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Customer leaves 1 star negative review for the wrong item & shop against me

A customer left a 1 star negative review on the wrong item against my shop, i dont sell the item they left the feedback on

Short story with Amazon is they wont remove this feedback as it represents the buyers feelings on the item, even though they didn't buy it from me

Are there any options I can try next as this goes publicly against my store and has affected my store KPI ratings?




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Tags:Negative reviews
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Sadly - its not easy to get incorrectly attributed feedback removed (as it would involve bespoke detective work on the behalf of amazon, they simply won't look at it).

All you can do quickly is 1) Request Removal then 2) leave a factual public response explaining that you don't sell that product

You can tag the moderators to see if they will escalate, you'll need to share a Case ID and Order ID here though. Also, you haven't tagged them. You need to type @ then the mods name, BUT you MUST select the name from hte drop down list so it appears in a blue bubble.


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Would someone be able to help?

Order ID 204-8356320-6673954

Case ID 9860047392

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Did you see the thread started by a forum moderator, 2 or 3 days ago, asking about our experience of feedback manager ? . Unfortunately that thread has now disappeared and I cannot even find it using the search function. Several sellers made good suggestions, so hopefully this issue of feedback being left for the wrong item and even items we don't sell will be looked into and put right - eventually !!

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I have had this happen many times and every time Amazon will do nothing. Sadly as @thirtythreeandathird suggests all you can do is leave a public reply.

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All you can do is leave a comment addressing that it wrong feedback for you, no way to get it removed at all and the one chance you get is a bot reviewing it. Another faulty not fit for use system amazon has provided us with.

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You are allowed to also contact the Buyer.

Immediately come to the point and not too long a message, but say they bought xx from you, but the feedback given is for xx - so say easy to make an error, but makes a major difference to you, so can they correct that.

Some buyers read emails, so it is worth a try.

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Hi, had this happen to me no help was forthcoming from anyone had to take the problem on the chin

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The actual problem is the layout of Amazon's order page for customers. There is no clear distinction between each order - to differentiate easily, every other order could be highlighted or blocked out in another colour!

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Hello @Seller_5O7Tev4Kl5JGP,

Apologies for the delayed response.

I will review Order ID 204-8356320-6673954 and Case ID 9860047392.

Talk to you soon!



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Customer leaves 1 star negative review for the wrong item & shop against me

A customer left a 1 star negative review on the wrong item against my shop, i dont sell the item they left the feedback on

Short story with Amazon is they wont remove this feedback as it represents the buyers feelings on the item, even though they didn't buy it from me

Are there any options I can try next as this goes publicly against my store and has affected my store KPI ratings?




34 replies
Tags:Negative reviews
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Customer leaves 1 star negative review for the wrong item & shop against me

by Seller_5O7Tev4Kl5JGP

A customer left a 1 star negative review on the wrong item against my shop, i dont sell the item they left the feedback on

Short story with Amazon is they wont remove this feedback as it represents the buyers feelings on the item, even though they didn't buy it from me

Are there any options I can try next as this goes publicly against my store and has affected my store KPI ratings?




Tags:Negative reviews
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Sadly - its not easy to get incorrectly attributed feedback removed (as it would involve bespoke detective work on the behalf of amazon, they simply won't look at it).

All you can do quickly is 1) Request Removal then 2) leave a factual public response explaining that you don't sell that product

You can tag the moderators to see if they will escalate, you'll need to share a Case ID and Order ID here though. Also, you haven't tagged them. You need to type @ then the mods name, BUT you MUST select the name from hte drop down list so it appears in a blue bubble.


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Would someone be able to help?

Order ID 204-8356320-6673954

Case ID 9860047392

user profile

Did you see the thread started by a forum moderator, 2 or 3 days ago, asking about our experience of feedback manager ? . Unfortunately that thread has now disappeared and I cannot even find it using the search function. Several sellers made good suggestions, so hopefully this issue of feedback being left for the wrong item and even items we don't sell will be looked into and put right - eventually !!

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I have had this happen many times and every time Amazon will do nothing. Sadly as @thirtythreeandathird suggests all you can do is leave a public reply.

user profile

All you can do is leave a comment addressing that it wrong feedback for you, no way to get it removed at all and the one chance you get is a bot reviewing it. Another faulty not fit for use system amazon has provided us with.

user profile

You are allowed to also contact the Buyer.

