Read onlySo a customer requested to return an item. Amazon automatically approved the return on the 29th of July (almost a month ago) but the customer has not returned the item and has not replied to a couple of reminders we sent him. Can I somehow cancel his return request, without a refund, after a certain number of days, without affecting our metrics?
Thank you!
Amazon only state the 30 day returns window in all their policy pages, but this refers to the time frame to open a return request post delivery.
How long the customer then has to complete the actual return isn’t mentioned.
You can Close a return request from the Manage Returns page (exceptions being those that are Invoice by Amazon Business orders)
But they just drop off your returns eventually. I also wouldn’t bother hounding the customers to return goods. It’s time out of your day, you don’t need to do it (as no return, no refund) and they could complain over the messages.
I would advise against closing it and let it just disappear from your account as time passes instead.
If you close it, the cutomer gets a notification and then they decide to then take it to the post office to return it.
I've had it with several customers from 40+ days returns in the last couple of months so I have stopped closing them.
They have 45 days to return once case is opened.
As it has already been said, don't message the customer! It's not your issue if they don't return it. If they don't, you don't need to refund.
Very few of my return requests result in an item being returned.
After about 48 days the return disappears from your 'open return' list.