no longer present.

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Well, it’s official.

Untracked post now has to be via Buy Shipping, or else. Apparently to ‘verify’ our use of untracked service.

Looks like an incoming sledgehammer in our account and frankly I am done. Not much wind left in these sails for Amazon.

(edit) To be clear, we will not be going over to Buy Shipping. I refuse point blank to pay Amazon the same as I pay Royal Mail for a service that we cannot claim from for in the event of a loss, whilst at the same time Amazon will be paying Royal Mail less, and profiting even more from the shipping price difference. We will upgrade all of our low cost items to use RM48 when we are suspended from selling in relevant categories. The result will be that most cases the shipping will cost the customer more than the product itself. So we will get less sales, Amazon will get less fee's and the customer experience and availability of the lower cost items will decline.

So the new VTR policy that enables a customer to be updated regarding tracking information (on a non tracked service...) will be pretty much irrelevant as we will see little to no sales of these low priced items.

On the bright side, as we compete with Amazon for these items on Gogole Ads, we will hopefully see a percentage of them purchase direct from us.

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Hello Sellers,

I'm returning to this thread to address all questions regarding the VTR policy change that weren't covered during the VTR Ask Amazon session.

Based on your feedback, we recognize that further clarification is needed. I would appreciate your cooperation in helping us create a clear FAQ on this topic.

I will tag sellers who have actively commented on the VTR policy change for visibility, but we welcome all sellers to participate in this collaboration.


Thank you for your cooperation,


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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi @Julia_Amazon,

I need clarification on the following:

How can scan rates improve if the same carrier is being used by the merchant?

Specifically, how does Amazon Buy Shipping protect VTR when the scan rate remains poor?

For example, if I ship via OBA and experience low scan rates (e.g., 45%), I fail to meet the threshold. But if I use Amazon Buy Shipping and encounter the same low scan rates with the very same postal workers, why is that protected?

It feels as though Amazon is granting "extra cover" to some merchants while intentionally "penalizing" others. This seems inherently unfair.

Could you clarify how scan rates are expected to suddenly improve from 45% to 95% just by switching to Amazon Buy Shipping, given that the same postal service is used? I'm eager to understand the rationale behind this policy.

Thank you for your time and response!

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

We still need these resolving:

1. After many attempts to get clarification we were advised that partially tracked cross-border shipments would be valid for VTR. However, all shipments are showing as not valid for VTR despite the tracking showing a carrier scan. We now believe it is a data issue within Amazon but nobody can clarify and confirm we are in-fact compliant.

2. We were advised that letter format would be exempt but all letters are showing as failing VTR despite a letter format shipping method being entered. Previous responses have included using the correct drop down when confirming shipment but there is no dropdown for letters and we use API anyway. How will letters be identified?

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

We are all confused?

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Dear @Julia_Amazon, @Spencer_Amazon, @Sarah_Amzn,

Subject: Clarification on VTR Validation and Scan Rates

Dear @Julia_Amazon,

I hope this message finds you well.

I came across a discussion regarding VTR (Valid Tracking Rate) that raised some questions I’d like to clarify. The discussion mentioned the following:

"Every shipment is sent via Royal Mail 48 through Veeqo for Amazon Buy Shipping, which is linked to my Royal Mail account. Every order is validated for VTR, and while some shipments are not scanned by Royal Mail, the VTR remains at 100% as it has already been validated."

This statement suggests that when using Veeqo and Amazon Buy Shipping, the VTR consistently shows as 100%, even though the actual scan rate by Royal Mail is POSSILY significantly lower.

Could you please clarify the following:

If sellers use Veeqo and Buy Shipping, does Amazon validate VTR at 100% regardless of the actual scan rate?

If so, does this discrepancy between the reported VTR and the actual scan rate align with Amazon's policy?

Is this an issue Amazon plans to address, as it could be perceived as undermining the integrity of the VTR system?

It seems important to ensure that the VTR accurately reflects the performance of shipping services to maintain fairness and transparency for all sellers.

Thank you for your time and assistance in addressing these concerns.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi @Julia_Amazon,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek urgent clarification regarding the Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) policy, as it has been over a week since these concerns were raised without resolution. The lack of clarity is causing significant challenges for merchants, many of whom are dealing with the possibility thousands of pounds worth of unsold stock and substantial losses in Amazon sales due to delays in addressing these questions.

To ensure transparency and fairness, I kindly request clarification on the following points:

Grace Period for Transition to Amazon Buy Shipping: Is there a grace period for merchants transitioning from external shipping methods to exclusively using Amazon Buy Shipping?

Impact on VTR Scores During Grace Period: If a grace period exists, will it accommodate lower VTR scan scores (below the 95% requirement) during this transition?

Consequences of No Grace Period: In the absence of a grace period, will all sellers with sub-95% VTR scores lose their selling privileges in certain categories?

Acceptance of Sub-95% Scores via Amazon Buy Shipping: If merchants purchase shipping through Amazon, will Amazon accept sub-95% VTR scores for the same service, effectively overlooking these scores?

Eligibility to Transition to FBA: Can merchants who lose the right to sell in specific categories due to VTR issues later opt to transition to Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) to regain their selling privileges?

Timeline for Account Closures: If no grace period is provided, what is the timeline for account closures or category restrictions for affected merchants?

Merchants are deeply concerned about the implications of these policies, particularly as they impact both their businesses and Amazon's sales. Clear communication and potential adjustments to the policy could alleviate these concerns and foster a more collaborative relationship between Amazon and its sellers.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. I look forward to your prompt response.

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In reply to: Julia_Amzn’s post

Hi @Julia_Amazon,

It’s been over seven days now, and we still haven’t received an update to our concerns. Upon reviewing the numerous discussions regarding VTR (Valid Tracking Rate), it’s clear that the system is failing across multiple carriers, including DX, Yodel, Evri, DPD, and Royal Mail.

From these discussions, a troubling pattern emerges: VTR failings are often attributed to the merchants, yet the root causes frequently lie elsewhere. Issues like carriers not scanning items or software errors—sometimes stemming from Amazon itself—are beyond the merchants' control. Despite this, it’s the merchants who are unfairly penalized, often facing the threat of having their account privileges revoked.

In the near future, if selling restrictions are imposed by Amazon.

It is also unreasonable to ask merchants to draft a Plan of Action (POA) for errors related to software bugs or inaccurate guidance provided by Amazon. This approach puts merchants in a difficult position, punishing them for factors entirely outside their influence.

The VTR system has been experiencing persistent issues for over a year now. I strongly recommend that Amazon implement a temporary "ceasefire" on penalizing merchants until:

We receive complete and transparent answers to these ongoing issues.

The VTR system and its software are proven to work reliably—at least at a 99.9% success rate.

I hope Amazon acknowledges these widespread challenges and takes swift, merchant-supportive action to address them.

Thank you

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It should be a very straightforward YES or NO

- is this very important part of the old VTR policy still applicable ?

You may receive a VTR warning as a result of low scan rate. However, we will validate ‘unscanned’ tracking or parcel IDs with the integrated delivery service provider prior to suspending your offers in the affected category. Your offers will not be suspended if you have provided valid IDs, including for all parcels that have not been scanned by the carrier.

Has it been removed from the new policy in error or has it been removed as its no longer applicable

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I will work on this until we agree it's clear for you and other sellers. Thank you for your response!
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So I take it you are putting a hold on any category suspensions until after you have done this ?

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We will work on the FAQ and post it as soon as possible
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This is yet another potentially useful thread that has been rendered into unintelligible garbage by the godawful nested replies. Please sort it out Amazon!

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