Immediately come to the point and not too long a message, but say they bought xx from you, but the feedback given is for xx - so say easy to make an error, but makes a major difference to you, so can they correct that.

Some buyers read emails, so it is worth a try.

user profile

Hi, had this happen to me no help was forthcoming from anyone had to take the problem on the chin

user profile

The actual problem is the layout of Amazon's order page for customers. There is no clear distinction between each order - to differentiate easily, every other order could be highlighted or blocked out in another colour!

user profile

Hello @Seller_5O7Tev4Kl5JGP,

Apologies for the delayed response.

I will review Order ID 204-8356320-6673954 and Case ID 9860047392.

Talk to you soon!



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Sadly - its not easy to get incorrectly attributed feedback removed (as it would involve bespoke detective work on the behalf of amazon, they simply won't look at it).

All you can do quickly is 1) Request Removal then 2) leave a factual public response explaining that you don't sell that product

You can tag the moderators to see if they will escalate, you'll need to share a Case ID and Order ID here though. Also, you haven't tagged them. You need to type @ then the mods name, BUT you MUST select the name from hte drop down list so it appears in a blue bubble.


user profile

Sadly - its not easy to get incorrectly attributed feedback removed (as it would involve bespoke detective work on the behalf of amazon, they simply won't look at it).

All you can do quickly is 1) Request Removal then 2) leave a factual public response explaining that you don't sell that product

You can tag the moderators to see if they will escalate, you'll need to share a Case ID and Order ID here though. Also, you haven't tagged them. You need to type @ then the mods name, BUT you MUST select the name from hte drop down list so it appears in a blue bubble.


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Would someone be able to help?

Order ID 204-8356320-6673954

Case ID 9860047392

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Would someone be able to help?

Order ID 204-8356320-6673954

Case ID 9860047392

user profile

Did you see the thread started by a forum moderator, 2 or 3 days ago, asking about our experience of feedback manager ? . Unfortunately that thread has now disappeared and I cannot even find it using the search function. Several sellers made good suggestions, so hopefully this issue of feedback being left for the wrong item and even items we don't sell will be looked into and put right - eventually !!

user profile

Did you see the thread started by a forum moderator, 2 or 3 days ago, asking about our experience of feedback manager ? . Unfortunately that thread has now disappeared and I cannot even find it using the search function. Several sellers made good suggestions, so hopefully this issue of feedback being left for the wrong item and even items we don't sell will be looked into and put right - eventually !!

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I have had this happen many times and every time Amazon will do nothing. Sadly as @thirtythreeandathird suggests all you can do is leave a public reply.

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I have had this happen many times and every time Amazon will do nothing. Sadly as @thirtythreeandathird suggests all you can do is leave a public reply.

user profile

All you can do is leave a comment addressing that it wrong feedback for you, no way to get it removed at all and the one chance you get is a bot reviewing it. Another faulty not fit for use system amazon has provided us with.

user profile

All you can do is leave a comment addressing that it wrong feedback for you, no way to get it removed at all and the one chance you get is a bot reviewing it. Another faulty not fit for use system amazon has provided us with.

user profile

You are allowed to also contact the Buyer.

Immediately come to the point and not too long a message, but say they bought xx from you, but the feedback given is for xx - so say easy to make an error, but makes a major difference to you, so can they correct that.

Some buyers read emails, so it is worth a try.

user profile

You are allowed to also contact the Buyer.

Immediately come to the point and not too long a message, but say they bought xx from you, but the feedback given is for xx - so say easy to make an error, but makes a major difference to you, so can they correct that.

Some buyers read emails, so it is worth a try.

user profile

Hi, had this happen to me no help was forthcoming from anyone had to take the problem on the chin

user profile

Hi, had this happen to me no help was forthcoming from anyone had to take the problem on the chin

user profile

The actual problem is the layout of Amazon's order page for customers. There is no clear distinction between each order - to differentiate easily, every other order could be highlighted or blocked out in another colour!

user profile

The actual problem is the layout of Amazon's order page for customers. There is no clear distinction between each order - to differentiate easily, every other order could be highlighted or blocked out in another colour!

user profile

Hello @Seller_5O7Tev4Kl5JGP,

Apologies for the delayed response.

I will review Order ID 204-8356320-6673954 and Case ID 9860047392.

Talk to you soon!



user profile

Hello @Seller_5O7Tev4Kl5JGP,

Apologies for the delayed response.

I will review Order ID 204-8356320-6673954 and Case ID 9860047392.

Talk to you soon!



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