Read onlyhi there,
my account has been deactivated and it's been quite a whole I've been attempting to withdraw my funds.
I was told I need to verify my identity by booking a video verification which I did but most of the times it kept on being cancelled or I get an email to select the correct buisness entity.
I have selected the correct buisness entity however I have to keep repeating this process and I get no where.
Also says they are unable to verify my bank account informationinforma but everything is correct on the statement everything matches so I don't understand what's the issue.
I can't reach out to account health team as there no option on performance notification also I can't email them either I can only contact seller support but they don't read what I've put and direct me to account health team.
Please help
" I get an email to select the correct buisness entity."
What legal entity have you registered with ? - Business Seller Account, or Individual seller account ?
Hello @Seller_xudvzVpzjwwIe,
Ash here to assist. It has been understood that you need help with your account reactivation.
Did you choose the right legal entity ?
Use the following information to select the correct legal entity:
-- International Sole Proprietor: This legal entity is applicable for any commercial individuals who sell for profit. A sole proprietorship is usually registered with local authorities. There is no legal distinction between the owner and the business.
-- UK Sole Proprietor: This legal entity applies exclusively to UK sellers and is for any commercial individual who sells for profit. A UK sole proprietorship is registered with the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). There is no legal distinction between the owner and the business.
-- State-owned business: This is a business that is either wholly or partially owned and operated by a government.
-- Publicly-listed business: This is a business with shares listed on a stock exchange for public trading.
-- Privately-owned business: These entities, such as limited companies or partnerships, are businesses controlled and operated by private individuals.
-- Charity: This is an incorporated or non-incorporated tax-exempt body.
I hope this helps, If you have any further questions, please comment here. The forums community and I, are here to assist with your concerns.
i have had the same issue, account has been deactivated for more than 90 days and still no communication from amazon even when we reply to the verification email and book a slot to confirm my identify. there is no response back....
we are still waiting to have the funds released so we can close down the account and we wont be selling again on amazon they make it complicated as you can get hold of anyone to talk to